Lisa Arbercheski | Human Needs, Control & Group Think, April 17, 2013

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

April 17, 2013–Lisa Arbercheski works as part of the team at Tragedy and Hope Communications, empowering people by combining education and mass media. Tragedy and Hope creates holistic projects targeted at addressing mankind’s most urgent concerns; while laying a foundation to carry us into the future while empowering all people with the information to make informed decisions in their lives. Lisa will talk about the needs of humankind and how we’ve been deprived of the most basic functions, in turn creating physical and psychological issues.

We’ll discuss the detrimental effects of the school system, which teaches group think. Lisa talks about the long term implications of control and letting authority do the thinking for us. She de-mystifies the trivium and explains how it really aids one to think clearly and consistently. Later, we speak about disconnecting from the collective and reclaiming the sovereignty of our minds without losing our sense of community. We end the hour on government, anarchy, human rights and the true alternative.
-Radio 3Fourteen
download mp3

GRTV | The FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists, April 17, 2013


The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals. But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.
Transcript & Sources

4MIN News | Climate, Christmas Burst, Quakes & More to Come, April 17, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Anonymous | Operation Gabon

Source: Anonymous

Hello citizens of the world. We are anonymous.

This is an urgent. A new and terrible thing is happening in the west coast central African nation of Gabon, increasing every year to the silence of the world as politicians and media.

The most gruesome murders are happening to children, men and women with total impunity. In a country where the president of Gabon (Ali Bongo) puts the army on every street corner, every night these murders are called ritual killings, and they are performed in a horrible manner in order to harvest spare parts. The sex, ears, tongue, nose, heart, kidney, blood, flesh and skin. These body parts are then sold to powerful people who have promised youth, health, wealth, promotion, success and especially honor n' power in exchange for organs of a child.

Killings escalate when an election or political nominations are near. on March 17, 2013. Asema stride, a 7 year old girl was killed and left without eyes or lips; And her blood sucked out. How can crimes of this scale continue to be unpunished. The answer is because the criminals are the ones ruling the country. Silence encourages the expenantiol growth in ritual murders.

On April 13 the brave people of Gabon will try to march in protest of these killings and to honor the victims. They have once more been denied permission to protest and the world refuses to report on them.

On April 17th, Ali Bongo will be in the united states to meet with Barack Obama.

We are asking you to join us urgently, to demand justice and put an end to the impunity and joy who commit endurity horrors.

On April 6th the people of Gabon were forced to delay their peaceful march and the people of Lyon, France protested for them. If the people of Gabon are again prevented from marching, anonymous will protest for them.

Follow us on Twitter: @OpGabon
Use HashTag: #OpGabon

We Are Anonymous
We Are Everywhere
We Are The Voice Of The Voiceless
We Are Legion
Tyrants Of The World Expect Us

Operation Gabon, Engaged.

Boston: Authorities "Must Have Known" About Bombing, April 16, 2013

Source: ADG UK youtube

Alastair Stevenson is thankful he was able to finish the Boston Marathon in the time he did. Had he not, the tragic circumstances unfolding in downtown Boston might have personally affected him. "

My wife, Melanie, was sitting in the same exact spot (where the explosion occurred) for five hours," Stevenson, cross country coach for both the men's and women's teams at the University of Mobile, said today. "She got up and left when I finished the race. Had I run slower, it might have been a different ball game."

Stevenson, 37, ran and completed his first Boston Marathon, leaving the scene once his race was over so he could get a shower. He and his wife were returning to the finish line area when two blasts went off killing two people and reportedly injuring at least 28. More Here

Jef Harvey on Veritas Radio | Confessions of a Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Operative, Segment 1

This is Segment 1 of 3. Segment 1 is being provided as a courtesy of VERITAS Radio.
It would be very difficult to summarize this interview as it includes a plethora of topics, ranging from Jef Harvey's experience as a former U.S. Navy Intelligence Operative. During his tenure in the military, Jef came very close to the truth. Some he cannot still mention due to his top secret clearance, but he does mention many other encounters with pedophiles within the military; multi-country submarines that seem to be guarding something of importance in the Marianas Trench.

In addition, Jef Harvey comes forward with information regarding an implant of unknown origin removed by Dr. Roger Leir. The latter was televised during an episode of UFO Hunters. Jef believes UFO Hunters is nothing but COINTELPRO and many of its cast are there with the purpose of maintaining the Status Quo and to be gatekeepers for the establishment. During the episode the producers did not mention that the implant could have been placed by the U.S. Military. Jef discusses his current work with radionics and issues recommendations of how to detoxify of all the poisons in our food, air, water, and mind. This is a 3-segment / 3-hour interview with a lot of information. You may have to listen more than once to absorb it all.

Jef Harvey is a technologist and healing arts practitioner working with emerging technologies in the healing field. Jef specializes in chronic disease reversal and accelerated deep tissue wound healing. Jef is a board certified Quorum Nutrition Consultant.

Jef spent six years in the United States Navy Electronics unit assigned to the USS John F. Kennedy CV-67 Intelligence Center. Jef worked four years in Industrial Infrared moisture detection and sampling to 6 decimal places.

Jef has actively worked 10 plus years in health research. He is highly trained in low frequency sound therapy. He works closely with various naturopathic physicians and medical doctors to provide integrative support.

Jef completed continuing education classes from the American Naturopathic Medical Association. He is highly sought out to speak on national and international radio shows about healing and detoxification. He has been interviewed by " Coast to Coast Am and many others". His You Tube videos and interviews are available to all.

