Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Dr. Jack Rasmus | Neoliberalism: From Expansion to Stagnation


Dr. Jack Rasmus discusses his newest book, "The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy from Reagan to Trump", with an emphasis on the practice of neoliberalism as opposed to the economic ideology which obscures its class basis; neoliberalism as the third major capitalist restructuring of the 20th century as a response to the crisis of capitalism in the 1970s; the four economic policy areas, i.e., fiscal, monetary, industrial and external, that require restructuring as capitalism evolves into a new crisis; the fallacies of neoliberalism; government policy encourages offshoring of US manufacturing; global dollar recycling into US treasuries to support the twin US deficits solution; financialization of the economy; shadow banking; deregulation and privatization; neoliberalism socially destructive.

Press For Truth | Climate “Fortune Tellers” And “Alarmists” EXPOSED! Here’s The PROOF They DON’T Want You To See!!! | Jan. 22, 2020


Climate change “activists” are being exposed by the president and it’s a beautiful thing to witness! Donald Trump has just taken another well deserved swipe at teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg during a recent speech at Davos where he said “This is not a time for pessimism, this is a time for optimism…To embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse…

They are the heirs of yesterday's fortune tellers…They predicted an over-population crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s…These alarmists always demand the same thing - absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives…We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country or eradicate our liberty.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes the failed predictions made by the Canadian government in particular with 6 examples of doom and gloom predictions made in 2001 that have not come to fruition. If they lied and/or were incorrect back then, could Greta and her handlers be lying and/or incorrect today?

Show Notes:
'She's very angry.' Donald Trump takes ANOTHER swipe at Greta Thunberg
The 2001 "Canada Action Plan" Crystal Ball Check
Canada's Air Quality Since 1970: An Environmental Success Story
Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)
Water Survey of Canada
Canada’s National Forestry Database

Dr. Tim Anderson | The End Game In the Middle East | Jan. 15, 2020


The 21st century wars against Middle Eastern countries are bringing them together in what the author terms an ‘axis of resistance’ that includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen; what is most feared by American and Israeli strategists is an Iranian Land Bridge consisting of infrastructural links and integration between Tehran and the Mediterranean, including road, rail, communications, oil and gas pipelines and defense collaboration;

characterization of empires and imperialism; the nature of Iran’s leadership role; Russia’s role within the ‘axis of resistance’ and its relationship with Israel; all terrorist groups have been backed by the US-led coalition; final stages of the failed war on Syria; devastating economic sanctions on the entire region; White Helmets; human organ trafficking; all claims of chemical weapon use by the Syrian government a fabrication; war on Syria was never a civil war; the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani and Iraqi Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and others have resulted in a call to expel US forces from the entire region.

Press for Truth | IRAN PLANE CRASH, Trump Calls For PEACE And The FUTURE of Iran/US Relations - What You NEED To Know! | Jan. 9, 2020


Trump calls for peace…for now. Yesterday the Iranians fired missiles into Iraq targeting US bases in retaliation for the assassination of their top general Qasem Soleimani which resulted in zero casualties causing some to speculate that Iran saved face by “appearing” to fight aggression with aggression but in reality was attempting to de escalate the situation.

Meanwhile a Ukrainian airliner crashed in the region which appears to have been shot down in a possible case of collateral damage, which was not mentioned in Donald Trump’s speech today as he urged the two nations to work towards achieving peace. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media about all the latest developments in the Middle East, where US/Iranian relations may go from here and who exactly is pulling all the strings when it comes to escalating tensions for the purposes of going to war.

The Corbett Report | The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know | Jan. 7, 2020


Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don’t miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020.

Show Notes:
The Last American Vagabond
Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War
Soleimani Was in Baghdad on Mission for Saudi Peace
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani
Russian foreign minister stresses that Soleimani’s killing violates international law
US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran’s Top General
Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs Chant “Death To America”

The Corbett Report | Something Big Has Happened! | Oct. 29, 2019


The Dissembler-in-Chief took to Twitter this past weekend to let the world know that "Something very big has just happened!" We now know that that something was a daring special forces raid that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden! . . . Or is that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? Or maybe Abu Omar al-Baghdadi? No, no, it was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi! Honest! We took DNA evidence before we threw him in the sea! Find out about the unlikely story of Baghdadi's umpteenth death in this timely edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Show Notes & MP3

Michel Chossudovsky | US Foreign Policy In Shambles: NATO and the Middle East | July 17, 2019


Michel Chossudovsky discusses the recent US/Iran clash in the Persian Gulf; Iran’s capability as a military power; the breakup of the Gulf Cooperation Council; the Al-Udeid military base in Qatar the largest US base in the Middle East, and Qatar an ally of Iran; the flop of the proposed Middle East Strategic Alliance, also known as the Arab NATO;

the July 2016 failed coup d’etat against Turkish President Erdogan; the US/Israel/Turkey “triple alliance” now a Turkey/Iran/Russia “triple entente”; Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense shield constitutes its de facto exit from NATO; the geopolitical realignment of the Middle East and its repercussions on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Dr. Michael Hudson | De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire | June 26, 2019


