Courtney Brown | The Great Pyramid of Giza, April 8, 2014


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Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing, April 7, 2014


Was Turkey behind last year's Syrian chemical weapons attack? That is the question raised in a new exposé by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on the intelligence debate over the deaths of hundreds of Syrians in Ghouta last year.

The United States, and much of the international community, blamed forces loyal to the Assad government, almost leading to a U.S. attack on Syria. But Hersh reveals the U.S. intelligence community feared Turkey was supplying sarin gas to Syrian rebels in the months before the attack took place -- information never made public as President Obama made the case for launching a strike. Hersh joins us to discuss his findings.

Jeff Rense & Jim Marrs | WW2 And Hitler In Argentina


Clip from March 27, 2014 - guest Jim Marrs on the Jeff Rense Program.

You won't believe the military's new drones, April 6, 2014


Bird-like drones. Insect-like drones. Stealth drones. Invisible drones. The military's quest for the sneakiest, deadliest drones knows no bounds. They just acquired 36 Maveric drones, which look exactly like birds. They put in an order for Black Hornet drones, which are super small. They will not stop with the drones, already. The Resident discusses.

Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D. | Healing is Voltage | Segment 1


Our bodies are electric. Could it be that when our 'battery' is low our bodies start deteriorating and disease takes over? What about surgery? Did you know that scars block the proper flow of electricity throughout the body? Have you taken a Sunday ride in a convertible only to then feel tired? Wind (even a fan) steals your electrons. Running water (a shower, the ocean or a river) will give you electrons. No wonder we feel rejuvenated at the beach.

Dr. Jerry Tennant talked about how he developed a method of using voltage to diagnose and treat a variety of health problems. A successful eye surgeon, he came down with encephalitis, and it was during this period that he correlated lowered voltage in specific body areas with illness. Pain is actually a symptom of abnormal voltage, and "all you have to do to get rid of it is insert enough electrons to get the voltage back up into the operating range," he said. Dr. Tennant has developed a device called the Biomodulator which can transfer the electrons to cell membranes. 

Many ailments referred to as auto-immune are not caused by the body attacking itself, but from bacteria releasing digestive enzymes that get into the bloodstream and attack low voltage areas, he explained. A lot of the hypothyroidism is due to fluoride exposure, Tennant added.

He also pointed toward root canals as a source of health problems-- one infected root canal can shut down 63% of the immune system, he cited. Another cause of having low voltage is not having enough stomach acid (sometimes brought about by a deficiency of iodine and zinc), he detailed.

The Truthseeker: Regime Change America, April 6, 2014


#WaveOfAction started April 4 the day Martin Luther King was assassinated by US government; military scorns drone operators as 'cowardly button pushers', troops refuse to man killer UAVs; America 'not really a democracy at all'.

Seek truth from facts with Regime Change Begins at Home author Professor Charles Derber; Center on Conscience & War counseling coordinator Bill Galvin; lawyer Kevin Zeese; Banker Occupation author Stephen Lendman; peace activist Professor Michael Nagler; and former drone pilot Brandon Bryant.

Vincent Freeman | Chemtrails Pathogen, Xenobiology & Engineered Bacteria | Hour 1, April 4, 2014


April 4, 2014–Vincent Freeman is a molecular biologist and artificial intelligence scientist who has worked on classified programs at some of the top-50 defense contractors. He has also conducted genetic and biological analysis for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Vincent is currently volunteering his time as a senior consultant to the Carnicom Institute, a non-profit research organization whose goal is to identify and expose covert geo-engineering and bio-engineering. Vincent will discuss his current project that involves 'reverse-engineering' the fundamental structural biology involved in the 'chemtrails' pathogen. He is working closely with Clifford Carnicom to accomplish this task. Vincent will explain the biological evidence they have and explain the eerie properties of cross domain bacteria, a type of genetically engineered bacteria/nanomachine.

download hour 1 mp3

Jim Marrs | Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? | Segment 1


For years we've been taught that human progress has been a long, slow climb from the primordial ooze to hunter-gatherers to empires. But what if that's only part of the story?

Bestselling author and legendary conspiracy researcher Jim Marrs now takes on his biggest subject: the history of humankind. Offering mind-blowing information that will radically alter the way we think about the world and our place in it, Marrs goes beyond the revelations of his classic Alien Agenda, interweaving science and authentic archaeological finds with provocative speculation to show how human civilization may have originated with nonhumans who visited earth eons ago . . . and may still be here today.

Marrs sifts through the historical, scientific, and cultural record, showing how numerous ancient texts and tablets tell of visitors from the stars colonizing the earth. From the flying vimanas of the Hindu Vedic literature and the flying shields reported by the Romans to the mysterious airships of the 1800s and the UFOs of today, he argues that someone other than us is still present on this planet. But are these visitors simply observers—or do they play a much more active and controlling role? Jim Marrs raises this shocking question and more in the provocative and persuasive Our Occulted History.

The truth is out there . . .

What really happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Was the assassination of John F. Kennedy simply the work of a warped, solitary young man, or was something more nefarious afoot? Pulling together a wealth of evidence, including rare photos, documents, and interviews, veteran Texas journalist Jim Marrs reveals the truth about that fateful day. Thoroughly revised and updated with the latest findings about the assassination, Crossfire is the most comprehensive, convincing explanation of how, why, and by whom our thirty-fifth president was killed.

Problem, Houston? NASA's Russia snub part of internal US 'money grab', April 3, 2014


Why has NASA chosen to punish Russia? After scrapping the space shuttle program in 2011, the US is now dependent on Russian rockets to put astronauts in space. Is the latest order to put an end to communications with Russian government officials and scientists an attempt to change this?

Jeff Rense & Yoichi Shimatsu - Flt 370...Israeli Double-Cross


Clip from March 31, 2014 - guest Yoichi Shimatsu on the Jeff Rense Program.

New World Next Week | Good News Next Week, April 3, 2014


Monsanto's 'Healthier Environment' Ads Banned in South Africa

South Africans Erase Bad Credit History

China Destroys Illegal GMO Crop Trials on Hainan Island

Brazil Looks to Ban Monsanto's Roundup, Other Toxicity Risks

GMO Cultivation Declines in Developed Nations for First Time in 18 Years

Volunteer Gardeners Help Texas Community Garden Grow

Open Sourcing the Food, Nutrition, and Supplement Industries

Team of Scientists Release 'Global Warming' Counter Report

Japan Told to Halt Antarctic Whaling by International Court

Texas Researcher: Peaches Inhibit Breast Cancer Metastasis in Mice

Deaf 40-Year-Old Woman Hears Sound for First Time

Study Shows We Work Harder If We're Given Chocolate

American University Students Walk Out on 'War Criminal' Cheney

M 6.4 Solar Flare Update/Fast Moving, April 2, 2014

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

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