Showing posts with label Ufo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ufo. Show all posts

Dr. Michael Masters | Evolution Expert: Aliens are Future Humans & UFOs are Time Machines | Sept. 16, 2024

Source: Danny Jones youtube


Dr. Michael Masters is a professor of biological anthropology specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology & biomedicine. His most recent research examines the premise that UFOs and ‘Aliens’ could be our future-human descendants, returning to visit and study their own evolutionary past.


00:00 - Biological Anthropology
05:46 - Evidence aliens are future humans
18:17 - How humans will evolve into aliens
27:12 - Evolution of the human skull
40:29 - Aliens' fascination with human reproduction
49:30 - Abduction data points
01:01:24 - US Government
01:08:00 - Jesus Christ
01:22:49 - Block universe theory
01:29:10 - Interstellar travel
01:33:28 - Science behind UFO time travel
01:47:33 - Warped time
01:54:45 - Aliens vs. religious beings
01:57:57 - Has humanity ever been 'reset'?
02:00:55 - Advanced ancient species
02:07:30 - Bases on the moon
02:15:17 - Nuclear war
02:22:05 - Precognitive dreams
02:45:05 - Downloading knowledge
02:54:31 - Backwards vs. forward time travel
03:04:24 - Cryptoterrestrials

Documents of the Top Secret Soviet UFO Research Program SETKA: Year 1967

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

...began a series of publications based on the materials of their Archive, which contains reports on observations of non-trivial aerospace phenomena (UFOs), as well as other anomalous phenomena. They have a number of the SETKA documents. To find out about SETKA... -Paul Stonehill

Carl Crusher | NEVER Whistle at a Skinwalker - Lightning Springs Ranch ep 9 | Sept. 1, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Carl Andreasen, also known as Carl Crusher, is delving into the rich and mysterious history of Lightning Springs Ranch, a site known for its ancient indigenous petroglyphs and unusual activity. Lightning Springs Ranch is connected physically to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, Lightning Springs Ranch has become a key area of interest for those fascinated by the paranormal do to the new discovery of ancient petroglyphs and cattle mutilations found. The ranch is not only a place where cattle roam freely but also where many have reported sightings of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch itself has a deep history of strange occurrences, which has drawn the attention of a dedicated research team featured on the History Channel's show. The team, led by owner Brandon Fugal, includes not just Dr. Travis Taylor, an astrophysicist, but also experts like chief investigator Erik Bard, security expert Bryant Arnold, and ranch superintendent Thomas Winterton. Each member brings a unique skill set to the table, helping to uncover and document the ranch's unexplained phenomena. 

The team's investigations have included monitoring unusual electromagnetic fields, studying mysterious animal deaths, and using state-of-the-art technology to capture potential UFO activity. They've also encountered strange energy anomalies and unexplained physical effects on both people and equipment. This multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to uncover the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, often collaborating with specialists from various fields to broaden their understanding of the phenomena. 

At Lightning Springs Ranch, Carl Crusher continues the ongoing efforts connected to the History Channel team, behind the scenes, and together are exploring the possibility that these strange events extend beyond the confines of Skinwalker Ranch. They are particularly interested in discovering whether the area's history of indigenous art and cultural significance might hold clues to the ongoing mysteries. The team is using a combination of traditional investigation techniques and cutting-edge technology, including ground-penetrating radar and aerial drones, to search for evidence of UFOs, time anomalies, and other paranormal activities.

By shining a light on both historical and modern aspects of these sites, Carl Crusher and the team aim to provide a comprehensive view of the mysteries surrounding Lightning Springs Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch. Their work is not just about solving a puzzle but also about bringing these fascinating stories to a wider audience, engaging the public's growing interest in the paranormal and the unknown.

Bob McGwier | Former Intel Official REVEALS Submarine USO Experience | Aug. 27, 2024

Source: vetted youtube

Patrick is joined by Bob McGwier, who held a Top Secret Security Clearance with the US Government for over 40 years amongst a myriad of other accomplishments, to discuss his two personal USO experiences.

Carl Crusher | Night Watch at Skinwalker Canyon Lightning Springs Ranch | Aug. 28, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Carl Andreasen, also known as Carl Crusher, is delving into the rich and mysterious history of Lightning Springs Ranch, a site known for its ancient indigenous petroglyphs and unusual activity. Lightning Springs Ranch is connected physically to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, Lightning Springs Ranch has become a key area of interest for those fascinated by the paranormal do to the new discovery of ancient petroglyphs and cattle mutilations found. The ranch is not only a place where cattle roam freely but also where many have reported sightings of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch itself has a deep history of strange occurrences, which has drawn the attention of a dedicated research team featured on the History Channel's show. The team, led by owner Brandon Fugal, includes not just Dr. Travis Taylor, an astrophysicist, but also experts like chief investigator Erik Bard, security expert Bryant Arnold, and ranch superintendent Thomas Winterton. Each member brings a unique skill set to the table, helping to uncover and document the ranch's unexplained phenomena.

