Showing posts with label WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”. Show all posts

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 5, 2024


Republican governors to World Health organization: We will not comply with pandemic treaty:


New World Next Week | Dubai Doused by "Rain Bomb" | Apr. 25, 2024


PDF: Proposed Bureau’s text for 8th Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations – April 22-26, 2024
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The ‘New World Next Week’ Store

International Wake-Up Call: WHO plans insidious coup in 194 countries!


Leaked WHO documents bring to light the biggest coup of all time: in black and white, this documentation reveals secret WHO treaty texts! The WHO is mutilating the sovereignty of the member states and is empowering itself!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Available in 36 Languages. Copy, Mirror, Repost, Share Everywhere, 

Make Viral! Website:

Redacted News | The WHO Pandemic Treaty will change EVERYTHING, good thing it's in deep SH*T | Jan. 25, 2024

Source: Redacted News youtube

The World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty may be falling apart at the seems. Dr. Tedros says that he is worried about lack of progress, which he blames on “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories”. 

Or could it be because the pandemic treaty is a horrific power grab by an organization that failed miserably during the Covid-19 pandemic and failed to protect basic human rights during the Ebola pandemic in Congo? We've been over this at length and we're going to do it again until this thing goes away!

James Corbett | New World Dis-Order on CHD TV | Nov. 21, 2023


James Corbett and Dr. Meryl Nass return to “Good Morning CHD” to chronicle the latest Oct. 30 draft of the WHO Pandemic Treaty — now pegged the pandemic ‘agreement’.

As the clock counts down until the May 2024 World Health Assembly, the time has come for free and sovereign individuals of the world to reclaim their sovereignty, and fast.

James and Meryl elucidate what a “complete reimagination” of the world’s power structure looks like, walking us through the game plan of the opponent’s multi-angled attack to bring about their “New World Dis-Order,” and provide us with inspirational solutions to fight back. Learn their strategies and get a grasp of the bigger picture in this episode of “Good Morning CHD.”

Show Notes: 

James Corbett Testifies at the National Citizens Inquiry | June 12, 2023



On May 18, 2023, James Corbett testified to the National Citizens Inquiry in Ottawa on the subject of the WHO's looming global pandemic treaty, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the One Health approach that is being used to justify an even greater centralization of power in the hands of unaccountable institutions in the name of "global health."

The presentation also includes information on the prospect of Canada or other member states withdrawing from the WHO, information on the technocratic roots of the One Health agenda, how states of exception are used to undermine constitutional rights, and much, much more.

The Corbett Report | The Global Pandemic Treaty Is A Threat To Us All | April 28, 2023


Today, James delivers a statement for the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada on the WHO, the global pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the formation of the coming technocratic biosecurity control grid.


Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 19, 2022



It doesn't appear that Mr. Globaloney is going to get his wish any time soon...

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Using Buffalo Shooting To Target White People & WHO Pandemic Treaty Is NWO Actualized | May 18, 2022


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 103 of No-Go Zone this May 18, 2022.

Max Igan | It's For Your Health | May 18, 2022


The Corbett Report | The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know | Apr. 27, 2022


The World Health Organization has already begun drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness. What form will it take? What teeth will it have? How will it further the globalists in cementing the biosecurity grid into place? James breaks it down in today's episode of The Corbett Report podcast.

Show Notes:
Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response (livestream)
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the Public Hearing regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response – 12 April 2022
Who is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom?
The World Together: Establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating body to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
International Health Regulations (2005) Third Edition
WHO Report on International Health Regulations and PHEIC
WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee
What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett #066
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
Infographic - Towards an international treaty on pandemics
The One Health Approach—Why Is It So Important?
A new pandemic treaty: what the World Health Organization needs to do next
Universal Flu Vaccine
Friday briefing: Blair – next time we need vaccine in 100 days
Reality Check: “100 day vaccines” are NOT possible.
“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government
Off-Guardian Telegram
You have just 24 hours left to have your say on the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty”
INB - Written Submissions
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