Jay Weidner on Project Camelot Radio, February 8, 2012

Source: Project Camelot Radio Archive, projectcamelotportal.com, jayweidner.com

Turbo Wolf with Graham Hancock Episode 1: The Ancients, February 6, 2012

Source: grahamhancock.com

February 6, 2012–In the first of a series of four episodes, Turbowolf interview Graham Hancock at The Roman Baths in Bath. Graham Hancock is one of the foremost authorities on Ancient Mysteries, having written numerous bestselling non-fiction books on the subject such as 'Fingerprints Of The Gods', 'The Sign & The Seal', 'Heavens Mirror' and 'Supernatural' and, recently, the fantasy adventure novel Entangled. Turbowolf released their self-titled debut album in November 2011, a blend of dirty rocknroll, punked-up riffs & psychedelic noise. The band are about to embark on a European tour starting 23/2 in London. Their shared fascination with the esoteric & the mysterious lead to this meeting of minds. Big thanks to Graham for his insight & perspective on a number of subjects. In this episode Graham & the band discuss his time in Ethiopia and the search for the Ark Of The Covenant, the evidence for a Lost Civilisation, Ancient Maps & an alternative chronology for many of the worlds Ancient Monuments.

Dr. Peter Glidden | A Naturopathic Answer to Mental Health Treatment, February 7, 2012

Source: spectrumradionetwork.com, drglidden.com

February 7, 2012–Dr Peter Glidden is an outspoken advocate of holistic Health, Dr. Glidden has lectured to thousands of people over the last 2 decades. He delivers over 60 Free Lectures each year, and is a regular speaker at Health Freedom Expo & Youngevity Regional Meetings. He has appeared on TV, is a regular guest host of the "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" Health Talk radio program, and gives free weekly seminars all over Chicagoland. His new book, The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, is an eye-opening, groundbreaking, jaw dropping exposition on the shortcomings of conventional MD directed medicine and the unrivaled excellence of holistic medical treatments.

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Alan Watt | UN Puts Reliance in Great God of Science, February 7, 2012

Source: cuttingthroughthematrix.com


video.nixxon.net/~riesling/acta, stop-acta.info, stopsopaireland.com

ACTA - 'The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement' is a proposed plurilateral agreement for the purpose of establishing international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement in Europe.

ACTA would establish a new international legal framework that would create its "own governing body outside existing international institutions" such as - the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the United Nations.

An open letter signed by many organizations, including Consumers International, EDRi (27 European civil rights and privacy NGOs), the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), ASIC (French trade association for web 2.0 companies), and the Free Knowledge Institute (FKI), states that "the current draft of ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of European citizens, most notably the freedom of expression and communication privacy."

Max Igan | Australian Government Criminality, February 8, 2012

Source: skidrow.com.au, thecrowhouse.com

Dr. Kirby Surprise | Synchronicities, February 6, 2012

Source: coasttocoastam.com, howsynchronicityworks.com

February 6, 2012–Psychologist Dr. Kirby Surprise talked about the connections between synchronistic events, and psychology and metaphysics. Synchronicity is a term coined by Carl Jung to describe when external events and the internal events of a person's mind seem to coincide perfectly. Human beings filter the environment for patterns of things we want to find, "so to some degree synchronistic events happen when you're thinking about something and your brain matches one of those patterns in the environment," he noted. Sometimes though, there are outrageous coincidences when events seem to be talking directly to us, such as when a TV announcer will say something relevant to what a person was just thinking or talking about. These occasions are a little harder to explain, he said.

By studying the history of the phenomenon, and the way the mind works, Dr. Surprise concluded "we're actually seeing a mirror of some of our own processes in the environment-- we actually are influencing the patterns of events around us." When you realize your unconscious involvement in the creation of events, "you have a tremendous opportunity...to talk to the environment and have it talk back to you. And what you're doing is talking to deeper levels of yourself," he suggested.

Disk shaped UFO over ‪Aveley, Essex,‬ UK, Feb. 2012, Analyzed & Enhanced

Witness comment:
This was taken a few days ago on my mobile phone, and lasted around 5 minutes, my phones memory lasted just over a minute, any remaining "would be" footage would have shown it hover out of sight in the direction towards the river thames towards kent. The UFO was hovering over an housing estate. Me and my partner both witnessed this event and it freaked my girlfriend out, Im a little more open to "other life". I would be interested if anyone else has footage and what it could be?