The team's investigations have included monitoring unusual electromagnetic fields, studying mysterious animal deaths, and using state-of-the-art technology to capture potential UFO activity. They've also encountered strange energy anomalies and unexplained physical effects on both people and equipment. This multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to uncover the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, often collaborating with specialists from various fields to broaden their understanding of the phenomena.

At Lightning Springs Ranch, Carl Crusher continues the ongoing efforts connected to the History Channel team, behind the scenes, and together are exploring the possibility that these strange events extend beyond the confines of Skinwalker Ranch. They are particularly interested in discovering whether the area's history of indigenous art and cultural significance might hold clues to the ongoing mysteries. The team is using a combination of traditional investigation techniques and cutting-edge technology, including ground-penetrating radar and aerial drones, to search for evidence of UFOs, time anomalies, and other paranormal activities.

By shining a light on both historical and modern aspects of these sites, Carl Crusher and the team aim to provide a comprehensive view of the mysteries surrounding Lightning Springs Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch. Their work is not just about solving a puzzle but also about bringing these fascinating stories to a wider audience, engaging the public's growing interest in the paranormal and the unknown.

Carl Crusher | Strange Discoveries in Skinwalker Canyon - Lightning Springs Ranch ep 7 | Aug. 25, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube


While exploring the canyons of Lightning Springs Ranch connected to Skinwalker, I discover something completely out of place. What I first thought was modern graffiti of the name BILL could be the viking rune symbols for Berkana Isa Isa Isa BIII. It is a slim chance that ancient vikings actually traveled to this region of Utah, and it is not accepted in official history. It could just be a buffalo soldier named Bill who carved their name there, or a Mormon pioneer. But that it gets much stranger than that.

This discovery was made at the same time as a resurgence in the Hessdalen Lights Project in Norway. Project Hessdalen was an original research site for the top secret Project Blue Book program lead by J Allen Hynek. It was researched for decades due to bizarre UFO sightings, and interactive lights that manifest out of the ground in front of multiple witnesses. 

As I was planning my trip to go to Norway, I was simultaneously talking to Chris Bartel about the strange connections with Hessdalen light phenomenon, and the synchronicities in our lives as discussed by the philosopher Carl Jung. Carl Jung believed that synchronicities in life were stitched together through non-local consciousness and not only by mechanisms of cause and effects in physics. It was the meaningfulness of the connections is beyond just the statistics of averages and probabilities and is held together by Simultaneously the following all occurred:

1) I was messaging Dr Jim Segala and debating whether or not I should go to Norway in two weeks

2) Chris Bartel messages me and we are discussing me going to Norway and Chris going to Skinwalker Ranch at the same times over the same days. We talk about the incredible synchronicities in our lives as if there is a future event we are all tied to in some way, or a quantum entangled phenomenon we are experiencing

3) I have been editing my video Episode 7 at Lightning Springs Ranch in my office at my new house and am at the moment where I find carvings BIII and think it is just the name Bill

4) Chris Bartel refers to Norway as the "Mother Land" and I have a mental flashback of my experience in the Magic Mesa Canyon with a figure that appeared to me like a being with robes and deer antlers on his head as a Medicine Man or Shaman figure. I also have a flashback image in my mind of my last trip to Norway standing on the edge of a fjord at the foot of a statue of my ancestor.

5) I go back in my office and continue editing and suddenly feel a wave of static electricity go through my body and hear ringing in my ears like there is an atmospheric pressure change

6) I look at the carvings in the video and suddenly get the idea to search for Roman Numerals that match BIII and find nothing. I look for Masonic or Templar symbols and find nothing. Then suddenly, like catching a punch line a joke, I realize it is Berkana Isa Isa Isa and I already know what those runes mean if they are runes. The static static electricity feeling flows up through my body again

7) I decide to open up the MUPAS portal and see if I am imagining this or if something is happening. The MUPAS device is actively capturing a spike in Gamma, EMF, and also lost it's GPS coordinates during the same timeline everything that happened from the phone call up to that moment. It is not imaginary, the data is logged.

8) I decide to capture the entire moment and screen record what happened and then edit it all back into the video itself to try and present an example of how this phenomenon can interact in strange synchronistic ways.

