Max Igan | Get Your Microchip for World War 3 | Oct. 7, 2016


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - October 7th, 2016

Dr. Roger Leir, Kevin Smith, Art Bell | The Varginha Case, Kumburgaz UFO Turkey | Kevin Smith Show

Source:, Information Machine,

Description: Best known to us as the doctor who removes ET implants from people's bodies, Dr. Leir (R.I.P.) discusses the Varginha, Brasil case and talks about interviewing the surgeon who operated on the ET in that case. He also discusses in detail the famous UFO incidents in Turkey to which he is a witness.

Dr. Leir will discuss the Turkish UFO videos among other topics.

Dr. Roger K. Leir, author of the "Aliens and the Scalpel-First and Second Edition", "UFO Crash in Brazil", "Casebook Alien Implants", "Chopped Liver" and three other books published outside the United States, has been said to be one of the worlds most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology.

He and his surgical team have performed sixteen surgeries on alleged alien abductees. This resulted in the removal of seventeen separate and distinct objects suspected of being alien implants. These objects have been scientifically investigated by some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world. Their findings have been baffling and some comparisons have been made to meteorite samples. Dr. Leir continues to investigate the physiological and biological aspects of the abduction phenomenon. He has also formed a non-profit organization for this purpose called "A & S Research Inc."

Show References:
Images for Dark Matter program discussion
Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Analysis Video and Summary
Full Image Analysis Shows Occupants
OSTP Report Given to President Obama (PDF)
Implant Analysis Report (PDF)

2009 Turkey UFO Video - Kumburgaz UFO OVNI (Increased Quality Version)

UFO Brazilian UFO Crash Varginha Incident full Documentary 2015

New World Next Week | Snowjob 2.0? NSA Shadow Broker Nabbed by FBI | Oct. 6, 2016


Story #1: NSA Contractor Arrested For Stealing Secrets Already Being Called ‘Snowden 2.0’
NSA Contractor Harold Martin Busted in Alleged Theft of Secret Docs
NWNW Flashback: ’Shadow Brokers' Claim NSA Hack, Share Hi-Tech Hacking Tools (Aug. 18, 2016)
@BoozAllen, owned by @OneCarlyle, headed up by the @CIA who, again, "leak" from the @NSAGov
Wikileaks Cancels “October Surprise” Over “Security Concerns”
Again, Not Russia?: Yahoo Gave U.S. Spy Agencies Access to Hundreds of Millions of Users’ Emails

Story #2: World War Three Will Be “Extremely Lethal And Fast”
DefenceOne: Army Warns Future War With Russia, China Would Be “Extremely Lethal And Fast”

Story #3: Anonymous Internet Vigilantes Taking Peer Review Into Their Own Hands
The Crisis of Science (Is Worse Than You Think)

More Athletes Exercising Anti-War Views

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 6, 2016


Russia Asked to Intervene in Libya: Gaining Clout in Middle East

James Horak | Archeological Find in Romania | Kevin Smith Show

Source:,, Information Machine

Description: James Horak talks about an archeological find in Romania over which there is an ongoing struggle between the NWO and the Romanian President over who will get the information and control the information from the find.

We miss you Kevin, Rock On Wherever You Are! - Information Machine

Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | Social Engineering & Elite Mind Control | Oct. 4, 2016


Elite Transhumanist Vision
In this exciting part 3 finale to Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt's Interview series with Dr. Joseph Farrell on Transhumanism and Social Engineering, they expose the covert forces working deep inside the education system to convert people into loyal minions that don't question the official reality. They investigate the controversial teaching program called 'Common Core' that co-opts the academic life of young students in favor of a privatized, computerized software that is being forced on communities around the country in the name of 'progress.'

Rockefeller Foundation
Tracking the influence of the Rockefeller, Ford and Gates Foundations on the educational programming of modern society, Farrell investigates the root sources of modern academic theory in the life of Wilhelm Wundt, a sinister figure in early education responsible for developing the idea of students as 'Stimulus Response Mechanism.' He also trained the Russian scientist Pavlov, of 'Pavlovian Response' fame, using dogs as his test subjects for mind control programs. He also looks at other influential, yet deplorable educators like B.F. Skinner who developed psychological theories for the masses while doing experiments on his own daughter whom he kept in a cage.

