Newsbud | China Watch with Peter Lee | Asia on the Brink! And Does the New York Times Have a Stick of Dynamite for Xi Jinping? | May 10, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

This week on Newsbud’s China Watch with Peter Lee: Asia on the Brink! Korea Votes and Kim Jong Un Collects Hostages. Is Admiral Harris in China’s Sights? And Does the New York Times Have a Stick of Dynamite Waiting for Xi Jinping?

Show Notes:
China urged US to fire Pacific Command Chief Harris in return for pressure on North Korea
Admiral Harry Harris & Who’s Lying About that Aircraft Carrier?
Fu Zhenghua tape: Xi (Jinping) Investigates Wang (Qishan) in Chinese
What Lies Behind China’s HNA Group’s $40 Billion M&A Buying Spree?
Xi Jinping Millionaire Relations Reveal Fortunes of Elite
Bloomberg's Folly
A Chinese Mystery: Who Owns a Firm on a Global Shopping Spree?
Statement of Sasha Gong, Fred Wang, Huchen Zhang, and Robert Li
A Maze of Capital Leads to Anbang’s Aggressive Expansion
China’s ‘Most Dangerous Woman’ Knows Which Way the Wind Blows

Michael Schratt | "That's Classified" Technology | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | May 8, 2017


Michael Schratt is a private pilot/military aerospace historian and has lectured across the country on the unique subject of "Mystery Aircraft", and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex.

A guest speaker at the “OSHKOSH” AirVenture 2006/2007 event, (world’s largest air show), Michael has developed a number of contacts which have had first hand experience dealing classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET SCI security clearance.

Michael currently works as a SolidWorks draftsman in Phoenix AZ. In an effort to expose government fraud, waste and abuse, Michael devotes much of his free time researching aerospace technical documents, conducting interviews, and travelling to multiple University archives.

As a concerned citizen, it’s his belief that it is our Constitutional obligation to question authority, and demand an accounting of unacknowledged special access programs that bypass congressional oversight and public scrutiny.

Interview start: 15:40 min.

Newsbud | Breaking: Tunnel Collapses At Hanford Nuclear Site – Emergency Declared | May 9, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

The US Department of Energy has declared an emergency at the Hanford, Washington nuclear waste storage site, after a tunnel used to store contaminated materials caved in. The tunnel was full of highly contaminated materials such as hot radioactive trains that transport fuel rods. Tune in to this Newsbud Special Report with Spiro for history, context and implications.

Show Notes:
Tunnel at plutonium finishing plant collapses in Hanford
Emergency declared at Hanford nuclear reservation Study: Higher cancer rates for Hanford workers
Hanford Workers Approved for Cancer Compensation
AP: Radioactive Leaks Found at 75 Percent of U.S. Nuclear Power Sites
The B Reactor National Historic Landmark
Nuclear leak at Washington's infamous Hanford Site is CATASTROPHIC
Emergency declared at US Hanford nuclear waste site after tunnel collapse
Tunnel collapse at Hanford Nuclear site, emergency declared

Bill Ryan | Secret Space Program Spooks: Whistleblower #FAIL! | Dark Journalist | May 7, 2017

Source:, Project Avalon Forum

Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan Speaks Out on Corey Goode
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Project Avalon’s Bill Ryan to the show. Ryan first hit the spotlight a decade ago with his efforts at seeking out Secret Space Program whistleblowers and having them deliver riveting information live on video along with his research partner Kerry Cassidy on the early alternative series called Project Camelot. Eventually Ryan split with Cassidy and developed his own forum of research called Project Avalon which tackles deep subject matter with an informed community.

The Truth is Never Easy
In this special episode, Ryan will go on the record about the details of his viral article called ‘The Truth About Corey Goode’ that is gaining rapid attention and attempts to explain and in some sense unmask the bizarre story of Corey Goode. Ryan had his own interactions with Goode before he went public and believes that his story is unreliable.

