Back in Time Series | Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

Source: Philip K. Dick

"Partial manifestation, the wall circumscribing the "reality" of the savage to protect civilizations from "primitoid" madness. (Primitoid is a word I coined for those imprisoned within their own incredulity.) Some of my friends may recall my mention of partial manifestation. Mr. Dick here, has discovered it." –James Horak

Q & A with Bill Wood Co-Hosted by Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock & Bill Ryan, January 24, 2012


Livestream Q & A with Bill Wood, Co-Hosted by Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcock & Bill Ryan.

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Kelly Sullivan Walden | What Dreams Mean, January 23, 2012


January 23, 2012–We dream of falling endlessly. We dream about lives, both real and imagined, ours and others. On really hectic days, we may venture into absurdity, dreaming about sharing a burrito with Gautama Buddha atop a flagpole. Dreams have terrified, perplexed, and fascinated us since the dawn of humankind. But what do they mean?

From Zoroaster to C.G. Jung, from spirituality to science, great minds have worked to decode the symbolic language of dreams throughout recorded history. In this segment, Kelly Sullivan Walden, a dream therapist, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and the author of I Had The Strangest Dream: The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century, helps us to understand the vagueness that lies beyond the gates of sleep. The host of the web radio show The D-Spot and the founder of The Dream Project, Kelly Walden’s work focuses on identifying the meaning of contemporary symbols in dreams and life-affirming dream analysis to heal past trauma and help realize future goals. If you’ve been dying to make sense of your dreams, don’t sleep through this interview. ~Kim Greenhouse

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James Martinez | Media, Money, Mind Control and YOU, January 23, 2012

Source:, achieveradio cash-flow

January 23, 2012–Through his Cash Flow radio show, James Martinez is the world’s first talk show host to uncover the truth about banking while offering remedy to people all over the world. To date his work has cancelled over $730 million of consumer debt, and empowered people to take back their power. Along with his co-hosts, Bob Neveritt, Dr. Carolyn Dean, and iON, he has pushed the boundaries of media and human consciousness by imploding the prevaling memes and embeds.

This conversation came about after James' two-pronged announcements of the pending release of commercial cold fusion and the new global economic structure on January 1, 2012. These two announcements---taken on their sheer potential magnitude---demanded examination, as well as a glimpse into the spokesman's own mind and work.

At this time, James has stated that no further comments or information are available on the global economic restructuring, but  that information will come in the opportune days ahead. All other subjects were open...and we "go there": Walther Bowart, Marshall McLuhan, the Hollywood mind screw, consciousness-raising, "becoming gods", and the energy revolution that upturns the world.
As with any conversation, listen carefully...more than once. There are powerful messages embedded in the nuances.

My thanks to James for this generous and enlightening talk, through him I was able to touch two of my heroes!
 Dedicated to the memory of Walter Bowart and Marshall McLuhan. ~Randy Maugans

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Achieve Radio-Cash Flow with James Martinez
Cold Fusion Now
Rossi Cold Fusion:
Wikipedia article: Rossi E-Catalyzer

Greg Palast | Big Oil & Corporate Vultures, January 22, 2012


January 22, 2012–Muckraker and investigative journalist Greg Palast joined George Knapp for inside details on stories that American media doesn't report, including revelations on Big Oil, and financial "vultures" who use shady practices for mega-profits. He uncovered that two years before the BP/Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf, a similar incident happened to BP in the Caspian Sea off Azerbaijan, indicating that they were well aware of such drilling problems. BP covered up the incident by bribing Azerbaijani officials, and flying them to London for lap dances, he detailed.

Palast referred to a number of former Soviet republics as having become the "Islamic Republics of BP," where oil companies have come in and given ruling families enormous sums. "The oil companies know very well that the money just disappears into these holes, and that's part of the game-- that's how they get cheap oil contracts through winking and nodding at the looting of the oil money," he said, noting that the citizens of these countries don't see any of the money, and remain poor. Interestingly, countries such as Brazil that didn't play along with the oil companies, are doing well economically, he pointed out.

In the Exxon Valdez incident of 1989, BP was actually in charge of emergency equipment and procedures in the event of a ship running aground in the Arctic, but they didn't spend the money following through on it, and then ended up lying about it, Palast charged. What BP learned in Alaska, is that they could get away with lying, and that's what they proceeded to do in the Gulf spill, he continued, adding that BP has only paid out 1/10th of the amount they promised for clean-up and settlements. Generally, oil companies have found that it's easier to cover-up oil spills with cash, and PR campaigns than to actually clean up the spills once they happen, he observed.

James Corbett | Strait Jacket: Iran to 'definitely' close Hormuz if EU bans oil, January 23, 2012


EU nations have formally adopted an unprecedented set of sanctions against Tehran - which include a bloc-wide embargo on Iranian oil. The move targets Iran's nuclear program which, the Islamic Republic insists, is for purely peaceful purposes. To discuss the implications of fresh sanctions against Iran, RT talks to James Corbett - editor of independent news website - 'The Corbett Report' which is based in Japan.

