Brien Foerster | Teotihuacan In Mexico: Mysterious Ancient Pyramidal Complex | March 24, 2015


The huge ancient site in Mexico called Teotihuacan, the "Birthplace of the Gods" or "Where Men Became Gods" in the Aztec Nahuatl language was supposedly built by the Toltec people about 100 AD. However, it is possible that at least aspects of this site are far older. Come and explore with us. -Brien Foerster

The Corbett Report | You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid | March 24, 2015


Half a century ago people had to be reassured their social security card was not being used for identification. Now there are federally standardized and globally synchronized ID cards, government-sponsored online ID projects, DNA databases, and even secret databases of your newborn baby’s genetic information and nobody bats an eyelid. How did we get here, and how can we break this conditioning?

Show Notes

S0 News | Severe Storm Alert, Jupiter Chaos | March 24, 2015


Breakaway State - UFO Secrecy & The Black Budget | Dark Journalist | March 23, 2015


Join Dark Journalist and his special guests as they unravel the treacherous path of The Breakaway Civilization, Deep State, Black Budget, UFO Secrecy, Covert Intelligence Ops, Advanced Technology, Secret Finance and more! In this unique episode, we will celebrate over ONE MILLION VIEWS with a show dedicated to the very best clips of the past year. With Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe, Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts, Historian Richard Dolan, Nuclear Physicist Stanton Friedman, Former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Professor Peter Dale Scott.

We will also review and read some of your excellent and thoughtful viewer comments from the previous twenty-five episodes!

Dark Journalist goes deeper into the matrix to map out the real terrain of life in the 21st century and reveals hidden power structures and an invisible elite that are attempting to centralize control of the planet by usurping traditional democracy to create a hierarchy of domination using clandestine structures in the deep state. These forces have access to secret advanced technology and trillions in public funds that were pilfered by a network of shadow financial institutions obscured from public view.

What is the real story of the Black Budget? Global Governance? Secret Space Program? UFO Technology? Ancient Human Ancestry? Media Manipulation? Political Blackmail? National Security State? Who is really controlling our world and what is their end game? Are eighty-five wealthy individuals and six media corporations controlling the lives and future of seven billion people on planet earth? What is the goal of the technocratic empire and digital superstate that is being created while the vast majority of citizens are lulled into sleep and passivity with entrainment technology embedded in our personal devices and mind control in the corporate media?

Gulf Stream is slowing down faster than ever, scientists say | March 23, 2015


The Gulf Stream that helps to keep Britain from freezing over in winter is slowing down faster now than at any time in the past millennium according to a study suggesting that major changes are taking place to the ocean currents of the North Atlantic. Read more at:

What is the global ocean conveyor belt?


The great ocean conveyor moves water around the globe.

The ocean is not a still body of water. There is constant motion in the ocean in the form of a global ocean conveyor belt. This motion is caused by a combination of thermohaline currents (thermo = temperature; haline = salinity) in the deep ocean and wind-driven currents on the surface. Cold, salty water is dense and sinks to the bottom of the ocean while warm water is less dense and remains on the surface.

The ocean conveyor gets its “start” in the Norwegian Sea, where warm water from the Gulf Stream heats the atmosphere in the cold northern latitudes. This loss of heat to the atmosphere makes the water cooler and denser, causing it to sink to the bottom of the ocean. As more warm water is transported north, the cooler water sinks and moves south to make room for the incoming warm water. This cold bottom water flows south of the equator all the way down to Antarctica. Eventually, the cold bottom waters returm to the surface through mixing and wind-driven upwelling, continuing the conveyor belt that encircles the globe.

Crrow777 | The Lunar Illusion, Space Magick & The Bigger Conspiraccy Puzzle | March 21, 2015

Source:, Crrow777 youtube

Truth seeker and investigator, Crrow777 returns to THC just a few weeks after his first appearance, to elaborate on some of the ideas we talked about last time and see just how far these aspects of the big bamboozle might actually go. It’s a personal favorite.

