Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican. Show all posts

Jordan Maxwell | The Hidden Symbols of Control: What You Don’t Know | Aug. 31, 2024

Source: UAMN TV youtube

Unveil the hidden systems of control shaping our world, from ancient symbols and Vatican secrets to the occult power of Saturn’s Black Cube. Discover how these dark forces influence everything, from finance to architecture, in ways you never imagined. The truth is shocking and essential to uncover.

00:00:00 - World is Not What You Think
00:12:07 - The Vatican’s Cursed Artifacts, Lost Gospels, and Paranormal Mysteries Hidden from the Public
00:21:44 - The Black CUBE Matrix – Saturn’s Occult Secret used by the ELITE

Linda Moulton Howe | Did Eisenhower Have Secret Edwards AFB Meeting with E.T.s on February 19, 1954? | June 29, 2022



Topics: Did President Eisenhower Have Secret Edwards AFB Meeting with E.T.s on February 19, 1954?

More details from Linda’s aerospace source
- Eisenhower Blues album
- “Nordics are more concerned with keeping the peace”
- “Nordics and the tall pale whites working together”
- “..monitor this region of space”
- “watching over”
- “”

Rumors of Eisenhower meeting ET’s at Edwards AFB
- interview with Paul Blake Smith, author of numerous books
- MO41 The Bombshell Before Roswell
- President Eisenhower’s Close Encounters
- JFK and the Willard Hotel Plot
- Books available on

Cristoforo Barbato, author of “Vatican and UFOs: Secretum Omega”
- Jesuit priest an internal source by Paul Blake Smith
- Cardinal James Francis McIntyre along with Eisenhower met ETs at Edwards AFB on February 19, 1954

- Second landing at Edwards AFB in April, 1956
- aliens spoke English
- trying to warn against nuclear testing
- “SIV ‘Vatican secret service’”
- did the Pope meet with ETs inside Vatican?
- Is the Vatican thinking of announcing the presence of ETs?

Jay Dyer & Richard Grove | Great Reset, Inclusive Capitalism, The Vatican & Klaus Schwab | Dec. 16, 2020


Richard Grove of Tragedy and Hope and the Grand Theft World Podcast joins me to cover the recent shocking admissions on the part of the Davos elite and the World Economic Forum concerning the Great Reset, communism, dialectics, the banking power and the Vatican's acceptance of these plans, so called "inclusive capitalism," austerity, Klaus Schwab's history and more! -Jay Dyer

William Dean Garner | Romanic Depression: How the Jesuits Designed, Built and Destroyed America | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source:,,, Amazon

William Dean Garner reveals how the nearly 500-year-old Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, have designed, built and destroyed the United States of America. Using examples from all sectors of society, he also details the mechanisms used by the Jesuits to cleverly hide their efforts in plain sight, while distracting Americans with endless forms of entertainment.

The first book of the series includes chapters on Government; Politics; Religion; News and Media; Morals and Values; Guns, Drugs and Sex; Military; Healthcare and Medicine; Education; and Criminal Justice. The book also contains 25 pages of excellent references for those who wish to investigate further. For further information on the Jesuits, please read Who Really Owns Your Gold, Third Ed. (2016) by William Garner. For information on the origins of the fictitious Roman Catholic religion, please read Arcanum: A critical analysis of the original 36 sermons of Jmmanuel, the man known to the world as Jesus Christ.

William Garner was a scientist for 15 years (Marine Biology and Neurobiology), US Army Airborne Ranger, overseas security specialist, commercial photographer, military aviation photographer, and New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books.

Sister Keri Burnor | Clergy Victim: From Targeted to Free from the Vatican and the C.I.A. | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Tonight's story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind's environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.

Sister Keri Burnor spent many years as a nun serving peacefully within the Catholic Church; that is, until she was sexually assaulted by Church Clergy. After that experience, her search for justice and truth put her face to face with some of the highest powers in the world today, but not necessarily in a good way. Her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Roman Church, and the evils that are hidden and covered up therein on a regular basis, have become the very thing that has caused Burnor's life to be in jeopardy.

Between 2011 and December 2016, she survived more than 10 attempts on her life because of the knowledge she carries with her: knowledge of the Catholic Church's rampant sexual abuse that continues unabated today, knowledge of the U.S. Government's desire to control the population by introducing destructive nanotechnology into the food distribution system and other products, and knowledge about certain activities within the US Government that are so highly secretive and classified that even Congress isn't aware or in control of them.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 9, 2018


Chilean police have raided a Vatican seminar on clerical abuse and removed a lap top, and this has Joseph speculating on what has been happening in the Roman Catholic church, and who might be behind it...

Article: Police Seize Vatican Laptops In Largest Ever Pedophile Ring Bust

Robert W. Sullivan IV | Who Are the Jesuits? The Vatican’s Secret Agents or Military Order? | Sept. 18, 2015


Topic: The murky roll of the “Society of Jesus,” aka, the Jesuits. Many claim that the Jesuits is the military/religious wing of the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuits have been connected with the Knights Templar, Dr. John Dee, Scottish Rites Masons, the Illuminati, the French Revolution, and World War II.

The “official” work is in the areas of founding schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries, as well as intellectual research, and cultural pursuits. Jesuits also minister in hospitals and parishes, give retreats, and promote ecumenical dialog, and social justice. Are there still Jesuits skulking around behind the scenes of world power? We’ll never know until long after the fact.

Peter Levenda | Nazis and Modern Terrorism, Lee Harvey Oswald | Fright Night Show with Brent Holland


The People's Voice | Rev. Kevin Annett discusses Vatican Crimes & Child Rape


November 2013: Jeanice Barcelo interviews Rev. Kevin Annett about the Roman Catholic Church, Vatican crimes, crimes against humanity, child rape, child torture, child trafficking, genocide of indigenous peoples, and satanism.

Civil-War in America | Mark Snider with James Horak Part 3, March 10, 2013

Source: Ohio Exopolitics,

This again was a great show with host Mark Snider and included (but was not limited to) the following topics:

• Vatican Sex Crimes and Satanism
• Parsons, JPL and NASA
• America is likely to going hungry
• Bohemian Grove, hunting the Maiden
• Chemtrails, athmospheric microbes and the white light of the Sun
• UFO contact from the Pleijades and the Pyramids
• Connection to former lineages

Danny Wilten | Orion In The Vatican, January 29, 2013


January 29, 2013–Danny Wilten, an analyst, alchemist, symbolist, & hermeticist joins us to discuss his Ebook, Orion In The Vatican. There is a mystery associated with the Orion Constellation found in indigenous cultures all over the world that dates back to ancient Egypt.

Danny discusses man's connection to the Orion Nebula and its association to the human body and consciousness. He talks about the mystery of how the Orion Nebula has been subconsciously depicted by some of the greatest masters in religious art including Michelangelo, El Greco, Bernini, and others, yet the intimate knowledge of the Orion Nebula found mysteriously in these paintings precedes the discovery of the telescope and still would require technology that rivals some of our most powerful telescopes today. We’ll point out what art pieces reveal important clues. ~Red Ice Creations
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Jordan Maxwell | Vatican Secrets Revealed July 25, 2010



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