Economist Michael Hudson continues his discussion of Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire with a focus on US monetary imperialism; President Trump’s demand for lower interest rates undercuts America’s requirement for foreign investment to fund its domestic and balance of payments deficit, increases the carry trade and turns IMF and World Bank policies on the US; analysis of US economic domination of the world from its position as the world’s largest creditor post-WWI;

analysis of US economic domination of the world from its position as the world’s largest debtor after the 1971 close of America’s gold window; emergence of the dollar-debt standard; how war has bankrupted the US; the difference between imperialism and super imperialism; US bribes foreign governments; China’s banking system; China and Russia stockpile gold as the world breaks out of dollar domination.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 20, 2019


Angela Merkel has an attack of the shakes during a state visit:
WATCH: Angela Merkel filmed shaking during German national anthem

After this, she states she see's strong evidence of Iran's involvement in the tanker attacks:
Merkel Sees ‘Strong Evidence’ Iran Attacked Gulf Oil Tankers

But the Netherlands and Japan, who own the tankers, aren't buying the narrative:
Japanese Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack

So Mr. Trump now claims to have irrefutable scientific proof that Iran today shot down a U.S. drone, and is promising a response. But there's a catch, he claims someone in the Iranian chain of command made a big blunder.

Meanwhile, India is now deploying elements of the Indian Navy to the Persian Gulf:
India deploys warships to Persian Gulf amid rising tensions between US and Iran (PHOTOS)
Japanese Tanker Owner Says U.S. Is Wrong About Gulf Attack

Why You Should Care About Trump’s War on Whistleblowers | May 21, 2019


By the time President Barack Obama left office, his Justice Department had indicted eight journalistic sources under the Espionage Act, more than all U.S. presidents before him combined. Among these cases was U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling, National Security Agency whistleblower Thomas Drake, and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. In some of these cases, people were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. In others, the government ruined the lives of the targets.

Then Donald Trump took power and immediately began using the playbook refined and sharpened by his predecessor, President Obama. Donald Trump is now surpassing Obama’s eight-year record in just over two years in office.

We are at an extremely dangerous moment in the history of this country. Donald Trump is using the same rhetoric used by Nazi officials in the 1930s and '40s to attack the press. He has said he wants to jail journalists who publish stories he doesn’t like. And he is wielding the Espionage Act like a chainsaw against journalistic sources.

What makes it all so much worse is that it was the constitutional law scholar and Trump predecessor, Barack Obama, who teed Trump up, who laid the groundwork, who blazed the trail for this extremely deranged and dangerous man currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

But look at the way these stories are covered in the broader media. With a few notable exceptions, the lack of solidarity or just basic understanding of how dangerous these cases are is just largely absent. Instead, there are attacks on the news organizations or reporters. For all of the talk of how dangerous Trump is to a free press, why hasn’t the Reality Winner case been covered more extensively? Why is a CNN reporter losing credentials a national scandal and threatening alleged whistleblowers with 50 years in prison is a nonstory?

This is about criminalizing journalism. It is about increasing the secrecy and decreasing the transparency. It is an assault on the very idea of a democratic society. At these moments, silence is complicity.

This is a precedent-setting moment, not just legally, but morally. Because this is not the end. This is the beginning, and they will eventually come for other news organizations. Or they will scare news organizations from doing high stakes national security reporting.

It doesn’t matter what you think of any of these individual whistleblowers. But it does matter that we all recognize that this is an attack on our basic rights to information about what the U.S. government does in our names and with our tax dollars. It matters that people who blow the whistle on crimes and war crimes be defended and not abandoned or portrayed as violent criminals or traitors. All of us must ask ourselves where we stand. History will remember our answers.

The Intercept | The Yankee Plot to Overthrow Nicolás Maduro and Steal Venezuela’s Oil | Feb. 2, 2019


The Trump administration is openly engaging in a blatant effort to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. It’s a campaign aimed at regime change, and it’s being publicly promoted as an opportunity to steal Venezuelan oil for the benefit of U.S. corporations. They’re not even pretending.

But this is not some insane Twitter thought spewed by Trump after guzzling down gallons of Fox and Friends. It’s open imperialism, and it’s not just being embraced by powerful Republicans, but Democrats as well.

This push for regime change in Venezuela did not appear in a vacuum. The CIA has been plotting with so-called rebels in Venezuela from the early days of the Trump administration.

As Donald Trump has cozied up to strongmen and dictators across the world — from Vladimir Putin to Mohammed bin Salman, Rodrigo Duterte, Kim Jong-un, el-Sisi of Egypt — it seems that he’s found one so-called strongman that he can’t tolerate. And that leader happens to have the largest reserves of oil of any country in the world.

