Showing posts with label World Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Bank. Show all posts

John Perkins | The Shadow Government, World Bank & CIA-Backed Coup's | July 29, 2024

Source: Danny Jones youtube

John Perkins was advisor to the World Bank, UN, IMF, Fortune 500 corporations, governments of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States. John used development loans to saddle countries with huge debts and force them to serve US interests.


00:00 - Applying for NSA; Going to the Amazon
09:02 - Shuar people of Ecuador
15:34 - Saved by a shaman
25:36 - "touching the jaguar"
32:09 - Collapse of Mayan civilization
41:27 - Edgar Mitchell
51:25 - Working for the shadow government
54:50 - America's strategy to build an economic empire
01:05:02 - Becoming an "economic hitman"
01:09:58 - CIA "Jackals
01:12:14 - Red tide of communism
01:18:53 - Indonesia
01:25:22 - Realizing the evil plot
01:36:11 - Presidents removed by CIA
01:40:22 - How China took over Ecuador
01:56:08 - America's next move
02:05:27 - Putin
02:13:45 - Surviving assassination attempt
02:24:35 - Befriending CIA hit men
02:29:30 - CIA's domestic influence
02:36:45 - World Bank / Pandemic corruption
02:41:48 - Aliens are here
02:45:31 - Death economy

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Dec. 14, 2023


Well... you can add two more states to the list: New Hampshire and Missouri:

Catherine Austin Fitts | Timeline of a Global Takeover | Forum Borealis


Whitney Webb | Inflation Reduction & “Green” Banking with Catherine Austin Fitts | Aug. 26, 2022


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act, the new changes to the IRS and how the act pushes America deeper into a “green” economy designed by billionaires and bankers for their benefit, not ours.

Originally published 08/26/22.

The Corbett Report | Catherine Austin Fitts | Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch | July 26, 2021


While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It’s called the Going Direct Reset, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of joins us to talk about this transformation and what we can do about it.

Dark Journalist | Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan! | July 21, 2021


Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Bankers Plan!
Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with earth shattering implications for millions!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep with Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Investment firm Dillon Read and Co. partner Catherine Austin Fitts in these fascinating new interview clips dealing with Central Bank Digital Control (CDBC) and the Going Direct Reset!

Catherine reveals how the Central Banking Warfare model has been utilized to bring us to the brink of world dictatorship while putting a Transhumanist control grid in place for total domination of human life. "A re-engineering of the financial transaction system as part of a larger re-engineering of the global governance system. And when I say 're-engineering', part of that is a consolidation of the financial coup."

Tuomas Malinen | Real Risk of Fascist Totalitarian "Global Economic Dystopia" | Oct. 22, 2020


Finnish economist Tuomas Malinen explains the nature and severity of the historic global financial crash underway. He foresees worst-case scenarios which can even include "widespread hunger and rationing in the western world for the first time since the 19th century." 

As the Eurozone risks disintegration and China fakes its recovery, he worries about the real possibility of global hyperinflation and monetary destruction. The greatest risk is "Global Financial Socialism" brought about by central banks and supranational organizations (e.g. IMF, World Bank, UN) which could bring about a fascist and totalitarian "global economic dystopia". 

This "financial takeover" or "endgame of the global elite" would include a surveillance state, digital currencies, the end of commercial banks, and the end of cash.

Ellen Brown & Peter Koenig | Global Economic Lockdown | Guns & Butter

Source: gunsandbutter.orgInformation Machine

The UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals integrate many of the components of the 2010 Rockefeller Report including the Lockstep Scenario; population reduction; World Health Organization (WHO); Event 201;

global vaccination program; cascading economic collapse; the multiple trillion dollar bailout known as the CARES Act; the new US Treasury and Federal Reserve relationship; special purpose vehicles (SVPs); bottomless well of liquidity at the Fed; the Fed hires Blackrock;

supply chain disruptions; debt deflation; Universal Basic Income (UBI); collapse of oil prices; massive shift of capital to the top; the coming mega-depression; food insecurity leading to famine; World Bank and International Monetary Fund; unemployment and bankruptcies; privatization; who benefits.

Dr. Michael Hudson | De-Dollarizing the American Financial Empire | June 26, 2019


Economist Michael Hudson continues his discussion of Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire with a focus on US monetary imperialism; President Trump’s demand for lower interest rates undercuts America’s requirement for foreign investment to fund its domestic and balance of payments deficit, increases the carry trade and turns IMF and World Bank policies on the US; analysis of US economic domination of the world from its position as the world’s largest creditor post-WWI;

analysis of US economic domination of the world from its position as the world’s largest debtor after the 1971 close of America’s gold window; emergence of the dollar-debt standard; how war has bankrupted the US; the difference between imperialism and super imperialism; US bribes foreign governments; China’s banking system; China and Russia stockpile gold as the world breaks out of dollar domination.