Dr. Cyril Wecht | The “Columbo” of Forensic Science, February 5, 2012

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com, cyrilwecht.com

February 5, 2012–Forensic science has become the focus of many popular TV series, reawakening public fascination with crime fiction. The inaccuracy in these series, which can alter public perception of forensic science, has been dubbed “the CSI Effect”. Enter Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., a leading forensic pathologist, medical-legal consultant, attorney, and the author of From Crime Scene to Courtroom (with Dawna Kaufmann). Dr. Wecht guides us through this extraordinary book, taking us through the real-life forensic evidence for controversial high-profile cases including the Casey Anthony murder trial, Michael Jackson’s death, accusations against former SWAT team cop Drew Peterson for the murder of his third and fourth wives, and Rolling Stone Brian Jones’s “death by misadventure”.

Dr. Cyril Wecht is a certified anatomic, clinical, and forensic pathologist, a Clinical Professor at the University of Pittsburgh Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine, and Graduate School of Public Health, and holds positions as an Adjunct Professor at the Duquesne University School of Law, School of Pharmacy, and School of Health Sciences. In addition to From Crime Scene to Courtroom, he has over 550 professional publications to his name and serves as an editorial board member of over 20 national and international medical-legal and forensic scientific publications. Dr. Wecht is also the author of Preparing and Winning Medical Negligence Cases and Crime Scene Investigation and the co-author of Cause of Death, Tales from the Morgue, Mortal Evidence, A Question of Murder, Investigation and Prevention of Officer-Involved Deaths, Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey?, and more. Join us with Dr. Cyril Wecht for a forensic expert’s analyses of the crimes that have captivated America. ~Kim Greenhouse

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The Economics of Extinction - LPAC Weekly Report, February 5, 2012

Source: LaRouchePAC.com

The LaRouchePAC Weekly Report takes place every Wednesday. This weeks discussion was between Lyndon LaRouche, Sky Shields, Ben Deniston & John Hoefle. The discussion covered the self-development of the universe to higher and higher states of existence and incorporated the latest visual pedagogies made by the LaRouche 'Basement' research team.

Duncan O'Finioan | The State of the World … And Things to Come, February 6, 2012

Source: duncanofinioan.wordpress.com

As always, Duncan keeps us focused on the battle...the outcome is in each one of our hands, to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually. A couple choice points to "tease" you:

The Bad Guys Have Lost? Um.
Now, let’s talk a few words about those “guys that have already lost.” I’m really sick of hearing this. “THEY” have lost nothing! My gods people. Take a good look around you.

Let’s start with the things Barry…I mean Obama has done AND is doing not only to this country but to the world! Look at the middle east. See whats going on in Syria? Egypt? How about the three way dance between the U.S.A., Iran and Israel? Does a team-up between Russia and China not worry you? It should.

The love and lighters, the channelers, the people who talk to the friendly space brothers, telling them not to worry. WE will save you, YOU don’t have to do a thing! Even the bible says. “Faith without good works, is dead.”

Well, if people are not willing to take responsibility for their actions and deeds, then dead is what they will be. Oh wait…almost forgot. All this gold is supposed to be given to the people to wipe out their debt and give a fresh start!!

There Ain’t No Easy Way Out
Too many of you want the easy way out! Got news for you….THERE AIN’T NO EASY WAY OUT! And like the song says, “It’s a long road home.” So many of you say you’re awake. Nope. You’re still sleeping.

There’s this little thing called “living in the moment.” That’s what we do. We live in the moment as if that will be our last moment. We laugh and tell jokes when most anyone else would be crying, praying or running to mamma. That’s how we cope with all the bad stuff we have to deal with.~Duncan O'Finioan

Bob Frissell | Transitioning Into The 4th Dimension, February 5, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, bobfrissell.com

February 5, 2012–Bob Frissell is a teacher of thirty years, whose books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. He is a qualified and authorized facilitator of Flower of Life Research. Bob teaches the MerKaBa Meditation, sacred geometry, and Breath of Life Rebirthing along with other heart opening techniques. He was trained by Leonard Orr, the rebirthing pioneer, and by Drunvalo Melchizedek, the originator of the MerKaBa and Unity Breath meditations.

In the first hour, we begin talking about 2012 and the window of 7-10 years of drastic changes he sees. Bob talks about how we are moving from the 3rd dimension into the 4th. We discuss dimensional overlaps similar to musical overtones. Bob mentions the type of consciousness we've been immersed in for the last 13,000 years and discusses the rise of a new type of consciousness. Then, we discuss the transition into the 4th dimension and how to harmonize and align with the changes. He explains how we've been living on an old world copy of Earth in the 3rd dimension. ~Red Ice Creations
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