Showing posts with label Weaponized Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weaponized Weather. Show all posts

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | July 14, 2018


Will social media providers continue to ramp up their censorship until a totalitarian state prevails? How many in industrialized nation populations are willing to look beyond the power structure's orchestrated political theater of the absurd?

How many are willing to face the wider horizon of what is unfolding around us? Will it take total unraveling of the current paradigm to wake the majority from their denial? How close might biosphere and societal collapse actually be at this point? Our seas are dying and even now marine ecosystem protections are being systematically dismantled, why?

Many aspects of the power structure's activities are now becoming all but impossible to hide, including the weather warfare operations. We must expose the climate engineering programs before the power structure is ready for that to happen. Sharing credible data from a credible source is essential, make your voice heard.

Clifford Carnicom | 3rd Annual Stop Geoengineering Summit 2018


Clifford Carnicom presents at 3rd Annual Stop Geoengineering Summit 2018.

Peter Fairest | The Toxic Assault Against All Life on Earth | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source:, Peter Fairest youtube

This is a Veritas exclusive and it is Peter Fairest's very first radio interview. Peter is incredibly informed on Geoengineering and U.V. radiation, along frequency, 5G, weather engineering, and even vaccines. Solutions included.

From Peter Fairest: Humanity has lost its way. They can no longer see past the darkness that has been shrouding our species for hundreds of years, with the deliberately orchestrated subterfuge and lies by the media and our governments to deliberately divert our attention away from the truth in the world. Hundreds of years of deliberate deception; thousands of years of hidden history; thousands of years of unnecessary wars; decades of genetically engineered viruses pathogens and pandemics stockpiled to be used against their fellow men women and children.

A world of such immorality I can barely understand the horror. The poisoning of the food water and the air that we breathe, that directly affects the human physiology and the central nervous system. The horrific militarised frequency weapons that are being utilised to cause catastrophic damage to our brains and our DNA.

The weather modification programs implemented that are capable of wiping entire countries off the map. The governments who keep us in chains through the rape of our wages, from taxes every day that we work, to ensure we never have a level playing field where we can have any influence on our government’s activities whatsoever. Slavery was never abolished and we are deliberately kept in chains from the day we are born. As soon as that birth certificate is signed, we are owned, we are a number. Democracy is a falsity and a false narrative.

There is no democracy, only an oppressive totalitarian regime to ensure that, we the people, will never have any influence in the world. To vote for a government who initiates all of the above is paramount to insanity, and I will not vote for a government who has nothing in their mind but my demise and the demise of my family and friends.

Society is surrounded by such darkness now that some people find it impossible to reach out to the light of hope that has been lost to us for so many years now. No war in history has ever been won by words alone, and history is only ever written by the victors. In order to regain our right to live; our right to have an opinion; our right to freedom of speech; our right to clean drinking water and food; our right to breathe clean air that is not full of toxic nanoparticulates; our right to carry arms to protect our family and our homes, and our right to refuse the pharmaceutical companies’ vaccinations to poison our children, can only be achieved through Revolution, not words or pictures or posts, only through Direct action can we make an impact on our oppressors.

The backbone of the pharmaceutical industry is vaccines. They vaccinate your children, subsequently your children become ill and are then lifelong customers to the pharmaceutical industry. Holistic doctors worldwide are mysteriously dying and their research destroyed. Our ecosystem and oceans are being systematically eradicated without any intervention or oversight.

These people want nothing more than for us to argue amongst ourselves; to cause conflict between our groups and to separate us so that we can no longer effectively have an impact on waking up the sleeping giant. The human race is a conscious Collective. We are all inextricably linked and they cannot take that away from us. We are the people. We have a voice, and we have a right for that voice to be heard. We have a god given right to fight for what we believe to be true and moral in the world. We have a right to fight for our lives, and for the lives of our families and our children, and for the lives of our friends.

We are the voice of the resistance and we are the future of our species, stand up and be heard.

Peter Fairest, he was once a chemical / biological warfare specialist for Britain and later was a professor in the same field. He has a plethora of knowledge on so many topics concerning the assault we are witnessing and has visited underground bases in the U.K and knows first hand some of the technologies we are only now being exposed to publicly.

