The Friendship Case

Source: UFOTVstudios youtube

It caused a great media sensation. Mass UFO sightings. People wanted to know what was happening but know one could penetrate the mystery. Now after 50 years of silence, insider witnesses have decided to speak. A UFO contact case that has been kept secret for decades is now revealed. Humans working together with extraterrestrials in secret. Hundreds of people were involved. Countless pieces of evidence remain. Only now can the truth be known. This is the unbelievable true story about The Friendship Case.

See also: "Friend-Ship" A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Witnesses

FBI To Internet Providers: Spy For Us Or Face A $25,000 Fine, May 8, 2013


Existing wiretap law is almost 20 years old and doesn't capture the nuances of modern internet use. Here's how the FBI plans to get around it.
By Kelsey D. Atherton

Existing wiretap law is almost 20 years old and doesn't capture the nuances of modern internet use. The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act was first authorized in 1994, and it ordered "telecommunications carriers" to comply with court orders to assist in intercepting communication. Since then, communication online has taken off, while the landscape of what we know has telecommunications carriers has drastically changed. In 2006, the FCC expanded the act to include Internet access providers, but there's a tricky caveat: court orders under existing law only instruct internet communications providers to offer technical assistance to law enforcement. That gives the tech companies some leeway if they're uncomfortable handing over information; they can just say they were unable to make the technology work the way the FBI wants.

Under the new proposal, that wiggle room disappears. FBI officials can notify a company (with a wiretap order, say) that they need the tech to be surveillance-ready in 30 days. If not? Fines, starting at $25,000/day that the capability isn't there. Of course, complying isn't exactly free, either. Over at Lawfare, >Susan Landau writes:

The FBI plan is really about cost shifting. When wiretapping was about alligator clips, law enforcement paid the full costs of a tap. With CALEA, the government reimbursed the service providers $500 million for retrofitting old switches to be CALEA compliant, but the companies had to pay the costs of doing so for new infrastructure (law enforcement does pay for the work involved in executing a particular tap, but not the cost of creating the infrastructure). What the FBI wants to do now is have communications services wiretap compliant with private industry footing the bill.

The plan allows the FBI to adapt quickly as new media emerge, and more and more private information is in the hands of internet-based tech companies. But it's still a far cry from law. Right now, the Obama administration is considering the proposal. If White House officials choose to push it forward, it would still need to pass in Congress.

Robert W. Sullivan | The Royal Arch of Enoch, May 7, 2013



May 7, 2013–Robert Sullivan is a philosopher, historian, antiquarian, jurist, theologian, writer, and a lawyer. He is a Freemason, having joined Amicable-St. John's Lodge #25, Baltimore Maryland in 1997; he became a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason in 1999, Valley of Baltimore, Orient of Maryland.

"The Royal Arch of Enoch: The Impact of Masonic Ritual, Philosophy, and Symbolism" is his first published work and is the result of twenty years of research. We’ll discuss freemasonic lore, rituals, ceremonies and the deities surrounding the Royal Arch Degree. Also, we discuss the history of battling secret societies, philosophies of pro-papal Jesuits and warring anti-royal aristocratic masons.

Later, Robert explains the origins of Enoch and Enochian magic. In the member’s hour, Robert speaks about Freemasonry in the past vs. today, a very different world, although only 20 years ago. Then we talk about the criticism of freemasonry and the anti-Masonic party, which was the first third party in the US.
download hour 1 mp3

Tom Campbell | Women's Rights Issues and Genetic Codes, March 2013


Daghda MacCuolahan, president of the Lovit Center, asks Tom Campbell about women's rights and basic genetic codes from his big picture viewpoint in this insightful interview. His answers center around the concepts in his upcoming book Primal Man Primal Woman.

Are the male primal instincts helpful in the modern world?

Are the female primal instincts of peaceful coexistence and relationship are more useful in our modern society?

