Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Apr. 11, 2019


The "golden era", the Chinese silk road, and the British royals... the article Joseph talks about today is short on information but huge on implications, and Joseph attempts to explore some of them:

Senior Chinese official calls for healthy development of China-Britain ties

William Dean Garner | Romanic Depression: How the Jesuits Designed, Built and Destroyed America | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source:,,, Amazon

William Dean Garner reveals how the nearly 500-year-old Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, have designed, built and destroyed the United States of America. Using examples from all sectors of society, he also details the mechanisms used by the Jesuits to cleverly hide their efforts in plain sight, while distracting Americans with endless forms of entertainment.

The first book of the series includes chapters on Government; Politics; Religion; News and Media; Morals and Values; Guns, Drugs and Sex; Military; Healthcare and Medicine; Education; and Criminal Justice. The book also contains 25 pages of excellent references for those who wish to investigate further. For further information on the Jesuits, please read Who Really Owns Your Gold, Third Ed. (2016) by William Garner. For information on the origins of the fictitious Roman Catholic religion, please read Arcanum: A critical analysis of the original 36 sermons of Jmmanuel, the man known to the world as Jesus Christ.

William Garner was a scientist for 15 years (Marine Biology and Neurobiology), US Army Airborne Ranger, overseas security specialist, commercial photographer, military aviation photographer, and New York Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books.

New World Next Week | Hallelujah! Government Allows Homeowners to Grow Vegetables! | Apr. 11, 2019


Story #1: Rand Paul to Pompeo - You Do Not Have “Permission” For War With Iran
Netanyahu Says Trump Named Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a Terrorist Group At His Request
Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a Foreign Terrorist Group
Exit Poll: Netanyahu Losing Israel Election
“Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!”
NWNW Flashback: Trump Makes Israel Great Again (Dec. 7, 2017)
Q Anon, Edge of Wonder Claim Trump Made 5G Safe?

Story #2: We're All Being Judged By A Secret 'Trustworthiness' Score, This Time By Sift
Corbett Report: “Social Credit”
It Begins: Canadian Gov Rolls Out Points To Reward Good Citizens
These Chinese Sanitation Workers Have to Wear Location-Tracking Bracelets Now

Story #3: Florida Will Generously Allow Homeowners to Garden in Their Own Yards

Guns & Butter | FBI Sued for Failure to Provide 9/11 Evidence to Congress | Apr. 3, 2019


The Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, along with 9/11 victim family members have filed a joint federal lawsuit against the US Department of Justice and the FBI for their failure to perform a congressionally mandated assessment of any evidence known to the FBI that was not considered by the 9/11 Commission related to any factors that contributed in any manner to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

David Meiswinkle, Mick Harrison, Barbara Honegger and Richard Gage provide a broad overview of both the lawsuit and the filing of a grand jury petition; the seven counts of relevant evidence included in the complaint which also cites the destruction by the FBI of evidence related to the "High Fivers"; the Executive Director and Commissioners of the 9/11 Review Commission along with its twelve staff members; next steps in the legal process and what a successful outcome would look like.

Bernardo Kastrup | Reality? It's All in Your Mind | Legalise Freedom Radio | Apr. 6, 2019


Bernardo Kastrup discusses his book The Idea of the World: A Multi-disciplinary Argument for the Mental Nature of Reality.

In his most cogent and compelling work to date, Kastrup’s theory of reality offers a grounded alternative to the frenzy of unrestrained abstractions and unexamined assumptions in philosophy and science today. The Idea of the World makes a rigorous case for the primacy of mind in nature, examining what can be learned about the nature of reality based on conceptual parsimony, straightforward logic, and empirical evidence from fields as diverse as physics and neuroscience. It compiles an overarching case for idealism – the notion that reality is essentially mental.