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Dr. Nick Begich | Does Covert Technology Threaten Freedom And Planet Earth? | March 22, 2015


Dr. Nick Begich is considered one of the worlds experts on covert technology, surveillance and the HAARP machine. We explore some of the unspoken thoughts of this brilliant man and even delve into his earlier life in a politically connected family where his father, an elected official, went missing without a trace.

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New World Next Week | Obama Administration Breaks Record!...For Secrecy. | March 20, 2015


Story #1: New Poll Shows C-51 Support Rapidly Declining
Wikipedia: Bill C-51 (41st Canadian Parliament, 2nd Session)
Bill C-51 'Day of Action' Protests Denounce New Policing Powers in Canada
Trudeau will support proposed anti-terror bill
Video: Undercover Informant Involved In Canadian ISIS Terror Cell

Story #2: White House Not Subject to FOIA Requests Anymore
US Sets New Record for Denying, Censoring Government Files
Obama’s Hypocrisy
Obama Calls for Mandatory Voting In US
Obama Supports Mandatory Voting Two Days After Oregon Became First US state to Adopt Automatic Registration
CIA Says Social Media Amplifies Terror Threat
CIA to Increase Spying on Facebook, Twitter

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: Cisco Will Ship to Fake Addresses to Dodge NSA Spies and Thieves
Cisco to Help Customers Avoid NSA Interception by Shipping to Empty Houses
Former Qwest CEO Says Refusal to Comply With NSA Spying Landed Him In Jail
Bill Would Give Maine Customers Final Say On Water Fluoridation
Thousands of Farmers Demonstrate in Delhi Against GM Crops, Anti-Farmer Policies

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates: Australia Joins China's Regional Bank
Moscow Launches Ruble-Renminbi Futures To Facilitate Trade Between China And Russia
Fed Plans First Rate Hike Since 2008 Controlled Demolition of Fake Economy
New York Times Published Piece About Netanyahu’s Racism, Then Rewrote All of It

Max Igan | Finding Principles in a World of Double Speak | March 20, 2015


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 4 - Episode 03

Download Entire One Hour Broadcast as mp3

Jon Rappoport | "No One Has Asked Snowden Any Challenging Questions About His Background! Who Is He?" | Richie Allen Show


Rebekah Roth | 9/11: Methodical Illusion | Hour 1 | March 18, 2015


March 18, 2015–Rebekah Roth enjoyed a thirty year airline career working as both a flight attendant and an international purser. She was trained as an emergency medical technician and served as a volunteer firefighter. Her expertise and training as a flight attendant allowed her to research the events of September 11, 2001 with an insider's knowledge, and eventually lead her to discover details and answers to some of the most haunting questions surrounding that infamous day in our history.

Rebekah is with us speak about her book, Methodical Illusion, which is the culmination of her extensive research and personal knowledge of in-flight procedures and FAA hijacking protocols. In the first segment, we learn about Rebekah's inspiration for writing the book and her process of waking up from the spell of cognitive dissonance that prevented her from wanting to take a closer look into the official story.

Rebekah talks about the red flags that were present from day one, and the many anomalies that showed the orchestrators of destruction of the Twin Towers did not consult with an actual flight attendant. We discuss the mysteries of Buildings 4, 6 and 7, and the trillions of dollars that were erased with their eradication.

Then, Rebekah breaks down several big key elements of the phone calls of 9/11, and how these staged recorded conversations sealed the deal for the military industrial complex to launch the War on Terror, creating the "New Pearl Harbor" that would lead to 7 Middle Eastern wars.

In the members' hour, we look at the psychological warfare and brainwashing techniques used in creating a Hegelian dialectic, along with the conspired solutions to big problems that fattened the wallets of insider corporations. Rebekah gives details of the shadow government in control of everything from radar to national security, the IRS, and the health care industry. Later, Rebekah tells us how she pieced together the paths of the disappearing planes and the manipulated illusions that were created to explain away the impossible crashes. At the end, we discuss media spokespeople, with ties to Zionist circles, the funding behind technology and Israeli intelligence.

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