Showing posts with label The Coming Ice Age. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Coming Ice Age. Show all posts

S0 News | Ocean Cooling, Models Failing, Solar Watch | Aug. 22, 2024


Diehold Foundation | Introduction, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest Secret of the United States

Source: Diehold Foundation youtube


The videos cover the causes of the Ice Ages at the time of Geomagnetic Reversals. The earth does not flip over on itself. Only the magnetic field reverses. This information has never been taught before because government felt it was too disruptive to society. Those with degrees in geology, astronomy were deliberately never taught this information. You were taught wrong alternate explanations for the phenomena.

The research revealed the Greatest Secret the Country has and the CIAs Involvement. You are going to find out what event caused the government to engineer the concealment.

I am going to give you the Education you were supposed to have gotten when you went to College. I am going to present this information unblemished and treat all of you like mature adults, but I warn you that this information will scare you and change your life. 

I present this information because I want some people to survive the reversal event.

Suspicious0bservers | Cold Climate Bomb is Coming | Feb. 15, 2024


Suspicious0bservers | The Next Ice Age | Glaciation is Coming | Aug. 7, 2023


David Dubyne | Agenda 2030 Vs. Adapt 2030: Mini Ice Age ~ Grand Solar Minimum | Age of Truth TV | Aug. 29, 2021


The fascinating DAVID DuBYNE joins AGE OF TRUTH TV´s Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander for an in-depth, eye-opening, intense and quite controversial interview on everything under the sun, and above...

DAVID DuBYNE is the creator of the ADAPT 2030 Mini Ice Age 2105-2035 video series and Mini Ice Age Conversations Podcast was a former coffee buyer in N.E Myanmar around Pyin Oo Lwin and when coffee farmers told of cold weather damage to plants with top leaf kill, decreased bean density and the need to over plant by 13-14% to balance cold damage and die off in the farms, I went looking for answers.
David was a full CO2 warming believer, so it seemed strange that there was cold damage so near the equator in the country formerly known as Burma. I began to look for answers and it didn’t take long to find evidence that the Sun drives our climate and we are heading into another Grand Solar Minimum with profound effects on global food production. This stark realization that food is the base for society and by 2023 there will be global food shortages, at that point I had two choices, lie to myself and go back to sleep or bring truth forward.

S0 News | Ice Age Tipping Point, Space Weather, Venus | Feb. 25, 2021


S0 News | Colder Ice Age, Fake Clouds, Fantasy Animations | Feb. 24, 2021


S0 News | Solar Eruption Watch, Ice Age, Electric Weather | Feb. 20, 2021


S0 News | Ice Age Trigger Accelerates, Crazy Planets, Crazy Star, Tornado | Jan. 26, 2021


Ben Davidson (Suspicious Observers) | Space Weather News, The Carrington Event & The Coming Ice Age | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Founder of The Mobile Observatory Project, creator of the Suspiciosu0bservers YouTube channel providing daily solar/space weather updates since 2011 with over 113m views. Runs, creator of The Disaster Prediction App.

COSMIC DISASTER | CIA: Classified | Suspicious0bservers | Aug. 14, 2019


Cosmic Disaster, Solar Micronova, Superflare, Magnetic Reversal, Crustal Displacement, Ice Age, Tsunamis, Volcanoes... it's all here, it's all been done before and it's all coming again soon.

Science tells us these magnetic events come on a cycle, we are due up again now, and shocker... the magnetic field is shifting and accelerating. This is not a coincidence.

Ben Davidson | Solar Grand Minimums, Magnetic Reversals and Ice Ages | April 2017


Ben Davidson joins again to continue the conversation on space weather and its influence on the climate. He discusses the regular solar cycles and the impact of the coming Solar Grand Minimum and the emergence of the Polar Vortex. He takes it deeper with a discussion on magnetic reversals and the current state of our magnetosphere and provides some similarities with solar magnetic reversals and the Earth's current magnetic excursion. He also covers the role of galactic cosmic rays and their impact on the climate.

Robert Felix | The Coming of a New Ice Age | Hour 1 | February 3, 2014

Source:,,, Maunder Minimum

February 3, 2014–Robert Felix, a former architect, became interested in the ice-age cycle back in 1991. He spent the next eight and a half years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age. Since then he has been dedicated to speaking about this research. Robert is the author of Not by Fire But By Ice and Magnetic Reversals and Evolutionary Leaps.

In the first hour, we discuss solar cycles and how they coordinate with ice ages and collapses of civilizations. Felix explains why he is convinced that the next ice age has already begun. Now even mainstream scientists are warning that the sun has "gone to sleep." We'll discuss the last Maunder Minimum in the 1600's, which was responsible for the Little Ice Age and lasted for 70 years. We are at a real risk of seeing a return of such conditions. Robert explains what an ice age would entail.

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4 MIN News | NASA Data - Ice Age Discourse, July 14, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Robert Felix | The Coming Ice Age

Source:,, Milankovitch Cycles

February 3, 2011
Could the next ice age begin any day? If so, what is the evidence for it? We talk with author Robert Felix about the coming ice age. Robert Felix, a former architect, became interested in the ice-age cycle back in 1991.

He spent the next eight and a half years, full-time, researching and writing about the coming ice age. Robert's book is called, "Not by Fire but by Ice". Robert Felix argues convincingly that, rather than runaway heating due to humans' burning fossil fuels, the world is much more likely to face rapid onset of the next ice age in the near future. His latest book, "Magnetic Reversal and Evolutionary Leaps" is something we focus on in the second hour for our members.

Both his books connect in an interesting way. Robert suggests that we are in for some big changes. The question is how soon can we expect the ice age to being? Stay with us as we explore the coming ice age, magnetic reversal and evolutionary leaps.

Topics Discussed: ice ages, the Milankovitch Cycle, global warming and extreme cold, Blake magnetic reversal, orbital stretch, Maunder minimum, sun activity, the jet stream, Pierce Corbin, Mt. St. Helens, CO2, food crisis, underwater volcanoes, Yellowstone, super volcano, processional cycle, Arctic Ocean, subtropical Greenland, Climate Research Unit, Don Easterbrook, glaciers growing not melting, Gulf current stopped, precipitation during winter, the medieval warm period, volcanic ash and more. ~Red Ice Creations

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