Lisa Renee | Ascension


The Mechanics Behind Creation – Spiritual Science - How Consciousness moves through a Time and Space Matrix.

Energy is Conscious, Consciousness is Energy (The Intelligence Fields)
Timelines and Dimensional Planes are the Same
Skipping forward in Time as we change the focus of our consciousness
Humanity is moving to another reality, dimension or time during this 2012 cycle.
Ascension Cycle = every 26,556 years (Align to Galactic Core)
3D Planet Earth entered Galactic (Off Planet) Frequency Cycle in 2008 (1987-2007 Planetary
    Cycle-7 planes)
Lisa Renee has been personally prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings known as the Melchizedek Guardians through her Council of 12 known to her as the Sirian High Council. As an “Awakened Starseed” she was contacted by her spiritual lineage several years ago to begin the training necessary to facilitate Ascension information to the planet. The Guardian’s purpose is to empower humanity through the process of transformation by comprehending the Science of Ascension and the Purpose of Human Evolution during this specific time cycle.

Lisa experienced a spontaneous "kundalini" event several years ago that catalyzed a “Starseed Awakening" to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings known as the Melchizedek Guardians through her Council of 12 known to her as the Sirian High Council. Guided by a Spiritual Hierarchy, Lisa was trained and downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Spirit Technologies was experienced by her own personal conscious evolution and began her transition into a Spiritual Guide and Multidimensional Energetic Healer during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is a Galactic Emissary for the Guardians and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to "Ascension".

Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Intuitive, Spiritual mentor, Writer, Quantum Therapist and Etheric surgeon. She writes a monthly column called Lifting Your Veil, which you can find at section, and also at She lives and has a practice in Santa Monica, California.

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Road Map To Peace 2012 | The Traitors

Source: youtube/Sentientmind

Well done short movie by Sentientmind.
Road map to peace 2012 - The Traitors. A story of war and geo politics and the very people who are traitors to their people.

Information Machine on Facebook

July 30, 2010–Information Machine has now its own Facebook group which you can join here:Information Machine Facebook Group

Robert Hastings | The Malstrom AFB UFO incident

Source: OpenMinds Radio

Robert Hastings’ father was career U.S. Air Force. Growing up on Air Force bases, Hastings was around during the famous Malstrom AFB UFO incident, and in 1967 witnessed five UFOs being tracked on radar at the base air traffic control tower. This experience led him to his decades-long research into the UFO-Nukes Connection. He now believes there is a link between the development of nuclear weapons in the mid-1940s, and the overall increase in UFO sightings since then.

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James Penniston | The Rendlesham Forest Incident

Source: OpenMinds Radio

OpenMinds Radio interviews James Penniston.

James Penniston was an Air Force Staff Sergeant at a joint US Air Force and Royal Air Force base at Bentwaters. On December 26th, 1980 he was sent to investigate strange lights on the forest. In the forest he came up to a triangular craft that was able to examine up close. This was part of one of the most well document UFO sightings in history, referred to as the Rendlesham Forest Incident.

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Trailer | UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied - III - The Human Record


a film by JOSE ESCAMILLA - This is the official trailer for THE HUMAN RECORD. Release date TBA.

EPA's Hugh Kaufman criticizes decision to use Corexit to clean BP Spill

United We Fall


Support the film makers by owning it on DVD.

A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks "United We Fall" is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. In recent years, the mood has shifted and a rift is developing between those who want a Deeply Integrated North American Community, and those who wish to retain their national sovereignty. This film takes a look at both sides by interviewing both insiders and activists who have been at the heart of this heated debate. The film also looks to the broader agenda of building a world government and its implications. Featured Interviews: Robert Pastor (Council on Foreign Relations), Allan Gotlieb (Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg) Herbert Grubel (Creator of the "Amero") Luke Rudkowski (We Are Change) Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) Vijay Sarma (Political Activist, Independent Journalist) Dr. Andrew Moulden (Canadian Action Party) Richard Syrett (Talk Radio Host)

The Mysteries of Symbolism

Source: MtsarTV

From Michael Tsarion—The Mysteries of Symbolism…In the Media and Elsewhere…The royal road to Understanding.

Michael Tsarion | Alternative Research Community Convention

Source: UnslavedFilms

February 2010—Michael Tsarion opens the first ARC (Alternative Research Community) Convention in Bath, England.

Mel Fabregas from VERITAS interviews Lisa Renee at ECETI


This is a short interview with Lisa Renee (appearance by Dr. Brooks Agnew as well). This interview resulted in a 3-hour Veritas Show, which will air on July 30, 2010.

Susan Joy Rennison | A New Cosmic Age, Space Weather & Cosmic Radiation


July 25, 2010–Susan Joy Rennison has an honors degree in physics and geophysics from a British university, she is an independent researcher and author of "Tuning the Diamonds - Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution". She joins us to talk about her new essay called "The Greatest Transition in the History of Mankind - The Return to Paradise" and what she calls "The New Cosmic Age". What is happening in our universe? How are we being influenced by cosmic changes and space weather?

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