Dane Wigington, Patrick Wood | Climate Engineering And Climate Collapse a Live Debate | May 2, 2018


This one hour live debate on WBAI radio in New York presents two opposing positions and conclusions regarding the state of the climate and the biosphere.

Dane Wigington (lead researcher from and Patrick Wood (author of the book Technocracy Rising) debate the facts. The significance of the threat posed by ongoing global climate engineering operations is addressed, along with the role that climate engineering operations are playing in the rapidly unfolding climate / biosphere collapse, which Mr. Patrick Wood denies is occurring.

Facts matter if credible conclusions are to be reached. Opinions and conclusions that lack verifiable facts, are ideology. If we are to have any chance of gaining desperately needed traction in the critical fight to expose and halt the climate engineering / intervention insanity, we must stand on credible data. All are needed in the effort to wake the masses to what is unfolding at blinding speed, make your voice heard.

Matt Landman | Frankensky: Dissecting the New Homomutatus [Man-Made] Sky | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


We've all heard the story of Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a scientist who creates and brings to life a manlike monster which eventually turns on him and destroys him. If you listen to this program, I'm sure you know our sky is no longer normal, although most people accept it that way.

Did you know there is a new scientific term for the new sky and the 12 new types of clouds added to the Cloud Atlas? It's called Homomutatus sky. Man-made sky. Or shall we call it, Frankensky. During our discussion we discuss the chronology, the possible participants and their technology, the purpose, the outcome, 5G, and how we can take care of our health in order to mitigate the results.

Matt Landman grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC where he studied business and received a Bachelors degree in Marketing Management from Virginia Tech in 2003. Matt relocated to California where he worked in Finance and studied film at California State University of Humboldt and earned a Masters degree in Business Administration with a focus in Strategic Sustainability in 2010.

After various careers in business and finance, Matt left the corporate world to be an organic farmer where he unknowingly had actually began his career as an activist. Working outdoors and dependent upon the elements, Matt witnessed weather engineering in Northern California as the region suffered from a historic and catastrophic drought.

The realization that the weather was being manipulated via atmospheric aerosol dispersal changed Matt's life forever as he inevitably decided to devote his existence to exposing the hidden agenda in 2015. Since this commitment, Matt hosted the first Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Vancouver Canada in May of 2016 and then again in May of 2017.

In June of 2017 Matt released the groundbreaking documentary, Frankenskies and has since been promoting the exposure of the film and working on the film's sequel. Matt will be hosting the third Annual Global Chemtrail Summit in Tucson, Arizona May 2018, which is a fitting location considering the public launch of solar geoengineering / chemtrails as a solution to global warming. Matt continues to inspire others to bring awareness to geoengineering where many feel much scrutiny and transparency is needed.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | March 17, 2018


Will the climate engineering terrorists hammer the US east coast with a 4th engineered winter weather event in a row? The 4th such event in just over 2 weeks? We are now being told that a new pathogen, “disease X”, may soon decimate global populations.

Will the global power brokers soon choose to unleash all out biological warfare against populations? As the biosphere implosion continues on course, so does the climate engineering denial within the ranks of academia.

On Thursday, March 15th, I participated in 2 separate debates on the climate engineering reality (one scientist was from the University of Ottawa, the other scientist was from Cal-Tech). The videos of these debates will be posted on Geoengineering Watch soon.

A new report now asks the question, “should climate change be called murder”? Highly toxic and destructive climate engineering programs likely killed even more than climate change alone, and yet the ongoing geoengineering insanity is completely omitted from the mentioned report (and all others like it). What can we collectively do to force the truth to the full light of day?

Decisions need to be made, priorities need to be set, effective action needs to be taken toward raising public awareness. We must all do our part to educate those around us to what is unfolding, sharing credible data is key. Each and every one of us must do what we can to wake others, all are needed in the front lines of the battle to wake the masses. -Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | March 10, 2018


The weather makers continue to fully unleash their fury on the planet, further fueling accelerating climate chaos. Rapidly unfolding weather events and scenarios around the world will soon make climate engineering denial all but impossible to maintain even for the most programmed individuals in society.

The parade of completely engineered East Coast “winter storms” has continued along with the associated weather whiplash. The climate engineers have dealt a severe blow to agriculture in the US West and Europe, how much will harvests be impacted? As the biosphere goes, so must industrialized / militarized society. When will the power structure instigate global conflict as their final option? When will the majority of the masses finally connect the dots?