Sterling D. Allan | Free Energy Technologies, January 21, 2012


January 21, 2012–Sterling D. Allan, founder and CEO of PES Network, Inc. and the New Energy Congress, joined John B. Wells to reveal the top new free energy technologies, including E-Cat, the first such technology that has been submitted for UL certification.

Adrian Salbuchi | 'It's all about pumping oil, not helping Libyans', January 22, 2012


January 22, 2012–Libya could be on the brink of civil war, according to the head of the National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil, following a weekend of political turmoil. That's after his deputy stepped down when Jalil suspended six high-ranking council delegates from Benghazi.

Adrian Salbuchi, international consultant talks to RT, suggesting it's Iraq all over again with the flag of democracy brought in to guard Western geopolitical interests and pump oil while the "invaded" nation's needs are ignored.

A spokesman for British Civilians for Peace in Libya, Sukant Chandan, says the national transitional council is failing to unite the country.

India's Biometric ID Scheme - GRTV Behind the Headlines, January 23, 2012


January 23, 2012–The Indian government is ramping up efforts to fingerprint and iris scan the entirety of its 1.2 billion citizens in an ambitious scheme to issue national ID cards with biometric details. The plan has so far already enrolled 110 million people and issued 60 million numbers, with the aim of enrolling 200 million by this March and 600 million by 2014.
Transcript & Sources

Marcia Schafer on The Hundredth Monkey Radio, January 22, 2012


January 22, 2012–As a change catalyst, Marcia takes her audience into the unexplored as she transforms our understanding of the world around us along with our future. She prepares us for the special needs of the 21st century at this exciting time and highlights through her own personal experiences the truth of our extraterrestrial reality.

Marcia holds a master's degree in business administration, a bachelor's degree in nursing and has undergraduate studies in anthropology. With years of executive and entrepreneurial background in the public and private sectors, she draws from this knowledge to position people for success. Well versed in science, medicine and the world of business, she uses her wisdom in these areas to drive home the implications of information gained from her unworldly encounters.

She founded the inventive consulting firm Beyond Zebra® to give aspiring leaders the skills they need to build a better future, and combines knowledge of extraterrestrial reality along with a hint of mysticism in her training of up and coming entrepreneurs. With clients in over thirty five countries she's dedicated to changing the course of our future and uses her information to reposition them for a very different tomorrow.

Rupert Sheldrake | Extended Mind, January 19, 2012


January 19, 2012–Rupert Sheldrake discussed his work on the extended mind and human intuitive abilities including telephone telepathy, and how dogs know their owners are coming home. His telephone telepathy experiment involved having a subject give the experimenters four different friends' phone numbers; then the experimenters randomly chose one of the people to call the subject, who tried to predict which one it would be. In repeated trials, the correct hits averaged around 45%, which was far higher than the 25% chance rate, he detailed. For more on the experiment, see this video report.

Sheldrake suggested that such phenomena may arise out of morphic fields-- intention, thoughts, and memories that extend out past the mind, and can be picked up by others, including animals. His study of dogs that know when their owner is coming home revealed that the pets wait by the window 4% of the time when the owner is not home, and 60% of the time when the owner is about to return. Further, he spoke about an African gray parrot named N'Kisi who seems to demonstrate telepathy, and has a 1,500 word vocabulary. Sheldrake also touched on a disturbing 2008 incident, when a Japanese man knifed him in the leg when he was speaking at a conference. It turned out that the man suffered from mental illness and thought Sheldrake was sending him telepathic messages to kill himself, so he attacked him out of "self defense."

Troy McLachlan | Hour 1 & 2 - The Saturn Death Cult: The Polar Configuration, January 19, 2012


January 19, 2012–A British national brought up in New Zealand, Troy McLachlan earned a bachelor’s degree in Asian and American politics before embarking on an advertising and television/film industry career in both New Zealand and later in Hong Kong where he was a resident for fifteen years.

Fascinated by the cosmology of the Electric Universe hypotheses and its ability to provide rational and natural explanations for the mythological record, Troy recognised that a discussion of the model’s implications and their affects on the practises of prevailing occult belief systems was largely missing within Electric Universe literature. Recognising that the god Saturn plays an important role in some of the world’s more deviant esoteric traditions he wrote the website and kindle-book ‘The Saturn Death Cult’ as an attempt to forge a link between the implications of ‘Saturn Theory’ and its detrimental effect on the beliefs of certain Saturnian-based occult groups and agendas.

The Saturn Death Cult is an investigation into ancient planetary upheavals that heralded the birth and destruction of a fabled Golden Age. It attempts to trace how, following the demise of this Golden Age, mankind then degenerated into the obsessive pursuit of wealth and power through the perverted horrors of slavery, child sacrifice and mass-murder rituals.

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