Antonio Urzi | Sphere in high altitude | Cinisello Balsamo, Italy | Nov. 26, 2016

Source: Antonio Urzi Simona Sibilla youtube

The Corbett Report | What I Learned From the "PropOrNot" Propaganda List | Nov. 26, 2016


Yes, has made this new, mysterious, anonymously-authored "propaganda list" of websites to watch out for in the era of #FakeNews and Russians under every rock. And yes, the list is as ridiculous as that sounds. Join me today as I look into the latest pathetic attempt by a flailing establishment to bolster their discredited mouthpiece media organs and counter the ascendant alternative media. (Spoiler: they're going to lose this battle as well.)

Show Notes:
Is It Propaganda Or Not?
The Enemy of My Enemy
Sibel Edmonds Explains The Erdogan Takedown
Eliot Higgins: I have no idea who these guys are!
Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say
PropOrNot subreddit (serious posts only please, folks!)
Reddit CEO admits he secretly edited comments from Donald Trump supporters

Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War
Psyops 101: A brief history of fake news
Media Lies While Syrians Die: Media Disinformation and the Syrian War
MSM Syria Lies Need to Be Exposed
Episode 283 – Solutions: Make Your Own Media

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Nov. 26, 2016


It is now standard operating procedure for the US military and the US media to publicly accuse any country (they wish to demonize) of any crime they can fabricate with virtually not a shred of proof to substantiate their accusations. The completely out of control corporate police state is fully demonstrating their tyranny at the Dakota pipeline protest. A Fukushima reactor cooling system shut down after the latest Japanese earth quake only a few days ago. The price of aluminum keeps rising in spite of the tanking global economy, why? Should we ask the geoengineers?

The California tree die-off cataclysm is now estimated to be over 100,000,000 trees, but is this correct? The actual number of dead trees is likely many times higher and climbing by the day. What did a geoengineering insider have to say about the tree die-off in a conversation I had with him? Chemical ice nucleation is a primary tool in the climate engineering arsenal. What is this tool used for? Manufacturing winter. Why do so many (who claim to be in the anti-geoengnieering movement) completely ignore the chemical cool-down reality? The stock market is artificially inflated to new record highs in the power structure's increasingly desperate effort to keep the population complacent until the last possible moment. Mainstream media's perpetual flow of total propaganda has so far ensured that the majority of the masses are still all too willing to remain completely asleep and oblivious to the converging catastrophes.

The truth will not get out to the masses in time unless all of us help with this critical task. Activists are desperately needed to be active, and not passive. The climate engineering/weather warfare assault will not stop unless or until populations around the globe are fully awakened to the fact that all of us (and our planet) have long since been turned into test specimens without our knowledge or consent. We must all learn how to effectively and efficiently share credible information with others. We must make every day count, time is not on our side, make your voice heard.

New World Next Week | #UnfollowFriday to End #FakeNews Epidemic | Nov.24, 2016


Story #1: "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
Search: “Fake News”
‘Hemp for Victory’
Gulf of Tonkin: McNamara Admits It Didn't Happen
Nixon Tells Editors, 'I'm Not a Crook'
Bush Now Concedes a Need For Tax Revenue Increases to Reduce Deficit In Budget
Clinton Admits to Lewinsky Relationship
Whitman Admits She Was Wrong to Call Ground Zero Air Safe After 9/11 Attacks
Secret Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD In Iraq
Nancy Grace, Ashleigh Banfield Hold Split-Screen Interview In Same Parking Lot
Conan O'Brien Proves American Media Is the Biggest Joke
Brian Williams Admits He Lied About Being Shot Down In Iraq
Hillary Clinton Under 'Sniper Fire' In Bosnia
Mom Who Bumped Into Hillary Says Hiking Photo Isn’t Fake
Obama Pardons Final Thanksgiving Turkeys; #DAPL Protesters? Not So Lucky
Sugar Lobby Manipulation Of Studies Compared to Tobacco industry
Coca-Cola, Pepsi Compared to Big Tobacco In Report About Lobbying
Jimmy Kimmel Admits ‘Twerking FAIL’ Video Was Hoax Set Up By His Show
Anthrax: The Forgotten Iraq War Lie

