Breakthrough Imminent? Putin sees 'real chance' to solve Iran nuclear row, November 19, 2013


Talks over Iran's nuclear program are set to resume tomorrow after a round of negotiations earlier this month failed to seal an agreement. Israel has been staunchly opposed to a deal, along with France - saying any lifting of sanctions against Iran would happen only if Tehran gave up its program. Meanwhile, Russia's President has voiced his optimism that a deal would be reached soon. To discuss the situation around Iran's nuclear talks Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin joins RT.

Pakistan TV Exposes bin Laden Killing Hoax


Mohammad Bashir, Abbottabad resident and neighbour to the alleged "compound" of Osama bin Laden, gives his eyewitness account of what he saw happen on 2 May 2011 (local time), when - according to the official story - US Navy SEALs assassinated Osama bin Laden. In this interview, soon after the event, with a Pakistan national TV station (, Bashir gives an account which fundamentally contradicts the official story.

According to Paul Craig Roberts:
This interview of an eyewitness to the entire event is powerful evidence that the Obama regime's story of the killing of Osama bin Laden and his burial at sea is a hoax and a lie. Pakistani Samaa TV confirms that Bashir is who he says he is and that he lives next to the alleged bin Laden compound. Samaa TV also confirms that neighbors knew the residents of the "compound." There has never been any mention of the Bashir interview in the presstitute media.

For more information, please visit:

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Tuesday, November 19, 2013


This is a summary of news headlines from the United States and around the world as reported by Democracy Now! on Tuesday, November 19, 2013.

Bonnie and John Mitchell | TV Sigil Magick Mind Control, OffPlanet Radio, November 15, 2013


Bonnie and John Mitchell run, an anthology of videos with categories like DNA Activation and Ascension, Reptilians, Masons and the New World Order, Alternative Energy, Sacred Geometry, HAARP and Project Blue Beam.

Hour 1: We discuss their serious research on Television Sigil Magick: the cabal's use of electronic media blended with sacred power symbols. The origins of dark magic and the applications of hypnotic -swirls-, enchanted icons, and trance state induction via frequency embeds.

Peter Joseph | Inside the Zeitgeist Revolution, November 15, 2013


Abby Martin speaks with Peter Joseph, founder to the Zeitgeist Movement about the philosophy behind the organization, the unsustainability of the current economic system and the model proposed by the movement for a sustainable future that works harmoniously with nature.

Michel Chossudovsky | The West is the Architect of Terrorism in Syria, November 18, 2013


Press TV has conducted an interview with Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal about the issue of the Western proxy war in Syria and the fresh advances being made by the army of the Syrian government in its fight against insurgents backed by the West, Israel and some Persian Gulf states.

Dr. Gerald Pollack | Water Science On A Roll, November 18, 2013


Dr. Gerald Pollack is a distinguished scientist, a professor of the Bioengineering Department of the University of Washington, and the editor-in-chief of Water. He is the author of Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life and, most recently, The 4th Stage of Water. In 2012, Dr. Gerald Pollack received the Pryigine Award, named after the late Ilye Prigogine, who contributed so much to the world with his body of work on complex systems.

The water in our cells is even more important to us than we think. Our bodies are 99 percent water molecules, and the water in our cells is highly structured, negatively charged, and can hold energy like a battery. Visible, invisible, and infrared light seem to be powering the energy in our cells. In this interview, Kim and Dr. Gerald Pollack talk in length about the state of science and how it works in terms of funding and discovery. Kim facilitates a dialogue between Dr. Pollack and water pioneer Dan Nelson, exploring cutting-edge research and theories in the field of water science. This segment is not to be missed.

Mike Mitcham | Dangers of the Smart Grid & the Artificial Biosphere, November 15, 2013


November 15, 2013–Mike Mitcham is a researcher and activist, with a background in IT systems consulting. In January 2012, he co-founded Stop Smart Meters! (UK) to raise awareness among the public about the dangers of Smart Meters and our rights to refuse them. To date, the campaign has served over 100,000 Legal Notices to entities and individuals pushing the Smart Metering agenda on behalf of nearly 1,400 people.

Following concerted efforts to appeal to Government policymakers and advisors, Mike and co-founder Dr. Elizabeth Evans were asked to give evidence at a televised Parliamentary Select Committee Hearing at the Palace of Westminster in April 2013. Mike was recently featured in Take Back Your Power, a documentary by Josh del Sol which examines the realities of the "Smart Grid."

Our discussion centers on the major privacy and health concerns with the smart grid and the development of "the internet of things." We also talk about the new IPv6 internet communications protocol and RFID development. Mike explains the security vulnerabilities of the smart grid and how the smart meter could allow government, corporations and hackers to monitor your behavior based on electricity usage.
download hour 1 mp3

ISON and New Quake Update, November 17, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Isons Develops Bow Shock./Full Update, November 16, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

The Corbett Report | Meet Lee Harvey Oswald, Sheep-Dipped Patsy, November 15, 2013


In this week's special documentary episode of the podcast, we explore the life and legend of Lee Harvey Oswald. Was he a poor, disgruntled loner or an overachieving marine? A presidential assassin or a sheep-dipped patsy? Find out in this week's edition of The Corbett Report. Transcript & Sources

ISON 7 Times larger than Lovejoy

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

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