Julian Assange | Full Interview on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Vault 7 & More | Democracy Now! | Apr. 12, 2017

Source: democracynow.org, wikileaks.org

Full interview with Julian Assange on Democracy Now!, including a debate with investigative journalist Allan Nairn. -democracynow.org


Newsbud | Is the U.S. Military Planning to Take Over America? | Apr. 11, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

The U.S. military is making plans to take over America by 2030. No, this is not another conspiracy theory. Although it easily could be. Nor is it a Hollywood political thriller. Although it certainly has all the makings of a good thriller. No, this is the real deal, coming at us straight from the horse’s mouth.

According a Pentagon training video entitled “Megacities: Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity,” that was created by the Army for U.S. Special Operations Command, the U.S. military plans to use armed forces to solve future domestic political and social problems. What they’re really talking about is martial law, packaged as a well-meaning and overriding concern for the nation’s security. -Newsbud.com

Show Notes:
Pentagon Video Warns of “unavoidable” Dystopian Future for World’s Biggest Cities
Draining the Swamp? Here’s a look at how swampy Trump’s appointments are based on their lobbying and fundraising
Why the police in Baton Rouge look like they’re dressed for war
Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister
Why Operation Jade Helm 15 is freaking out the Internet — and why it shouldn’t be
Covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover
‘I thought he was going to shoot me.’ Unsuspecting middle school students terrified by active shooter drill
Report: Military may have to quell domestic violence from economic collapse
Remember the DHS Right Wing Extremist Report?
DHS Reports: Greatest Threat Is Domestic Right-Wing Extremism, Not ISIS
EPA, FDA stocking up on body armor during President Obama’s watch
DHS ‘fusion centers’ portrayed as pools of ineptitude and civil liberties intrusions
The 24 ways we're tracked on a regular basis reveal something disturbing about the future
DHS intelligence report warns of domestic right-wing terror threat
NSA surveillance exposed
The Growing Right-Wing Terror Threat
Battlefield America: The War on the American People
Rutherford Institute

Robert David Steele | Syria: Special Report | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Apr. 10, 2017

Source: jimmychurchradio.com, robertdavidsteele.com

Robert David Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE).

USMCR Infantry, Adjutant, Intelligence 1976-1996; CIA Clandestine Service 1979-1988; USMC Civil Service 1988-1993, #2 civilian in USMC Intelligence, responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity; CEO Open Source Solutions, Inc. 1993-2010, responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline world-wide, training over 7,500 mid-career officers from across 66+ countries; CeO Earth Intelligence Network, 2006 to date. External Researcher, US Army Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), 1998 to date. Now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement.

He seeks to create an international Open Source (Technologies) Agency for local to global information-sharing and sense-making as well as OSEE innovation. His ideas would enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals — first within the USA and then globally — within a decade or two at 10-20% of the cost of the prevailing industrial-donor model.

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: Recommended for 2017 cycle by Jan H. Kalvik, as disclosed in his essay “Intelligence & the Nobel Peace Prize,” Defence and Intelligence Norway. PR1 PR2 (Norwegian) PR3 (English) PR4 (Trump-Putin).

Tonight we discuss the recent missile attack on Syria, the false-flag possibilities, the intel from the CIA, NSA and military...and govt surveillance. -jimmychurchradio.com

Interview start 31:00 min.

Truthstream Media | Revealed: The Real Secrets Hidden In Antarctica | Apr. 8, 2017

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com

There may be good reason for your curiosity if you have ever wondered about what is really going on at the southernmost continent... With so many myths and rumors flying around about the place lately, we decided to do a little research of our own into the claims... which turned into a whole lot of research... and what was going to be a 10-minute video turned into this. -TruthstreamMedia.com

The Corbett Report | #SyriaStrikes Aftermath: What We Know So Far | Apr. 10, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

We're now 72 hours into the post-Syria Strikes world and the dust is beginning to settle on the crazy events of last week. I hope you've been following all the latest information in the comments section of The Corbett Report's own open source investigation as The Corbett Report community has been doing yeoman's work in assembling and collating all the data streaming forth from the newsfeeds.

But in case you haven't been following the developments this weekend let's just go over what we know, what we don't yet know, and what we can read in the tea leaves about what is to come.

Transcript & Links

Max Igan | When Tolerance Becomes a Handicap | Apr. 7, 2017

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - April 7th, 2017.

Clif High | Welcome to Alt Reality (#3): Silver, resistance is futile! | Apr. 9, 2017

Source: halfpasthuman.com

Discussion of the clean up immediacy data from the April ALTA report. Silver, gold, and bitcoin discussed. Projections on their progress is offered. Also some words on the 'bitcoin shift forward' effect of 2016. -halfpasthuman.com

Newsbud | After Operations Gladio A & B Exposures, NATO Launches Operation Gladio C! | Apr. 9, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

In this twenty-seventh edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Pravda.

He discusses the U.S-NATO ad for the Russian language speakers to participate in NATO exercises in Germany, the U.S.-German public row over military spending increases, the potential motives for the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg, the Russia-Belarus special forces and intelligence coordination against NATO Gladio C covert operations, and the Russian Communist party critique of both the Western-funded Russian opposition AND the Russian government. -Newsbud.com

S0 News | Magnetic Storm, Solar Minima Famine | Apr. 9, 2017

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Brien Foerster | Enormous Peruvian Child's Elongated Skull In The Penn Museum | Apr. 9, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

The Morton collection at Penn University has over 600 Peruvian skulls taken in the 19th century. One in particular, as seen in this video could very well be an example of a child born with an elongated skull.

Newsbud | Mind Hack with Jeff DeRiso | US Navy Launches Information Warfare Center to Counter ‘Supposed’ Russian Interferenc | Apr. 7, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

In this week's episode of Mind Hack, Jeff DeRiso covers the opening of a new center for Naval information warfare that is being framed as a response to the alleged “Russian interference” in the 2016 presidential election. He also discusses the US military’s research into unconventional espionage during the Cold War, a fraudulent psychic healer in Toronto. Finally, we examine how our minds are being re-wired by instant access to digitized information, and how this affects the social discourse.

Show Notes:
U.S. Navy Opens New Information Warfare Center
flashback: CIA documents reveal Project Star Gate
Toronto psychic charged with pretending to practise witchcraft
The Digital Storm: Blowing Away the Human Mind

Newsbud Roundtable | Sibel Edmonds, Filip Kovacevic, William Engdahl | Turkey Referendum: CIA-NATO Operation to Tip the Balance of Power | Apr. 6, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter, williamengdahl.com

In this exclusive Newsbud Roundtable Sibel Edmonds, Professor Filip Kovacevic, and award winning geopolitical analyst William Engdahl examine the rising tensions between Turkey and the European Union- specifically Holland and Germany.

This panel of top experts discusses the important upcoming Turkish Referendum and Operation Gladio B’s covert and overt actions to destabilize Turkey, in an attempt to tip the balance of power. Do not miss this in-depth one-hour analysis with top regional experts, analysts and commentators hosted by Spiro Skouras. -Newsbud.com
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