Michael Hudson | The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness | Guns & Butter


Michael Hudson discusses his seminal work of 1972, Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, a critique of how the US exploits foreign economies through IMF and World bank debt; difference between the IMF and World Bank; World Bank dysfunctional from the outset; loans made in foreign currency only; policy to provide loans for countries to devote their land to export plantation crops;

US food and monetary imperialism; U.S. agricultural protectionism built into the postwar global system; promotion of dependency on the US as food supplier; food blackmail; perpetration of world poverty preferred; no encouragement of land reform; privatization of the public domain; America aided, not foreign economies; exploitation of mineral deposits; bribery; foreign nations politically controlled at the top; veto power for US only.

Catherine Austin Fitts | Black Budget Wars & Central Bank Panik! | Dark Journalist | Apr. 18, 2017


Rise of The Deep State War Machine
In this exciting and enlightening episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant US HUD Secretary and Solari Report publisher Catherine Austin Fitts for an in depth interview on the dangerous and complex moves of the Deep State in their manipulation and pressure on a divided Trump administration and shadow conflicts in Syria and North Korea.

World War III
Fitts sees a small, powerful group controlling the narrative and beating Neocon war drums as a way to save their failed dystopic experiment of a Global Corporate Technocracy. This 'Superclass' has run into popular resistance on the ground in the resounding populist backlash of Trump’s election in the US and the Brexit movement in the UK. Their plans for World War III and the massive military contracts that would come as a result are just part of one last desperate attempt to save the Central Banking Warfare Model that has served corporate and political elites for centuries.

The Grand Plan: Human Slavery
Fitts believes that this superclass which controls the governance structure deeply believes in human slavery and want to use the advent of advanced technology as a means to create a microchipped, mind controlled populace who will accept GMOs, Transhumanism, Chemtrails, Common Core Education and Invasive Surveillance as the new norm in a mechanized society run by the Davos/Bilderberg crowd where the Nation State and Constitutional Government becomes a distant thing of the past.

War Machine and the Superclass
The campaign of 2016 showed that that the American public had decided that something had gone terribly wrong with the Neoliberalism of Obama/Clinton that had promised Hope and Change, but had only delivered profits to the top 1 percent with massive Wall Street bailouts and military adventurism. The people had awakened to find a bill for 20 trillion and the destabilizing endgame to a debt growth model that had transferred the wealth of America to transnational entities with no allegiance to any country...just an insidious craving for power and global control!

Now this superclass has maneuvered President Trump into a series of contradictory U-turns on his core non-interventionist policies which has turned off his base of supporters. in addition to this breach of trust, the rise of Neocon hawks in the administration like Dina Powell who was recently appointed to the National Security Council, prove to be even more disquieting.

The concerns of these Trump supporters are well founded, the corporate media that has has been attempting to weaken his administration with fake stories of Russian interference in the election appear to have changed their tune since Trump’s limited bombing of a Syrian airbase. It almost appears that their greatest fear was that the war machine profits would dry up under a President Trump who wanted to 'Make American Great Again.’

Jim Marrs | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Feb. 16, 2015


Jim Marrs joins us once again and we discuss the breaking news about John Podesta and his UFO Disclosure tweet, the possible DHS shutdown, ISIS, UFO history and why global banking is connected to everything...ufology, war and conspiracy.

Karen Hudes | Former World Bank Insider on the Corruption of the Global Elite | Hour 1, February 21, 2014

Source:,, World Bank

February 21, 2014–Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School and economics at the University of Amsterdam. She worked in the US Export Import Bank of the US from 1980-1985 and in the Legal Department of the World Bank from 1986-2007. For 21 years, Hudes was on the senior council of the World Bank (IMF). She established the Non Governmental Organization Committee of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association and the Committee on Multilateralism and the Accountability of International Organizations of the American Branch of the International Law Association.

Karen has become known as a whistleblower and she has been outspoken about her time at the World Bank and the corruption that she saw there. She speaks on issues related to economics, global policies and government organizations. In this program, we attempt to get to the root of what she has been blowing the whistle on. Karen shares how she sees the global network of corrupt elite being dismantled. She also speaks about how things are going to change in the next few years. Hudes reveals deep-rooted, systemic corruption at the core of the Bretton Woods institutions, as well as deep-rooted, systemic problems with the U.S.'s legal system, law-enforcement agencies, and government crime.

download hour 1 mp3
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