I do not know if those are viking runes or if it happened to be a string of coincidences lining up. It could just be the name Bill and nothing more. But from the perspective of relativity and meaning it all lined up, and was captured as data on the MUPAS.

Paul Stonehill | Dark legends of the Arctic | Aug. 22, 2024

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

In the cold and foggy North, among ice floes, and blizzards...uncanny and creepy legends and tales that people retold during long nights...tales of strange creatures and flying craft...

Dark Journalist & Joseph Farrell | Berkner Nuclear UFO File Secret Revealed! | Aug. 16, 2024



This breakthrough episode will reveal how Ripple connects to Dark Journalist's research into the mysterious figure of Dr. Lloyd Berkner, who was deep in the the Antarctica and UFO story. DJ also shows the importance of Dr. Berkner to the undelivered speech that JFK was planning to give at the Trade Mart with him in Dallas before he was assassinated that was going to be about Space Technology and the UFO File!

DJ & Dr. Farrell explores the possibility that the Ripple program which remains classified 60 years later, may be a major key to breakthrough energy and calls into question the entire Cold War standoff over nuclear superiority since it was developed to allow Zero Nuclear Fallout.

Farrell speculates that Dark Journalist's emphasis on Dr. Lloyd Berkner's presence at JFK's Final Speech and the anticipated ceremony of the White House Flag being handed to him was to announce the breakthrough nuclear technology and its connection to Space operations. DJ also suggests that it was going to lead directly to the UFO File revelation and joint Space Program with the Russians which was total anathema to the Deep State Paperclip element that had penetrated NASA with Exotic Technology!

Carl Crusher | Ancient Giants of Skinwalker Canyon: The Six Fingered Beings of Lightning Springs Ranch - ep 5 | Aug. 17, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube


Carl Andreasen, also known as Carl Crusher, is delving into the rich and mysterious history of Lightning Springs Ranch, a site known for its ancient indigenous petroglyphs and unusual activity. Lightning Springs Ranch is connected physically to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, Lightning Springs Ranch has become a key area of interest for those fascinated by the paranormal do to the new discovery of ancient petroglyphs and cattle mutilations found. The ranch is not only a place where cattle roam freely but also where many have reported sightings of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch itself has a deep history of strange occurrences, which has drawn the attention of a dedicated research team featured on the History Channel's show. The team, led by owner Brandon Fugal, includes not just Dr. Travis Taylor, an astrophysicist, but also experts like chief investigator Erik Bard, security expert Bryant Arnold, and ranch superintendent Thomas Winterton. Each member brings a unique skill set to the table, helping to uncover and document the ranch's unexplained phenomena.

The team's investigations have included monitoring unusual electromagnetic fields, studying mysterious animal deaths, and using state-of-the-art technology to capture potential UFO activity. They've also encountered strange energy anomalies and unexplained physical effects on both people and equipment. This multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to uncover the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, often collaborating with specialists from various fields to broaden their understanding of the phenomena.

At Lightning Springs Ranch, Carl Crusher continues the ongoing efforts connected to the History Channel team, behind the scenes, and together are exploring the possibility that these strange events extend beyond the confines of Skinwalker Ranch. They are particularly interested in discovering whether the area's history of indigenous art and cultural significance might hold clues to the ongoing mysteries. The team is using a combination of traditional investigation techniques and cutting-edge technology, including ground-penetrating radar and aerial drones, to search for evidence of UFOs, time anomalies, and other paranormal activities.

By shining a light on both historical and modern aspects of these sites, Carl Crusher and the team aim to provide a comprehensive view of the mysteries surrounding Lightning Springs Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch. Their work is not just about solving a puzzle but also about bringing these fascinating stories to a wider audience, engaging the public's growing interest in the paranormal and the unknown.

Paul Stonehill | Atlantis: Occult, Espionage, Underground Research, Expeditions | Aug. 18, 2024

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

..The impetus for the revival of interest in Atlantis in the USSR was ...where the totalitarian regime manifests itself in its ugliest engineer at one of the institutes of the Soviet Union. During the Cold War......the latter was a widely educated person and had extensive connections abroad. She writes to her correspondent .... ...Public interest was fueled by increasingly new scientific data obtained by Soviet research vessels in the Atlantic Ocean...

Ashton Forbes | The Mysteries of MH370 Disapperance and Overunity Technology | Veritas Radio | Part 1

Source:, Ashton Forbes on X


Prepare for a groundbreaking episode as we explore the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 with Ashton Forbes, who presents compelling evidence and theories that challenge the official narrative. Forbes takes us through detailed analyses of satellite and drone videos, suggesting the presence of advanced and covert technologies capable of manipulating the aircraft's trajectory.

