Dr. Barrie Trower | "The Increase In Brain Tumours In Children IS Down To Smart Phones & WiFi." | Oct. 12, 2016

Source: richieallen.co.uk

Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services. Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from microwave weapons and every-day microwave technologies such as mobile-phones and Wi-Fi. Mr Trower has also repeatedly assisted the UK Police Federation in their struggle to protect police officers from Tetra/Air-Band radio-communications systems that are harmful to health.

Yousef Hakim Awyan | Egypt 1.0 | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Oct. 10, 2016

Source: jimmychurchradio.com

Yousef Awyan is the son of Hakim Awyan...who was one of the last carriers of the Mystery School knowledge of ancient Egypt...and through his father he is bringing that hidden information to the world. Tonight he joins the show live from Cairo, Egypt with one of the most amazing conversations about the lost history before and during the dynastic period. -jimmychurchradio.com

The Corbett Report | URGENT: MSM Syria Lies NEED TO BE EXPOSED...Before It's Too Late | Oct. 9, 2016

Source: corbettreport.com

The world once again finds itself hurtling to the brink of war, and once again the establishment mouthpiece puppet propaganda media is leading the charge. This time around their lies defy description. In the sick world of the would-be warmongers, child beheading terrorist scum are now the heroes. The blood of the innocents that spill from here on in covers the hands of the mainstream media propagandists. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
CIA Rebels Behead Kid And Other U.S. Successes in Syria
Syria conflict: Boy beheaded by rebels ‘was fighter’
Daily Press Briefing – August 3, 2016 (video)
Daily Press Briefing – August 3, 2016 (transcript)
Original (now deleted) Channel 4 report
Channel 4’s Deleted Video Normalising Child Beheaders, al-Zenki
England’s Channel 4 News featuring “moderate” war criminals
We Have to Talk About the Boy in the Ambulance…
Christoph Germann – Aleppo in a nutshell
WW3? How the Ceasefire in #Syria broke down
CrossTalk: White Helmets, Really?
George Soros blasts Putin for Russian actions in Syria
Russia Warns US Airstrikes On Syrian Army Would Lead To War, Air Defenses Are Active
Russia Threatens To Shoot Down US Jets
Wicker Outlines Administration’s Failures in Syria
Only SEVEN people BTL support Guardian’s fact-free White Helmets editorial

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | Fake News and the National Security State | Oct. 9, 2016

Source: boilingfrogspost.com, Newsbud on Twitter

In this week’s episode of The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo, we examine a recent revelation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism on a Pentagon psychological operation in Iraq following the 2003 invasion by the United States. From there we look at how the CIA spawned its Operation Mockingbird and the ongoing effort by the national security state to control media and form consensus for its foreign policy objectives. Watch this informative eye-opener episode and bring in your reaction and thoughts. -boilingfrogspost.com

Show Notes:
Fake News and False Flags
Wikipedia: Bell Pottinger
Source watch: The Rendon Group (Iraq)
Brother of Afghan Leader Said to Be Paid by C.I.A.
Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand
CNN and Psyops
U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans
Operation Mockingbird

Trevor Louden | Communist Infiltration of US Congress & Society | Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells | Oct. 9, 2016

Source: caravantomidnight.com, TrevorLoudon.comPollMole.vote

First up John B Wells talks to Dr. Richard C. Davis giving us an update on PollMole. Then we chat to Trevor Louden. -caravantomidnight.com

Richard C. Davis
Aerospace Engineer, Synthetic Bio-Organic Chemist, Medical Doctor and retired Naval Officer, CNO Commendations x 2, TDY SEAL Team 5 doc, Blue Angels B/U Flight Surgeon, Level 1 ER / Trauma Physician, Serial Entrepreneur – 2 IPO’s, Authored 400 patents and trademarks, Designed original software for Lending Tree®

Trevor Loudon
Trevor Loudon is a New Zealand author, speaker and political activist who maintains a blog at TrevorLoudon.com. He is founder and editor of keywiki.org, a website which compiles dossiers on activists and political figures. Loudon is the author of two self-published books, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within and The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress. Loudon was also vice president of the ACT New Zealand Party from 2006 to 2008.

Clif High | Web Bot Forum Roundtable | Oct. ALTA Report | Oct. 9, 2016

Source: timemonkradio.com, halfpasthuman.com, webbotforum.com

Clif High sits down with members of the Web Bot Forum to discuss his Oct ALTA Report.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Oct. 8, 2016

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

Climate engineering is an undeniable reality as recent NASA satellite photos prove. Hurricane Matthew was a well timed engineered distraction that provided a great deal of cover for the now completely out of control power structure that is pushing us perilously close to a nuclear WWlll.