Will a form of feudalism develop during the rapid transition to total societal collapse? Or will populations around the world accept and embrace the potential power they collectively have to peacefully stand against the insanity? Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the great imperative, sharing credible information is key. All who are already awake are desperately needed to join the critical battle to help sound the alarm. -Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Feb. 24, 2018


Record weather whiplash, record heat, record flooding, record species die-off, record low polar ice, record high military budgets, record quantities of bomb manufacturing, record ammunition purchases by "Homeland Security", and even now the epidemic of public denial and apathy continues with converging catastrophes closing in from every direction.

Is there any chance of waking the masses in time to make a difference? Many have managed to convince themselves that the current industrialized militarized society will somehow magically continue into the future, such a notion is not grounded in reality. The window of time to potentially make a difference is rapidly running out. If the human race is to have any chance of changing course, the masses must be awakened to all that is unfolding. All of those who are already aware are needed to help sound the alarm. -Dane Wigington

Dane Wigington | Damning Admissions From Weathermen And A Geoengineer | Feb. 1, 2018


When weathermen admit the military is spraying materials into our skies, and climate engineers state their operations could kill tens of thousands, will the public wake up and pay attention?
-Dane Wigington

Willem Felderhof | An Airline Pilot Discusses Aerotoxic Syndrome, Chemtrails, & Geoengineering | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio | Jan. 18, 2018


Tonight, we talk with a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic Syndrome". He is also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen, he is very concerned about the direction his country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.

The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but has been hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with a dark agenda". All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully his research and tonight's discussion can help raise that collective level of awareness.

My name is Willem Felderhof and I am a former commercial airline pilot, and whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as "the Aerotoxic syndrome". For more info click HERE.

I am also the organizer of the Open Mind Conferences in the Netherlands. As a Dutch citizen I am very concerned about the direction this country and the enslaved humanity in general are heading for.

The Netherlands, like most other European countries, is no longer a sovereign country but it is hijacked and occupied by imperialistic forces with dark agenda"„¢s. All this is facilitated by corrupt puppet governments that are controlled by a psychopathic elite. A visible embodiment of this control structure in the Netherlands is the so-called "royal" family. The Netherlands serves as the legal capital for a totalitarian and satanic New Word Order, and because of that role the country hosts numerous institutions that are part of that framework. One example is the International Criminal Court in The Hague and its tribunals.

As a sovereign Dutch and World citizen I am very concerned about this and I will do anything in my power to turn the tide and help heal humanity of the diseased state it is currently in, and with that to heal the planet we live on. The parasitic influences that control and manipulate humanity by relentless social engineering a.k.a. Mind Control programs can only be battled from a higher state of consciousness, and hopefully this website can help raising that collective level of awareness.

Willem discusses Mind Control, Natural Law, Consciousness Sharing information and uniting is crucial in this effort.

download hour 1 mp3

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Jan. 6, 2017


The now total desperation of the weather makers and the power structure is glaringly evident on countless fronts. The all out winter weather warfare assault on the Eastern US is taking its toll while the criminal climate engineering cover-up crew at the Weather channel does their best to hide the tracks of the geoengineers.

Breaking data from the front lines of the biosphere are beyond bleak, but the corporate media is tasked with hiding such dire data. The US military continues to aid and assist the terrorists, including ISIS. When will the western powers play the global conflict card as their last option to retain their grip on power?

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Reality: Film Footage And Facts Prove Contrail Myth | Dec. 20, 2017


Sharing shocking and inarguable film footage of jet aerosol spraying is the most powerful tool of all for waking people up to the geoengineering crimes occurring above our heads each and every day.

In addition to visual tools, combining straightforward facts on the design characteristics of modern jet engines (and why their design generally prohibits any “contrail” formation) is essential.

This four minute video contains revealing film captures of the ongoing atmospheric spraying assault in addition to other verifiable building block facts and photos that confirm the ongoing climate engineering reality.

My sincere gratitude to John Jenkins for contributing this very compelling aircraft spraying footage to our library of geoengineering jet dispersion videos.

The more that activists and citizens dedicate themselves to filming and recording the aerosol crimes in our skies, the faster the public will be awakened to the dire threat of climate engineering.