Susan Joy Rennison on Veritas Radio | Space Weather


The material of tonight’s interview is so important that our special guest has granted an extra segment. In 3 hours we will discuss the new phenomena of space weather driving massive evolutionary change. In 2006, Susan Joy Rennison wrote a book titled Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution, because she realized that modern Mayan elders were trying to point out that the citizens of planet earth were entering a new world age dominated by aether or space. The basic premise of her research was that the dramatic increase and impact of space weather was the predicted arrival.    Today, things have moved on considerably and geoscientists worldwide are adamant that our planet is experiencing a “global energy leap” and the inevitable consequence will be more mega-disasters. World governments have been warned that there is a new need for disaster preparedness and there is now a new sense of urgency.

Even Lloyd’s of London, The world’s leading insurance company providing specialist insurance services to businesses in over 200 countries and territories, have declared:  “A major space weather event in the approaching solar maximum could cause widespread disruption for unprepared businesses. Lloyd’s 360 space weather report produced by Lloyd’s and RAL space, aims to increase awareness of space weather as a global risk. In this 3-hour interview, Susan Joy Rennison offers unique perspective based on the integration of science, metaphysics and ancient knowledge.

For over 30 years, Susan Joy Rennison has explored the connections and interface between science and spirituality. After graduating from a British University (Liverpool) with an honours degree in Physics and Geophysics, her early career was as a software analyst and software designer for mainframe computers, her affinity for analysis and problem solving, were accompanied by her project management skills. These abilities blended with her thirst for knowledge in the nature of human reality, accumulated in her deep discernment and insight.

Ms. Rennison is a dedicated and thorough researcher. Her open mind allows her to see, compare and contrast information from a broad spectrum of knowledge and find the intersections that connect them. Tuning the Diamonds - Electromagnetism & Spiritual Evolution is the first book written by Ms. Rennison and it fully demonstrates her talents, for it is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration into the field of consciousness. Ms. Rennison now devotes her time to assisting others on their personal path of evolution. For groups spanning the general public, academic forums, classes and seminars, and scientific conferences and symposia, Ms. Rennison offers her services as a speaker and specialist in the fields of Space Weather, physics, geomagnetism and human consciousness.

Panel Discussion #02 at the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2012


The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing.

Panel Discussion #02
Catherine Austin Fitts
Dr. Brooks Agnew
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Nick Begich
Fernando Vossa
Michael Tellinger
Georg Ritschl

4MIN News | Volcanos Erupt, Spaceweather, May 7, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Back in Time Series | Free Energy the Race to Zero Point, 2008


In this award-winning, feature length, two-hour broadcast-quality Documentary you will learn about the latest developments in the field of Free and Zero Point Energy from Tesla to Dennis Lee. Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression. See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals.

Featuring: The Patterson cold fusion power cell ~ Troy Reed's magnetic "Surge" motors ~ Paul Pantone's GEET processor for increasing fuel efficiency in cars ~ Joseph Newman's rotating magnet "over unity" motor ~ Dennis Lee's Low temperature phase-change technologies ~ John Hutchison's amazing anti-gravity experiments ~ Along with internationally recognized scientists and authors: Tom Bearden ~ Hal Fox ~ Shiuji Inomita Moray King ~ Eugene Mallove ~ Jeanne Manning Brian O'Leary & Tom Valone.

Information Machine goes on Twitter, May 7, 2013

Source: Information Machine on Twitter

Defense Against the Psychopath | Stefan Verstappen on GRTV, May 6, 2013


As more and more studies demonstrating the corrosive effect of psychopathy on government, finance, and business emerge, researchers have begun to explore how our society itself has been molded in the psychopaths' image. Now, one of those researchers, Stefan Verstappen, shares his insights on psychopathy in modern culture. This is the GRTV Feature interview on Global Research TV.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure | Stephen Bassett Presents Closing Thoughts on the Hearing for Disclosure


Stephen Bassett, Executive Director of The Paradigm Research Group, producers of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure reflects on the week-long hearing and the amount of information that has been presented to the committee of congressional members.

Citizen Hearing for Disclosure
May 3, 2013

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure | Dr. Steven Greer Talks Truth vs. Stigma about UFOs


Dr. Steven Greer stopped to discuss why eventually the battle for truth will prevail against the stigma associated with UFO and extra terrestrial phenomena.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
May 3, 2013
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