Secret Space Circus 2017: The New Normal
Many fact based revelations came out in the last decade about the development of a Secret Space Program including UK Hacker Gary McKinnon discovering an “Off-world Officers List” while reading classified files at NASA, for which the US Government attempted to extradite and charge him with espionage. Other analysts came forward with remarkable disclosures about missing Government funds and the outline of a completely hidden agenda.

In tandem with this fascinating investigative reporting effort, a sideshow also developed with all kinds of discrediting themes, like fantasy beings and galactic ambassadors and space saviors to boot. A lot of this activity has centered around Corey Goode from Texas who claims to be a veteran insider of secret unacknowledged programs involving the military and space, but has offered zero evidence for this incredible assertion. In fact, Goode has no military record except a brief stint in the Texas State Guard, not exactly known as a hotbed of deep intelligence activity.

Ryan has attempted to have Goode take a Lie-Detector test to prove some of his wild assertions or to have him regressed to find out if his memories are real, implanted or fabricated. Goode has rejected the suggestion saying that hypnotic regression is ‘invasive.’ Without these evidentiary methods being employed to verify his memories and with no evidence being presented to support his story, Goode’s account of being in a secret program appears to be falling apart.

Missing Trillions: The Original Secret Space Research Mandate
The original Secret Space Program Conferences organized by Global BEM, including one held in Austin Texas in 2015 and hosted by Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt, featured Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Giza Death Star’s Joseph Farrell, and brought forward verifiable evidence along with informed speculation from many experts and scientists and former Government officials. The event raised the spectre of a covert effort that was draining trillions of dollars from the US budget and siphoning them into a Complex Space Endeavor for private interests.

The Secret Space Program investigation took a turn for the bizarre after Gaia TV aired the Goode story even though he was completely unvetted by any journalistic standard and had absolutely no evidence to back up his assertions. It was pumped into the alt-research community by a series of TV episodes they developed for their select audience featuring Interviews with Goode by host David Wilcock.

Goode’s Story
Goode claims to be an insider of various secret programs and a spokesman relaying spiritual messages from a group of alien beings. He has even developed a Comic Book Series of his ET communications with what he calls ‘a Sphere Being Alliance.’ Goode’s story not only sounded like a Sci-Fi fantasy adventure, it also created a new version of a cult- like alien called a 'Blue Avian' with blue skin and feathers.

Goode’s story largely incorporated elements of many Alternative Media themes like fighting the Illuminati, Cabal tribunals, Mandela effect, Breakaway Civilization and Babylonian Magic. Respected authors like Joseph Farrell and Richard Dolan were shocked to see their research shabbily recycled in a sensationalist and histrionic fashion.

With all of this in mind, the question becomes: are those driving this bizarre, unverified, unvetted story about Goode being some kind of an insider in a covert program part of an effort to deflect attention away from the genuine research process underway to find where the missing trillions went that were pumped into the Secret Space Program? Ryan wonders whether all of this hyperbole being presented with no corroborating evidence is a concerted activity meant to replace legitimate inquiry with Sci-Fi adventure tales mixed with faux New Age psychobabble.

Newsbud | NATO Gearing up for Regime Change in Russia with False Flag Operations? | May 7, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

In the thirty-first of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from four Russian newspapers: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, Kommersant, and Komsomolskaya Pravda. He discusses the recent sinking of the Russian spy ship ‘Liman’ in the Black Sea, the interview with the Russian permanent representative to NATO Alexander Grushko, the summit meeting between the German chancellor Angela Merkel and the Russian president Vladimir Putin, and the claims about the potential ‘false flag’ terrorist attack in Kiev during the Eurovision song contest.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | May 6, 2017


The Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering (LASG) is continuing with the effort to gain critical information from government agencies. The global climate engineering assault is completely out of control, the consequences will be total if these programs of planetary omnicide are not exposed and stopped.

The US is ready to instigate WWlll by using the North Korea missile testing as an excuse. What is the US doing at the very same time? Testing ICBMs (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles). Fukushima continues to get worse with a "huge red blob of nuclear waste" being reported off the US west coast.

The latest completely engineered chemically ice nucleated "snowstorm" has devastated crops and killed as many as 10,000 cows. The Saudis now own major US oil infrastructure with the full support of our criminal government. The Saudis are also enjoying the US government's support of their ruthless bombing of Yemen, one of the poorest nations in the world.