Sharing credible data with others is essential. Global geoengineering is the most critical issue we face short of nuclear cataclysm, we must all work together in the battle to bring this issue to light, and to a halt. -Dane Wigington

OVERCAST - Climate Engineering | Full Movie



OVERCAST is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most of us would consider normal: Jet contrails that spread into clouds, covering the sky and blocking the sun. For some people however, these trails are the biggest environmental crime in the history of mankind. Recent studies show that manmade cirrus clouds through flight traffic have a far bigger impact on climate change than previously assumed and are already described as unintentional Geoengineering.

OVERCAST brings light into a phenomenon that should be part of the public and climate debate, but instead has been mostly ignored so far.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Dec. 9, 2017


Industrialized / militarized civilization can only be rationally described as an ongoing train wreck of total insanity. The unfolding disaster is now accelerating exponentially. The beyond blatant behavior of those who wield power should be fueling unbridled anger and outrage in populations, but so far the majority of the masses (especially in first world nations) are completely complacent and content with their material world.

Toxic vaccinations, GMO foods, fluoridated water, contaminated air, and plenty of power structure propaganda, all have taken their toll. Perhaps the greatest weapon the power brokers wield is weather and biological warfare. Both have long since been fully deployed, and even now the vast majority are completely asleep at the wheel.

Dane Wigington | California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe

Yet another round of extreme firestorm catastrophes are hitting California. Like the recent Santa Rosa fire disaster, the current wildfires are verifiably connected to conditions created by the ongoing global climate engineering assault. The geoengineering cabal is becoming more desperate by the day as the biosphere and climate unraveling accelerates exponentially. This 6 minute video reveals the climate engineering assault and its connection to the California firestorms.

Though many have been falsely led to believe that last winter's rain in California erased and eliminated the drought, this could not be further from the truth. Last summer was the hottest and driest on record in countless locations of the US West. The following quote is from the Los Angeles fire department chief:

“Brush burning index is 296. This is the highest number I've ever seen in my career. The threshold for this rating is 165. Monday I said that to the Mayor, this is the highest rating I'd ever seen.”

Geoengineering operations are not only completely cutting off precipitation from the US West and destroying the ozone layer globally, the desiccant particulates from the fallout create an incendiary dust that coats foliage and structures.

While California continues to go up in flames, regions of the Canadian Arctic and Greenland have recently been basking in record warm temperatures nearly 60 degrees above normal. At the same time that record heat is occurring in the polar regions and elsewhere, snow is forecasted (scheduled) to fall as far south as Chihuahua, Mexico (2017 also saw record low ice at BOTH poles). The climate engineers will continue to use patented chemical ice nucleation processes to fuel ever more extreme weather whiplash scenarios. The climate engineers are manufacturing the illusion of winter in some regions while overall global temperatures continue to soar toward a runaway scenario.

The gravity and immediacy of the changes currently unfolding around us cannot be overstated. What we face on the near term horizon are nothing less than existential threat. How can we make a difference for the better? How can we individually affect the equation? By doing our individual part to fully expose climate engineering. If we can expose it, we can stop it. How can we effectively and efficiently wake others up to the climate engineering assault? By sharing credible data from a credible source. Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, make your voice heard.
-Dane Wigington

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Nov. 25, 2017


During the course of human history, how many populations have paid for the plunder of empires with their blood and the blood of their children? What will it take to wake populations to the fact that the leaders of empires care not for the carnage and suffering they cause?

The United States of America is the largest and most expansive empire in the history of the human race. At this dark hour, many are finally seeing the empire for what it actually is, a massive military industrial machine that is only concerned with it’s own power and proliferation.

When the empire’s soldiers are no longer of use because they have been maimed or retired, how are they treated? The answer is shocking and appalling, so why are so many still signing up to serve the empire?

Dane Wigington | “There is NO Natural Weather Anymore!” (A Roundtable Discussion) | Oct. 11, 2017


According to geo-engineering researcher and solar energy expert Dane Wigington, there is no natural weather anymore.

So what’s going on? By best estimates, geoengineering, the artificial manipulation of our global climate has been happening for 60 plus years and has created a total disruption of our weather system.