Michel Chossudovsky | Is the US Planning to Wage War on Russia and China? | Jan. 9, 2019


The structure of military alliances; the evolving situation in the Middle East; a shift in geopolitical alliances; the global military agenda; review of wars since 2001; nonconventional hybrid warfare to undermine a countrys financial structure; coalition of Turkey, Russia and Iran; Pakistan and India now a part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization; US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, INF Treaty and START; nuclear posture review; the Manhattan Project; Rand Corporation report on war with China; the neoliberal agenda and the militarization of the economy.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 20, 2018


Mr. Trump yesterday signed an order to create the US Space Command, yet the official references explaining its necessity are curiously ambiguous, which fuels today's high octane speculation:

Article: President Trump Issues Order to Create US Space Command

F. William Engdahl | Washington’s Financial Warfare Tactic | Oct. 23, 2018


There are emerging signs in the global financial system which combined with some disturbing political developments and the Neoconservative proclivities of the Trump Administration – may spell trouble for the global markets. Is financial warfare a sustainable tactic for Washington going forward? What are the risks of blowback? Tensions also mount in Western China’s Xinjiang Province and the ethnic Uyghur issue. How will this issue affect the Belt and Road Initiative?

Linda Moulton Howe & Richard Dolan | Ufos and the Government


Richard writes about the disclosure in the Trump administration in his book: UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era. You can check it out by clicking on the link below:
UFOs and Disclosure in the Trump Era (Richard Dolan Lecture Series) (Volume 2)

For as long as people have talked about UFOs, they have wondered about when and how the governments of the world will acknowledge them. Among people following the subject, that’s called Disclosure. In this second volume of the Richard Dolan Lecture Series, Historian Richard Dolan tackles an enormous subject.

After explaining why UFOs are taken seriously in national security circles around the world, he provides his best analysis to date as to how the secrecy on UFOs has taken form, how it has corroded our society, and how it works internationally.

He gives a fresh analysis on the black budget breakaway civilization, on the weaponization of secret technologies, the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon, and how Russia and China fit into the global UFO cover-up. He drives his analysis home with four distinct disclosure scenarios: Fascist Disclosure, Premature Disclosure, Insider Disclosure, and People-Driven Disclosure. Finally, Dolan offers a unique view on how the UFO cover-up and possible disclosure could transpire during the presidency of Donald Trump. One thing is clear: we live in a world that hangs in the balance.

David Icke | Trump, Silicon Valley Censorship, Mass Immigration


Mark Taylor | The Trump Prophecies: and What He Says Is Coming Next | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


In November of 2016, the world witnessed the impossible. Nearly every household in America was tuned in to the election feeds, and every update pointed to a loss for the Republican Party. But when the map of the states flipped red in the final hour, there were a select few who weren't surprised.

They had always known Trump was going to win. He was chosen for such a time as this. The prophecy had said so. This prophet, this reserved man of God, was retired firefighter Mark Taylor. The word given by the Holy Spirit was delivered on April 28, 2011 in the middle of the most debilitating sickness a man could ever experience.

When the prophecy later fell into the hands of New York Times bestsellers Don and Mary Colbert, God used this new team of passionate individuals to lead the nation into a fervent prayer chain that would accomplish one of the most incredible miracles our country has ever seen. But Trump s victory was only the beginning... What is coming next for the most powerful nation on earth today? Mark Taylor has more to say.

F. William Engdahl | Prospects of War with Russia & China | Sept. 17, 2018



New World Next Week | Trump Cabal Threatens Syria With A Chemical False Flag | Sept. 13, 2018


Story #1: Russia Claims Filming of Staged Chemical Attack In Syria Has Begun
Haley Warns Russia, Iran Of “Dire Consequences” Over Syria Military Assault
Mattis Says Assad Has Been Warned Against Chemical Weapons Use In Idlib
UN Report Claims Syrian Gov Have Used Chemical Weapons Three Times In 2018
17 Years After 9/11, US Counts Al Qaeda Among Allies in Syria, Yemen
Trump Renews National Emergency Declared in Response to 9/11 Attacks

Story #2: Motorola Patents Robocop Autonomous Car That Breathalyzes, Mirandizes You, Calls Your Lawyer And Collects Your Bail
Amazon Patented System That Would Put Workers In Cages, On Top Of Robots
“Anatomy Of An AI System: The Amazon Echo As Anatomical Map Of Human Labor, Data And Planetary Resources”
OxyContin Maker Gets Patent for Drug to Treat Opioid Addiction

Story #3: Top Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Financial Ties in Major Research Journals
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Stand Up To Cancer Causes
9/11: War Games
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Dark Journalist | X Series IV | Tesla, Trump & The Time Capsule! | July 30, 2018


Dark Journalist goes deep in this Breakthrough Episode into the X message through the history of Exotic UFO Technology and the startling connection between Inventor Nikola Tesla, President Donald Trump and President Nixon's Time Capsule preserved in the White House.
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