Dreamtime Healing | Ancient Aboriginal Modalities with Steve Richards, May 30, 2012

Source: offplanetradio.com, holographickinetics.net, Duncan O'Finioan Blog

Panel discussion with ancient aboriginal healer, Steve Richards.

Panel: Annalie Cummings, Miranda Kelly, Duncan O'Finioan, and Randy Maugans
Topics: healing from trauma, DID/PTSD, demonic/spirit influence, substance abuse, apparitions, psychotronic influences. Past life influences, curses, group demonic influence.

DREAMTIME HEALING is about rebalancing of the imbalances of man’s internally- created realities through the cycles of dimensions that man calls “time”. Dreamtime healing can access the internal dimensional world of all living things, the life force, the invisible, man at times calls spirit, [different from the soul] where all creation is first set-up, and then flows through into the visible external world of reality. It is an advanced Aboriginal-healing modality, incorporating the applied knowledge of Lore.

Back in Time Series | William Buhlman - OBEs: The Benefits of Astral Travel, March 5, 2008

Source: coasttocoastam.com, astralinfo.org

March 5, 2008–Speaker and author William Buhlman discussed the latest research on out-of-body experiences (OBEs). During these experiences a person moves into an astral realm-- a dimension of existence apart from the physical world. There are many benefits that can be gained during OBEs. You become an explorer who can ascertain direct knowledge about one's existence rather than just adhering to a belief system, he explained.

During sleep, people actual separate from their bodies, if only a few inches, Buhlman pointed out, adding that one purpose of sleep may be to recharge the body by accessing the etheric plane. He shared a technique for inducing OBEs: Get up after about 4 hours of sleep, and lie down on a couch instead of your bed. Then, repeat the affirmation "now I'm out of my body" and hold onto that thought.

People have reported having communications with deceased loved ones and family pets during astral travels. But, the natural evolution in an OBE is to slowly lose human form and become a globe of consciousness with 360 degree views, he revealed. A lot of concepts surrounding OBEs are false, such as you can lose connection to your physical body if you're out too long, or that negative entities can enter your body while you're astral traveling, he detailed.

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon footage June 3, 2012

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Max Igan | When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty, June 1, 2012

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving The Matrix - June, 1st, 2012.

Paul Levy on Time Monk Radio, June 1, 2012

Source: timemonkradio.com, awakeninthedream.com

Paul levy is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming (both night dreams as well as waking dreams). A Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for over 30 years, he has intimately studied with some of the greatest spiritual masters of Tibet and Burma. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis, as well as Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity.

Clif's wujo - E12 | Meditation techniques, May 31, 2012

Source: halfpasthuman.com

Daniel Estulin | Nations Destroyed by Corporate Fascist Dictatorship, May 31, 2012

Source: prisonplanet.tv, danielestulin.com

Alex talks with Daniel Estulin, long-time Bilderberg researcher and author of the indispensable book, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com provide coverage throughout the day as an expected record number of demonstrators are expected to voice their opposition to the secretive elitist group.

Jonny Enoch | Kratom & The Multiverse, May 30, 2012

Source: Radio 3Fourteen, kratomassociation.org, jonnyenochshow.com, bikhuk.com

May 30, 2012–Jonny Enoch from kratomassociation.org discusses all things kratom, an amazing herb the world needs to know about. Then, we dive into metaphysical concepts exploring quantum physics, the multiverse, inter-dimensional realities, DNA changes, extraterrestrials, consciousness technologies and sacred geometry.

Jonny went to college to become a counselor, and specialized in addictions studies and psychology. Additionally, he gives psychic readings and does clinical hypnotherapy focusing on Dr. Michael Newton's technique of "life between life" regressions. Enoch also has taught metaphysical subjects and lectured extensively. He ran a fairly popular podcast and put out two printed publication on esoteric/metaphysical subjects. He's also belonged to several Qabalistic magical orders. Currently, he's working on an interesting book, which we'll talk about and an online TV show. ~Radio 3Fourteen

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James Horak on The Hundredth Monkey Radio, May 27, 2012

Source: thehundredthmonkeyradio.com, emvsinfo.blogspot.com

James Horak is explaining recent images showing a huge object in the vicinity of the Sun that has shown up on several images from the solar observatories. James is revealing that this is an ET-operation that is protected by EMVs while it is ongoing. ETs are using the Sun for forging an immensely large piece of a very special metal that James calles Armaton. This metal is used for the construction of ET craft among other things.

James, Tom and Ramone, in the course of the interview also discuss the chances of the survival of this lineage of humanity that is now facing the 7th extinction. James is giving the Captains and Lieutenants of the Illuminati, the facilitators of the ongoing depopulation of the 'useless eaters' on this planet Earth a warning that history is teaching us one thing:

"If the powers that be had their way, that after they depopulated the Earth, the evidence would have to be removed, that means the facilitators because tptb are going to rewrite history so it makes themselves look as wonderful and not the murderous scum they are."

Henrik Palmgren | Cashless Society & New World Order - Truth Frequency, May 26, 2012

Source: truthfrequency.com, redicecreations.com

Many of our listeners would say that this guest is long overdue on Truth Frequency. Henrik Palmgren, a radio host, researcher, filmmaker, musician, graphic designer and editor, has devoted years to researching the occult realms and esoteric elements of our existence. Observing everything from "hands-on" conspiracies to subtle nuances of divine communication and meaningful coincidences, his films and podcasts have inspired many people, including Chris and Sheree, to follow his example of continuously raising the bar for alternative media. ~Truth Frequency

Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Occupy Movement (E7), May 29, 2012

Source: assange.rt.com

The Occupy movement has united hundreds of thousands across the world to fight social and economic inequality. In the latest edition of Assange's very own interview programme Julian Assange meets with prominent Occupy activists who say their collective efforts target global institutions.

Jim Marrs | New World Order Agenda, May 27, 2012

Source: coasttocoastam.com, jimmarrs.com

George Knapp was joined by investigative journalist, Jim Marrs, who appeared for the full four hours and discussed his research into the elite's agenda for enslaving the human race. He dismissed concerns over being derisively labeled a "conspiracy theorist," because, in hindsight, "it turns out that everything, generally, that I have presented has always proved to be true."

On a grand scale, Marrs contended that "off the shelf" technology exists to feed, house, and medically treat everyone on the planet, but it is not put to use because, "somewhere, somebody wants it that way." This purposeful neglect, he said, is "the biggest proof not only of conspiracy but the biggest conspiracy going on right now."
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