Locations off of the US mainland coast (such as Haiti where the decimation suited the agenda of those in power) were slaughtered, while Matthew was kept from making catastrophic damage on US shores. Overhyped Matthew media coverage successfully eclipsed other headlines of imploding global ecosystems, and more lines in the sand being drawn from the global powers that have had enough of the US/NATO aggression.

The pharmaceutical industrial complex has decided there is not enough aluminum in the existing Gardasil vaccination so they have decided to double the amount of aluminum in this already lethal injection. The fossil fuel industry has been radically underreporting the amount of methane they are spilling into the atmosphere, but the fountains of methane that are now blowing out in the Arctic completely overshadow it all.

The Pentagon is pumping hundreds of millions into fake Al-Qaeda terrorist videos, and the US population is for the most part still asleep at the wheel. The human race remains on a trajectory toward near term extinction. The October 8th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Stream of Consciousness Talk | Feet to the Fire Radio

Source: Feet to Fire Radio, richardalanmiller.com, oak-publishing.com, herbfarminfo.com

Dr. Richard Alan Miller ph.D. - Open Talk - A.I., Space-Time, Consciousness, Death, Cavitation, Chemtrails, Hillary/Trump, Crop Failures, Weather, Dehydration, Shift of Earth'"s orbit, Planet X, Mandela Effect, Parallel Universe and possible collapse, Fear/Faith, and Affecting Reality.

Everyone's favorite Physicist former Spook and Navy Seal, Naturalist, Survivalist, Herbalist, and all around sharp guy, Richard Alan Miller returns to F2F with a two hour talk about whatever comes up; and between James And Richard, no one can guess... but it is interesting as well as entertaining.

Contrary to what one might think, Richard Miller does not have a fat government retirement, but is actually living day by day with various short term research projects, speaking/teaching engagements and sales of his book. Richard has started a Go-FundMe campaign to help release much of his work over the years, including, his actual, original papers in the formation of, what is now, the Navy Seals. Interesting helping and receiving historical and groundbreaking information from Dr. Richard Alan Miller? -Feet to the Fire Radio

Max Igan | Get Your Microchip for World War 3 | Oct. 7, 2016

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - October 7th, 2016

Dr. Roger Leir, Kevin Smith, Art Bell | The Varginha Case, Kumburgaz UFO Turkey | Kevin Smith Show

Source: kevinsmithshow.info, Information Machine, alienscalpel.com

Description: Best known to us as the doctor who removes ET implants from people's bodies, Dr. Leir (R.I.P.) discusses the Varginha, Brasil case and talks about interviewing the surgeon who operated on the ET in that case. He also discusses in detail the famous UFO incidents in Turkey to which he is a witness.

Dr. Leir will discuss the Turkish UFO videos among other topics.

Dr. Roger K. Leir, author of the "Aliens and the Scalpel-First and Second Edition", "UFO Crash in Brazil", "Casebook Alien Implants", "Chopped Liver" and three other books published outside the United States, has been said to be one of the worlds most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology.

He and his surgical team have performed sixteen surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of seventeen separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to meteorite samples. Dr. Leir continues to investigate the physiological and biological aspects of the abduction phenomenon. He has also formed a non-profit organization for this purpose called "A & S Research Inc."

Show References:
Images for Dark Matter program discussion
Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Analysis Video and Summary
Full Image Analysis Shows Occupants
OSTP Report Given to President Obama (PDF)
Implant Analysis Report (PDF)

2009 Turkey UFO Video - Kumburgaz UFO OVNI (Increased Quality Version)

UFO Brazilian UFO Crash Varginha Incident full Documentary 2015

New World Next Week | Snowjob 2.0? NSA Shadow Broker Nabbed by FBI | Oct. 6, 2016

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: NSA Contractor Arrested For Stealing Secrets Already Being Called ‘Snowden 2.0’
NSA Contractor Harold Martin Busted in Alleged Theft of Secret Docs
NWNW Flashback: ’Shadow Brokers' Claim NSA Hack, Share Hi-Tech Hacking Tools (Aug. 18, 2016)
@BoozAllen, owned by @OneCarlyle, headed up by the @CIA who, again, "leak" from the @NSAGov
Wikileaks Cancels “October Surprise” Over “Security Concerns”
Again, Not Russia?: Yahoo Gave U.S. Spy Agencies Access to Hundreds of Millions of Users’ Emails

Story #2: World War Three Will Be “Extremely Lethal And Fast”
DefenceOne: Army Warns Future War With Russia, China Would Be “Extremely Lethal And Fast”

Story #3: Anonymous Internet Vigilantes Taking Peer Review Into Their Own Hands
The Crisis of Science (Is Worse Than You Think)

More Athletes Exercising Anti-War Views

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 6, 2016

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Russia Asked to Intervene in Libya: Gaining Clout in Middle East
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