Story #2: Finally Say Farewell to Corporate Media On #UnfollowFriday
Happy #UnfollowFriday! #DumpTheMSM
Facebook Will Curate News For Us With Snopes’ Help
Facebook Built Censorship Tool for China Expansion

Story #3: Purple Revolution - What If They™ Recount, Reinstall Hillary?
Jill Stein Wants Recount, But Clinton Stands to Benefit Most
“Y’all Been Lied To!”: Kanye West Claims Beyonce Awards Fixed, Jay Z’s Contract Killers ‘Coming For His Head'
Video: Final Kanye Rant Before Tour Cancelation, Hospital Visit
Note Kanye West's "King Kill" Motif
KING-KILL/33°: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
#ProofOfLife: Timeline Details on Julian Assange’s Possible Disappearance

Show Notes

A Tribute to William Cooper | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 22, 2016


For those that have never heard or heard of Bill Cooper...this is the show to get your primer...and if you ever were a fan this is a great walk down memory lane.

Cooper was a trail-blazer...he spoke his mind and didn't care what others thought..."Don't believe me, just listen and go do your own research" and "When you put aliens in the middle of this you get all the answers" were just two of many quotes that have left a lasting impression on all of us.
Tonight, Jimmy is going to pay tribute to William ‘Bill’ Cooper…on this day, Nov. 22nd, the anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Cooper was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author best known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving extraterrestrial aliens…In Behold a Pale Horse, Cooper asserted that Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to reveal that extraterrestrials were in the process of taking over the Earth.

Tonight we’ll break down Cooper’s famous presentation that was first delivered at the MUFON Symposium on July 2, 1989, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The speech has been viewed millions of times on the web…and it is full of facts, names, dates and presidential executive orders…and almost 30 years later it’s effect on Ufology has been profound.

William Engdahl | Joyce Riley in The Power Hour | Nov. 21, 2016


Prolific researcher and economic journalist William Engdahl joins to discuss current happening around the world.

Laird Scranton | The Mystery of Skara Brae | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Nov. 21, 2016


Laird Scranton is an independent software designer from Albany, New York who writes about ancient mysteries, cosmology and language.

Tonight we discuss his new book… The Mystery of Skara Brae: Neolithic Scotland and the Origins of Ancient Egypt...similarities between Skara Brae and the traditions of pre-dynastic ancient Egypt as preserved by the Dogon people of megalithic stone sites near Skara Brae conform to Dogon cosmology and the similarities between Skara Brae and Gobekli Tepe and how Skara Brae may have been a secondary center of learning for the ancient world. 

Interview start: 31:19 min.

Max Igan Talks to John B Wells on Caravan to Midnight


Max Igan - Talks to John B Wells on Caravan to Midnight. This interview was recorded on Nov 10, 2016.

Newsbud | UK Passes ‘Most Sweeping Surveillance Law’ to date & Looks to Spend $1 Billion on Reaper Drones | Nov. 21, 2016

Source:, Support Newsbud

The UK government is hard at work spending the taxpayer’s money on militarized drones while expanding online and digital surveillance to new unprecedented levels.

Show Notes:
UK lawmakers approve 'most sweeping' surveillance powers
UK Passes the Most Extreme Surveillance Law in the History of Western Democracy
Investigatory Powers Bill published
Investigatory Powers Act 2016
UK Plans to Buy $1 Billion Worth of Enhanced Reaper Drones

Clif High | Web Bot Forum Roundtable | Nov. 21, 2016


Clif High sits down with members of the Web Bot Forum to discuss his Nov ALTA Report. Recorded 11-20-2016.

Jeremy Scahill | TigerSwan Security, Linked to Blackwater, Now Coordinates Intel for Dakota Access | Democracy Now | Nov. 21, 2016


We speak with Intercept co-founder Jeremy Scahill, who has spent years reporting on private security contractors such as the private security firm TigerSwan, which has links to the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and is in charge of coordinating intelligence for the Dakota Access pipeline company.

He discusses the company’s track record as more than 100 Native Americans and allies fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline have been injured by police in North Dakota. Many were attacked with rubber bullets, tear gas, mace canisters and water cannons in freezing temperatures. The attack began after the water protectors attempted to clear access to a public bridge, which has been blocked by authorities using military equipment chained to concrete barriers.

S0 News | 5 Big Quakes in a Row | Nov. 21, 2016


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