The author begins by exposing the logical fallacies and internal contradictions of the reigning physicalist paradigm and popular alternatives such as panpsychism. The main objections to idealism are also systematically refuted. The book closes with an analysis of the hidden psychological motivations behind mainstream physicalism and the implications of idealism for the way we relate to each other and the world. The view of reality presented here makes sense of the many mysteries which mainstream materialist science simply cannot fathom. It reconciles the classical and quantum worlds and disposes of the so-called ‘hard problem’ of consciousness. It may even hold the secret to the origin and meaning of life.

download mp3

S0 News | Solar Watch, Hail Storms, Calm Before the Quake | Apr. 7, 2019


Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | X-Series 52: McCarthy The UFO File & MonMouth Army Base | Apr. 5, 2019


In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist and his special guest Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series author Dr. Joseph Farrell discuss his breakthrough new book on Joseph McCarthy and its revelations about the references in his committee investigations to espionage at a Top Secret Army Base called 'Fort Monmouth' in New Jersey.

Many of the interrogations were regarding information about the UFO File and Exotic Technology development in Black Projects related to Radar and Tesla Technology. Riveting with amazing new details, Farrell also discusses the phenomena of 'Occupation Money' that allowed a shadow money system to arise during World War Two and continue right up to the preent!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

Dane Wigington | Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Apr.6, 2019


How much effort is the power structure applying in the attempt to keep the US population pacified and complacent on countless fronts? From keeping US food stores stocked with imported supplies produced by starving countries to engineering constant cool-down zones in the US, a sense of “normalcy bias” is being fed and sustained. When the rate and extent of biosphere collapse is considered, how long can the current paradigm be maintained?

Can populations be convinced to re-prioritize their time, efforts and energies, if they become convinced that their very lives depend on it? Should fighting for the future of our children, and the web of life on which their futures depend, be a top priority? Does such a question even need to be asked or answered? Our combined efforts could yet make a difference, but we must rise to the occasion now, not later. We must reach a critical mass of awareness with the population in regard to what is unfolding, this is the first and most critical leap in the right direction. Share credible data from a credible source, make every day count.

Time To Talk About The Silencing Of Max Igan with Max Igan! | Apr. 4, 2019


Max Igan joins me to discuss recent restrictions placed on his Youtube channel. We get into why he got censored & what it means for all of us going forward.

New World Next Week | Glenn Greenbacks Completes the Edward Snowjob | Apr. 4, 2019


Story #1: Silencing the Whistle - The Intercept Shutters Snowden Archive, Citing Cost
NWNW Flashback: Reality Intercept_ed as Deep State Winner Busted (Jun. 8, 2017)

Story #2: US Refusal to Confirm or Deny It Put American Journalist on Drone Kill List Called 'Chilling'
US Spies Helped UAE Hack Phones of Al Jazeera Chairman, BBC Host & Other Journalists

Story #3: Forget 'Creepy' - Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem
.@SenFeinstein told me she was surprised she went viral, because: "You know what somebody said to me?--I didn’t see any of this--they said anybody with a cell phone in their hand can get you on international news in two minutes. I never knew that."
Biden Accused By Two More Women of Inappropriate Touching
Biden Pledges In Video To Be More “Respectful” of Personal Space
NWNW Flashback: #CreepyJoeBiden and Lady Gaga to Establish Sexual Assault Centres (Nov. 16, 2017)

F. William Engdahl | China: Real Reason for US Venezuela Clash? | March 27, 2019


Discussion of the crisis and geopolitical stakes in Venezuela; evaluation of Venezuelan heavy oil reserves in its Orinoco Belt (now the Chavez Belt) and the far superior grade oil in the vast oil reserves of the Guyana Esequiba region;

China’s Belt and Road Initiative in South America and the Panama Canal; Bolton cites the Monroe Doctrine; presidency of Nicolas Maduro; Venezuelan state oil company, PDVSA; global oil prices; Venezuelan debt; Coltan deposits; long-term strategy of China’s Belt and Road Initiative; China adopts Western debt-collapse model; Chinese banking system and real estate market; the flawed globalization model.

Matt Landman | Geoengineering, EMF Radiation, 5G, & Frequency | March 28, 2019


Matt Landman of Frankenskies fame joins THC once again. This time to talk about his latest research into 5G, EMF radiation, smart cities, frequencies, and more.
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