Dumbing Down The Culture
Farrell has concluded that the elite may have miscalculated by attempting to turn an average student into a 'Stimulus Response Mechanism.' In his opinion, they may have dumbed down their own advisors and those implementing their program of global domination in the process. By surrounding themselves with obedient, programmed 'intellectuals' who are no longer able to use the more dynamic, creative thinking functions of their minds, they may be sowing the seeds of their own destruction. Especially by appointing them to leadership positions where they can damage society beyond repair.

The Clash of Worlds
Now these forces are heading towards their ultimate goal of achieving the 'Singularity' by merging with machines while turning mankind into slaves of artificial intelligence. The great clash of progressive humanity with regressive covert forces attempting to control them using technology and mind control is coming together at an alarming speed and represents the dangerous centralization ideal that the elite programmers have had from the very beginning.

Jordan Maxwell | Moses, The Ten Commandments, Old Testament And Where It Really Came From | Richie Allen Show | Oct. 3, 2016


Engelbert Winkler | Getting High on Light | Legalise Freedom Radio | Oct. 2, 2016


Engelbert Winkler discusses the power and potential of light, and the development of the Lucia No.3 Hypnagogic Lamp. Light is essential to life, and it affects the brain and body in subtle and dramatic ways. But beyond warming our skin and growing our food, how many of us ever really afford it a second thought? Even the sublime beauty of the sunset all too often slips away unseen.

Cutting edge research, however, is revealing properties of light which, although appearing to us as an unfolding paradigm, are in truth resonant reflections of insights and experiences that many of our ancient ancestors would have instinctively understood. In ages past, the powerful psychoactive effects of light changed lives, shaped entire cultures, and may even have led to the founding of religions, some of which are still with us today.

Whilst exploring these almost antediluvian mysteries, we shed light on the future, from near death experiences and so-called mental illness, to light’s therapeutic potential to heal trauma, transform our states of being, and evolve consciousness itself.

download mp3

Elena Freehand | Transhumanist Future, Space Fence, and Twilight Language | Offplanet Radio | Oct. 3, 2016

Source:, Elana Freehand on Facebook

Elana Freeland has been a Rudolf Steiner school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and is still ghostwriting books on diverse topics. During her undergraduate days, she studied biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

In June 2014, Feral House Books released Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth. Recently, the Australian magazine Nexus published her article on invasive electromagnetic weapons. Freeland is also the author of a fictional American history series called Sub Rosa America about the “deep politics” behind the downfall of the United States since John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

She has now begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, which will be about the next phase of the global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future inside the Space Fence lockdown.

The Corbett Report | 5 Mind-Blowing Government Spying Technologies | Oct. 3, 2016


Scientists and engineers can spend years of their lives in painstaking trial-and-error experimentation to develop a breakthrough new technology…and the military-industrial complex can find a way to militarize it in mere hours.

Sadly the military aren’t the only ones interested in the latest gadgets and inventions, though. The alphabet soup agencies are equally voracious for innovative new ways to spy on the public. Today let’s examine five of the most amazing technological breakthroughs…that are about to be turned into nightmarish spying tech.

The Corbett Report | The Most Important Story You Didn't See This Week | Oct. 1, 2016


The yuan was officially added to the IMF's SDR basket today, which may not be world-shattering in and of itself. But when combined with the revival of SDR-denominated bonds there can be no doubt that the central bankers are making their play for a global currency. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what SDRs are, let alone the role they are going to play in the formation of the global government. Get up to speed with The Corbett Report's latest article, "SDR World Order."

SDR World Order by James Corbett

Show Notes:
IMF Launches New SDR Basket Including Chinese Renminbi, Determines New Currency Amounts Meet The SDR: The Global Reserve Currency?
The Chinese Yuan is Now An IMF Reserve Currency: Here’s What It Means
SDR World Order

Anthony Peake | Open the Doors of Perception: From Hallucinations to Simulations | Oct. 1, 2016


EBTV with host Evita Ochel and returning guest Anthony Peake who presents information from his newly released book: “Opening the Doors of Perception: The Key to Cosmic Awareness”, which is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback.

Topics covered in the video include:
1. A summary and overview of “Opening the Doors of Perception” book. (1:31)
2. The brain-consciousness connection. (4:15)
3. How hallucinogenic substances can open the doors of perception. (25:38)
4. The continuum of perception and how different mental conditions impact our perception of reality. (38:34)
5. How to open the doors of perception without hallucinogens or conditions that affect our mental capacity. (1:21:21)
6. Reality as a simulation. (1:25:33)
7. Information about Anthony’s sequel to the book “Opening the Doors of Perception”. (1:36:36)
8. Anthony’s website and social media info. (1:38:38)
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