In this candid and sobering round-table discussion with Dane Wigington, commercial photographer and creator of the documentary film Look Up, George Barnes, and Dr. Doug Levine - executive director of Life after Cancer, we spoke about the Global distraction that keep the masses in survival mode, which has greatly reduced our ability to be aware of our surroundings, including and especially what is going on in our skies. The implications of a sustained weather modification program are huge, and they affect each and every one of us.

Please be advised that this interview was conducted several years ago on-location in Los Angeles. In light of the recent weather "anomalies" including multiple hurricanes and other unusual weather patterns, what is revealed in this talk may put some of what we are seeing play out in better perspective. This is a GREAT discussion for those who are new to the concept of geo or climate engineering (aka, weather modification).

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Sept. 30, 2017


Has Hurricane Maria dealt Puerto Rico a death blow from which it will never recover? The global climate engineering Manhattan project includes the manipulation and steering of hurricanes which historical data confirms the US military has been engaged in for over 70 years (since Project Cirrus in 1947).

Anyone who still doubts that the power structure would use such covert weather weapons to suit their own agenda, needs to recheck their reality. The accelerating climate and biosphere implosion is forcing the hand of governments around the globe, their desperation will increase on countless fronts. Anyone who still believes the paradigm we have known will somehow continue indefinitely in spite of it all, is in for a stark awakening soon. The current conditions in Puerto Rico serve as an example of what the whole of humanity is facing on the near term horizon if we remain on the current course. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The converging catastrophes we collectively face are nonlinear and accelerating by the day. Now, more than ever, we must work together toward the critical effort of waking the masses to all that is unfolding.

Dane Wigington | Irma: Engineering Weather | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Sept. 11, 2017


Dane Wigington has a background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. His personal residence was featured in a cover article on the world’s largest renewable energy magazine, Home Power. He owns a large wildlife preserve next to Lake Shasta in Northern California.

Dane focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying as he also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and research into the geoengineering issue about a decade ago.

He is the lead researcher for and has investigated all levels of geoengineering, solar radiation management, and global ionosphere heaters like HAARP. Dane has appeared on an extensive number of interviews and films to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level from the ongoing climate engineering assault.

Tonight we are going to discuss all of the recent global weather and disasters…from the current wildfires, hurricanes and earthquakes…what is causing them and is there anything we can do about it…and much more.

Interview start: 33:00 min.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Sept. 9, 2017


Though countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system have all taken their toll, now the full fury of weather warfare is being released on the US population. Paradigm disintegration is not coming, it is here, and will continue to unfold. So many will only choose to wake up when there is no other option, such is the nature of humanity.

Weather cataclysm is unfolding all over the world, this is just the beginning. Could the power structure also be waging biological warfare in the flooded aftermath of countless extreme weather events? How much of the power structure’s agenda is yet unknown? How dire is the equation we collectively face?

Ever more blatant and desperate actions of the power structure are increasing their vulnerability to disintegration from within. If we all pull together in the critical effort to pull back the curtain, we can accelerate this process. This effort must be borne by us all.

Elana Freeland | Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth | Veritas Radio | Hour 1

Source:, Books Elena Freehand

We are entering a Space Age, but not the kind President Kennedy originally envisioned. This Space Age is replacing resource wars and redefines planet earth as a "battlespace" in accordance with the military doctrine of "Full-Spectrum Dominance."

This interview examines how chemtrails and ionospheric heaters like the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) in Alaska service a full-spectrum dominance. This "Revolution in Military Affairs" needs an atmospheric medium to assure wireless access to the bodies and brains of anyone on Earth" from heat-seeking missiles to a form of mind control.

How sinister are these technologies? Are we being prepared for a "global village" lockdown? The recent release of NSA records have reminded Americans that "eyes in the sky" are tracking us as supercomputers record the phone calls, e-mails, internet posts, and even the brain frequencies of millions.

Elana M. Freeland's sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being "geo-engineered" to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.

A deconstruction of Bernard J. Eastlund's HAARP patent points to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a "Transhumanist" future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

Is this what the fifth-generation wireless broadband technology, better known as 5G, is all about? To electrify our atmosphere?

We also discussed the creation, mechanization, and steering of hurricanes as disaster capitalism thrives.

Is weather scheduled or forecast?
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