The military industrial complex is ramping up their aggression on countless fronts with president Trump as their new mascot. The office of the president is now just a part of the power structure, it has been so for a very long time. Willful blindness and blatant denial are running rampant in the ranks of the human race.

The more critical our collective reality becomes, the more fanatical the behavior will be from many. Fully facing dire realities is extremely difficult, to ignore those same realities is certain suicide. Any that are truly awake are desperately needed to help with the effort to wake others, this is the only way forward in the fight for the greater good.

Max Igan | The Controlled Demolition of the Independent Media | May 5, 2017


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - May 5th, 2017.

Patrick Wood | AGENDA 21 Infiltrator Spills NEVER Before Heard Secrets—The "Great Replacement" Has Kicked-Off | May 4, 2017


Once again, the illustrious Patrick Wood nails it. Technocracy is the missing link for most people struggling to understand the mindset behind, and the ultimate goal of globalism. -Crystal Clark

Newsbud | HSBC Whistleblower Nicholas Wilson Throws His Hat In The Ring For Parliament To Fight Corruption | May 4, 2017

Source:, Newsbud on Twitter

Nicholas Wilson has been fighting as a whistleblower to expose criminal actions by one of the most powerful banks in the world for 14+ years. In this interview with Newsbud’s Spiro Skouras HSBC whistleblower Nicholas Wilson announces his candidacy for British Member of Parliament in Hastings Rye. Mr. Wilson believes the UK is the most corrupt country in the world and he hopes to do something about it.

Show Notes:
Whistleblower wins 13-year campaign against HSBC
Claims and counterclaims over ‘dark money’ trail leading from HSBC to the Tories
Newsbud Phase 3, Support a 100% People-Funded Media Outlet

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 4, 2017


The state of Texas is joining other American states in considering legislation to recognize gold and silver coins as legitimate currency; while the revolt against the Fed is growing...there's a problem...

Texas Bill to Establish Gold & Silver as Legal Tender, Dealing Massive Blow to Federal Reserve

New World Next Week | German Soldier Busted Posing as Refugee to Stage False Flag Terror | May 4, 2017


Story #1: Russia’s Mir Payment Cards To Give Visa, MasterCard a Run For Their Money
China and Russia Creating Alternate Banking System
China’s SWIFT Alternative and the (Engineered) Death of the Dollar
NWNW Flashback: Russia, China In Talks to Make SWIFT Alternative

Story #2: German Soldier Posed As Syrian Refugee In False Flag Terror Plot
Background story: Germany investigating how a soldier falsely registered as a refugee to try and commit a #FalseFlag terror attack
Gladio B and the Battle for Eurasia

Story #3: Austria Wants To Tax Tweeting, Searching, Liking On The Internet
Indian Government Says Citizens Don't Have Absolute Right Over Their Bodies
'13.5 crore Aadhaar accounts compromised'
Hundreds Suffer as City Shuts Down Church for Helping the Homeless
#GoodNewsNextWeek: Being In Nature Naturally Makes You Feel Better

F. William Engdahl | The Lost Hegemon: How the CIA Lost It's Holy War Crusade

Source:,, Information Machine

Christian Crusades of the late 11th century; split between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox; the War on Terror; WWI betrayal as incubator for Muslim Brother jihadists; Sykes-Picot secret agreement; Muslim Brotherhood in Nazi Germany; the CIA and the Muslim Brothers; Osama bin Laden; Azerbaijan and Chechnya; Muslim Brotherhood a death cult; T.E. Lawrence; Muslim World League as the missionary arm of the Muslim Brotherhood; indebtedness as the model for bringing down the Ottoman Empire and others ever since; Fetullah Gulen’s Worldwide Islamic Movement in the Turkic belt; Gladio networks in Turkey; color revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Tiananmen Square; CANVAS in Belgrade, Serbia; National Endowment for Democracy; the Albert Einstein Institution; Graham Fuller and the CIA; Boston Marathon bombing; undeveloped oil and gas reserves in Syria.
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