Forbes proposes a scenario in which the plane didn't crash but was intercepted by sophisticated technology that altered its path, possibly linked to secretive military operations at Diego Garcia. He delves into the discrepancies in debris locations, highlighting how pieces found in Africa defy ocean current patterns and official crash site theories, pointing towards a military involvement and planned manipulation.

he interview takes a deeper dive into speculative technologies involving gravitational manipulation and space-time warping. Forbes suggests that these technologies allowed for the aircraft's disappearance through methods resembling wormholes or teleportation, visible in the footage he analyzes.

This episode isn't just about a missing airplane; it's a thrilling exploration of hidden technologies and government secrecy. Forbes challenges the boundaries of what we consider possible, suggesting the existence of a technology that could revolutionize our understanding of physics and world power structures.

Ashton also touches on the potential of these technologies to shift world energy paradigms, hinting at a future where free energy could become a reality, transforming our world from a Type 0 to a Type 1 civilization almost overnight.

Join us on this captivating journey into the shadowy realms of aerospace technology, military secrecy, and the untold stories behind one of the greatest modern mysteries. This isn't just another conspiracy theory; it's a detailed, evidence-backed narrative that could redefine our future.


Ashton Forbes is the founder and lead investigator of MH370x, a volunteer group dedicated to solving the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. His interest in this field began around 2017 when the US government released footage of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) captured by the Department of Defense and the Navy. This sparked his curiosity and led him to delve into various related videos and cases.

MH370x is a community-led, crowdsourced investigation that aims to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of MH370. Ashton Forbes and his team focus on analyzing evidence, including leaked videos that some claim show advanced or possibly alien technology being used to make the plane disappear. Forbes asserts that these videos are authentic and significant, potentially indicating a major technological breakthrough.

In addition to his work on MH370, Ashton is a vocal advocate for Overunity, commonly known as 'Free Energy.' He has signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with an entity that has developed a functioning Overunity device, which has already seen commercial success with over 30 units sold. Ashton aims to bring this technology to a wider market to initiate a new era in renewable energy.

Forbes has been active in various media, including podcasts and radio shows, where he discusses his investigations and the broader implications of the technologies he explores. His mission is to achieve 'true disclosure' regarding both MH370 and the potential of advanced energy technologies.

VETTED Live | Top Gun Pilot CHASED By "Tic-Tac" UFO | Aug. 11, 2024


Carl Crusher | Multiple UFOs and Paranormal Phenomena Captured On Camera at Skinwalker Ranch Lightning Springs | ep 1 | July 28, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Carl Andreasen, also known as Carl Crusher, is delving into the rich and mysterious history of Lightning Springs Ranch, a site known for its ancient indigenous petroglyphs and unusual activity. Lightning Springs Ranch is connected physically to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch, Lightning Springs Ranch has become a key area of interest for those fascinated by the paranormal do to the new discovery of ancient petroglyphs and cattle mutilations found. The ranch is not only a place where cattle roam freely but also where many have reported sightings of UFOs and other unexplained phenomena.

Skinwalker Ranch itself has a deep history of strange occurrences, which has drawn the attention of a dedicated research team featured on the History Channel's show. The team, led by owner Brandon Fugal, includes not just Dr. Travis Taylor, an astrophysicist, but also experts like chief investigator Erik Bard, security expert Bryant Arnold, and ranch superintendent Thomas Winterton. Each member brings a unique skill set to the table, helping to uncover and document the ranch's unexplained phenomena.

The team's investigations have included monitoring unusual electromagnetic fields, studying mysterious animal deaths, and using state-of-the-art technology to capture potential UFO activity. They've also encountered strange energy anomalies and unexplained physical effects on both people and equipment. This multidisciplinary team has been working tirelessly to uncover the secrets of Skinwalker Ranch, often collaborating with specialists from various fields to broaden their understanding of the phenomena.

At Lightning Springs Ranch, Carl Crusher continues the ongoing efforts connected to the History Channel team, behind the scenes, and together are exploring the possibility that these strange events extend beyond the confines of Skinwalker Ranch. They are particularly interested in discovering whether the area's history of indigenous art and cultural significance might hold clues to the ongoing mysteries. The team is using a combination of traditional investigation techniques and cutting-edge technology, including ground-penetrating radar and aerial drones, to search for evidence of UFOs, time anomalies, and other paranormal activities.