Large 7.5 Earthquake Iran/Pakistan Border, April 16, 2013

Source: PressTV

The Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC) said the epicenter of the quake, which occurred at 15:14 local time at a depth of 18 kilometers on Tuesday, was situated 95 kilometers north of the city of Saravan.

The quake, unprecedented in the past 40 years, prompted officials to declare a state of emergency in the region.

Assessment and evaluation teams as well as rescue teams from the Iranian Red Crescent Society have been dispatched to the quake-stricken area, which is a sparsely populated rural area between the provincial cities of Saravan and Khash.

The tremor was powerful enough to be felt as far away as New Delhi, India, where it rocked tall buildings. It was also felt in the Persian Gulf's littoral states of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

According to Press TV correspondent, at least nine people have been killed and 100 others injured in Balochistan province of Pakistan near Iran border, after the major quake hit Iran's southeastern parts.

Officials and local sources told Press TV that several houses were destroyed due to earthquake in Panjgur District near Iran border on Tuesday, killing five people including two women.

Meanwhile, at least two people were killed because of the quake in Chahaai area also in Pakistan's Balochistan Province. M7.8 - 83km E of Khash, Iran 2013-04-16 10:44:20 UTC  

The number of casualties will be very high - No credible report as of now.
The earthquake was felt from India to Saudi Arabia.

Event Time
2013-04-16 10:44:20 UTC
2013-04-16 15:14:20 UTC+04:30 at epicenter
2013-04-16 06:44:20 UTC-04:00 system time
Location 28.107°N 62.053°E depth=82.0km (51.0mi)

Nearby Cities
83km (52mi) E of Khash, Iran
168km (104mi) NE of Iranshahr, Iran
192km (119mi) SE of Zahedan, Iran
232km (144mi) SSW of Rudbar, Afghanistan
606km (377mi) NE of Muscat, Oman

3MIN News, April 16, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Marcia Schafer & Wendy Garrett | "Beyond Zebra", Empower Radio, June 13, 2012


E.T.s are real, and Marcia Schafer has had contact since childhood. She offers a glimpse into her view of reality, choosing to inspire individual accountability and efforts to upgrade our actions upon the planet as we enter into a larger awareness of our role in the Universe, on this edition of Conscious Living.

As a change catalyst, Marcia Schafer takes her audience into the unexplored as she transforms our understanding of the world around us along with our future. She prepares us for the special needs of the 21st century at this exciting time and highlights through her own personal experiences the truth of our extraterrestrial reality.

An award winning author, Marcia has been featured in magazines, radio, television and videos and has shared the stage around the world with astronauts, Pulitzer Prize winners and other notables. The London Times Sunday Magazine special edition "50 Years in Space" included Marcia in their exclusive look at our cosmos. Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist, which tells her story, has been read in over twenty five countries and is a prior Glyph Award recipient.

She founded the inventive consulting firm Beyond Zebra® to give aspiring leaders the skills they need to build a better future, and combines knowledge of extraterrestrial reality along with a hint of mysticism in her training of up and coming entrepreneurs. With clients in over thirty five countries she's dedicated to changing the course of our future and uses her information to reposition them for a very different tomorrow.

Graham Hancock on Good and Evil, April 15, 2013


Graham Hancock was recently interviewed by William Rowlandson Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies at the University of Kent. The interview focused on many different aspects of Graham's work but with particular emphasis on his recent ventures in fiction -- Entangled, published in 2010 and his forthcoming novel War God, about the Spanish Conquest of Mexico. In this extract from the longer interview Graham talks about the treatment of violence in his novels and about the struggle of good against evil. Are these real, primal forces or projections of our own minds and cultures? What do they have to teach us? Why dwell on them in works of fiction?

Maria Wheatley | Geodetic System of Earth Energies and Ley Lines, April 14, 2013


April 14, 2013–Maria Wheatley is a writer, dowser and researcher of earth mysteries specializing in the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. She organizes regular tours of sacred sites and medieval churches and cathedrals in the South West of England to locate and interact with the monument's hidden energies. Her late father Dennis Wheatley was considered a master dowser who discovered the hidden chakra system within Glastonbury Abbey and how it was ritualistically used by the royal bloodline.

For the past ten years Maria has continued researching the many ways in which our prehistoric ancestors harnessed and utilized the Earth force. Wheatley studied landscape archaeology at the University of Bath in Swindon. She is co-author of Avebury Sun Moon and Earth and she recently founded the Avebury School of Esoteric Studies.

She will discuss ancient concepts and new findings related to the geodetic system of earth energies and ley lines. In the second hour we'll talk about the curry grid and the harmful effects of earth energies. Maria explains the basics of dowsing and how to locate both the neutral spaces and those causing geopathic stress. If you're sleeping night after night for an extended period right over one of these crossings, it could mean trouble. Maria, shares what she believes is the real age of Stonehenge. Later, she speaks of a strange metal plate object found near Stonehenge, dating back to the Elizabethan era. -Red Ice Creations
download hour 1 mp3

Richard Dolan | UFO Sightings & National Security, April 12, 2013

Source: thirdphaseofmoon youtube,

Richard Dolan is a leading historian and author about UFOs and related phenomena. He is author of UFOs and the National Security State (currently in 2 volumes) and co-author of A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact. He also has a new book, due out in early 2013: Rethinking ET: UFOs for the 21st Century Mind. This is a fresh overview of the UFO phenomenon and everything related to it, with a view toward the future as well as the past.
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