By shining a light on both historical and modern aspects of these sites, Carl Crusher and the team aim to provide a comprehensive view of the mysteries surrounding Lightning Springs Ranch and Skinwalker Ranch. Their work is not just about solving a puzzle but also about bringing these fascinating stories to a wider audience, engaging the public's growing interest in the paranormal and the unknown.

Ross Coulthart and Dr. Masters ask: Are aliens future humans? | Reality Check | July 24, 2024

Source: News Nation youtube

On this episode of "Reality Check," Ross Coulthart sits down with author, scientist and professor of biological anthropology Dr. Michael P. Masters. Masters' research focuses on the idea UFOs and aliens could be future humans. Ross and Masters discuss our common ancestry with extraterrestrial beings and Masters' personal experience with the paranormal.

Eve Lorgen | Dark Side of Non-Human Entities, Recycled Souls, Alien Identities & Archetypal Programs | July 22, 2024

Source: Beyond the Forbidden TV,

Dr. Gary Nolan | Potential Dangers of Non-Human Intelligence & More | July 22, 2024

Source: UAP Studies Podcast youtube


Dr. Garry Nolan⁠, a renowned Stanford University School of Medicine professor, joins the ⁠UAP STUDIES Podcast⁠ for an in-depth and unique episode!

Hosts Michael, Katie, and Jason explore uncharted territories in the study/understanding of NHI research. This episode delves into critical questions that have not previously been addressed.

Dr. Nolan is renowned for his expertise in microbiology, immunology, and bio-computation, as his analysis of UFO artifacts and encounters, showcases Dr. Nolan's intellect, insight, and philosophy in this relatively new field of civilian research.

- The potential dangers of Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) technology if acquired in large quantities
- Building Strategies for the scientific community to establish a robust framework for investigating UAP?
- Possible biological threats to us from NHI, including viral risks?

UFOs and Skinwalker Portals Caputured at Magic Mesa - Hunt for the Skinwalker Portal pt 3 | July 14, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Along the Anasazi Trail is a canyon full of paranormal magic and mysteries. Ancient petroglyphs align with the solstice and cosmic cycles to tell the story of a Shaman Guardian who traveled through time.

I am on the hunt to piece together the puzzle of the ancient symbols in one of the most haunted canyons in Utah. Magic Mesa was the original location chosen as the Second Skinwalker Ranch until it had to be canceled due to a mysterious death in the valley.

Legends of the Bird Shaman, the Bear Clan, and ancient time travel rituals called the Ghost Dance all originated here. Mysterious glowing lights appear on the side of the Mesa, and shadow figures are seen in the valley. Ancient artifacts are everywhere, and warnings of the Skinwalker's Curse have haunted several of my colleagues. It's time to go back and search for answers.

Dr. Steven Greer | "They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | June 24, 2024

Source: PBP Podcast,,

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!

Retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet on Grusch, UAP claims: Full Interview | Reality Check | June 19, 2024

Source: News Nation youtube

While Ross Coulthart is on assignment in America, we are sharing new moments from his November interview with retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, including unseen portions originally cut for time.

Gallaudet, who led the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under former President Donald Trump, tells NewsNation he believes whistleblower David Grusch’s claims of a secret UFO retrieval program run by the Pentagon.

Skinwalker's Evil Twin | Behind the Scenes Beyond Skinwalker Ranch | ep 9 | June 18, 2024

Source: Carl Crusher youtube

Carl Andreasen aka Carl Crusher takes you behind the scenes on location of the filming of Season 2 Beyond Skinwalker Ranch to uncover the mystery of Skinwalker's Evil Twin, and the Cursed Nevada Portal near Area 51 where locals experience UFO sightings, alien encounters, Skinwalker sightings, and poltergeist activity.

Something is lurking underground, and evidence of abandoned tunnel systems could lead to a giant UFO hiding beneath the meadow. Government funded teams from Skinwalker Ranch back to Howard Hughes and beyond have been digging for something hiding at this haunted wild west location.

Now Carl Crusher and the team are getting to the bottom of it. Ex-CIA agent Andy Bustamante and Investigative Journalist Paul Beban investigate a flurry of new and disturbing activity as they continue their forward-recon mission to research areas of high strangeness beyond the borders of Skinwalker Ranch. While deploying the Skinwalker team’s roster of experts along with some of their own, the shocking results they obtain are changing the game at Skinwalker Ranch and beyond.

It’s no longer a question of whether there are unexplained phenomena outside the borders of Skinwalker Ranch, it’s a question of how many hotspots the team can find. Is the curse of the Skinwalker Real and can Carl and the team capture real evidence of UFOs, glitches in time, and paranormal activity.
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