S0 News | Solar Wind, Food Supply, Magnetic Plasma | Nov. 28, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

New World Next Week | Giving Thanks for Good News | Nov. 28, 2019

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: No Copyright For Old Works
January 1, 2019 Is #PublicDomainDay - Works From 1923 Are Open To All
BitChute: No Copyright For Old Works
Episode 360 – Steal This Podcast (Please!)
Kinsella on Liberty

Story #2: Canadian Man Fills Potholes and Gets Pot, Coffee, Cash From Grateful Locals
Toronto Man Builds Park Stairs for $550 After City Gives $65,000 Estimate
BitChute: Getting Slightly Higher In New Hexico

Story #3: MIT Working On AI Knitting Software That Will Let Anyone Make Their Own Clothes
Become Your Own Knitting Factory
This Thanksgiving, Don’t Just Give Thanks. Pay Your Blessings Forward

S0 News | Solar Magnetism Update | Cycle 25 Forecast | Nov. 27, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Solar cycle 25 is coming soon. Speculation about grand solar minimum being upon us are false, and indeed there is at least a decade left until its arrival. This next cycle should be much like cycle 24, which is ending now. -Suspicious0bservers.org

Linda Moulton Howe | Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice | Nov. 27, 2019

Source: earthfiles.com

There is a huge secret hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. Military whistleblowers report large alien structures under two miles of Antarctic ice.

Navy Seal Spartan 1 walked an alien hallway inscribed with mysterious hieroglyphs and tells investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe that Antarctica’s alien presence spans centuries, linked to Star Gate portals around Earth and beyond our solar system.


Press for Truth | NEW Thought Police Tool - A.I. Mind Reading PRODUCES VIDEO of Human Thoughts in REAL TIME!!! | Nov. 27, 2019

Source: pressfortruth.ca

The thought police are ramping up their efforts to enable pre crime arrests by utilizing AI technology to read thoughts in real time. What sounds like a science fiction movie is unfortunately becoming reality in a newly emerging Orwellian nightmare. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest technology being used to read minds which will eventually be used by police not just for violent crimes but also to suppress free speech like in the case of former officer Harry Miller who had a cop show up at his house saying "I need to check your thinking” in response to his tweets on the transgender issue. -pressfortruth.ca

AI mind-reading tool produces video of human thoughts in real-time
Transgender tweet case: Officer Harry Miller says he was visited by ‘thought police’.
Police in Canada Are Tracking People’s ‘Negative’ Behavior In a ‘Risk’ Database
Vancouver police go high tech to predict and prevent crime before it happens
Twitter Suspends Dan Dicks For Saying A Man is NOT a Woman & Referring To “Jessica” Yaniv as “Him”

Catherine Austin Fitts | Where the Missing Trillions Are Going | Corbett Report | Nov. 26, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com, solari.com

So we all know about the missing trillions by now, but where is that money going? And what can Americans do to reclaim that money that is rightfully theirs? Join Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com and James Corbett of The Corbett Report for this wide-ranging discussion on the most important topic of our time that no one is talking about. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Interview 1479 – Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état Solari.com
FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
The Pentagon completed its second audit. What did it find?
The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion: New Analysis
The Secret Space Shuttle
US Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission
Campaign #my212020
In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE’s Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency

Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic | Nov. 26, 2019

Source: thehighersidechats.com

Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh has been tinkering with the world from an early age. Born in 1964 in Amsterdam, he was repairing all things electronic by his teens, and built his first computer when he was 18. He went off to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then he moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby, decided to take a deep dive into the work of Nikola Tesla and it’s really been off to the races ever since.

He has since collected all of Tesla’s works that aren’t sealed away in classified files, has been replicated Tesla’s experiments- and has written 4 books along the way:

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (annotated): The Tesla Code
The Battle for Wardenclyffe: A Story In Letters
and his most recent release, the topic of the day: The Science of Tesla’s Magic.

He is running a creative experiment to crowdfund his work by allowing donors to denote the category they’d like their donation to go to using this system for the last digit of their donation amount:

.01 Rebuilding the Colorado Springs experimental station.
.02 Research worldwide wireless transmission.
.03 Research single-wire transmission.
.04 Rebuild a full sized Magnifying Transmitter.
.05 Research downscaling Tesla’s energy source.
.06 Anti-gravity.
.07 Fundamental research into the nature of things.

S0 News | Electroquakes, Largest Extinction, Plasma, Storms | Nov. 25, 2019

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

The Corbett Report | How to Predict the Future - #PropagandaWatch | Nov. 25, 2019

Source: corbettreport.com

I predict that "foreign interference" will replace "the devil made me do it" as the new excuse for everything. But how did I divine this vision? From a crystal ball? Not quite. Find out the secret of how to predict the future in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Show Notes:
FBI Protected Voices Initiative
Larken Rose on the Immorality of Voting
The Last Word on Voting

Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | X-Series 74: Permindex Assassination INC. JFK UFO Nazis! | Nov. 23, 2019

Source: darkjournalist.com, gizadeathstar.com

In this powerful X-Series 74, Part 1 of a Special Interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell to mark the 56th anniversary of the JFK Assassination, Dr. Farrell reveals remarkable new information on a black projects assassination group called PERMINDEX related to NASA Paperclip Nazis and; the Secret Space Program.

DISC AND UFOS 1963-2019
DJ and Farrell also go deep on the strange presence of Chicago FBI Chief Guy Bannister who created the first X Files investigating cases of UFOS. Bannister emerges as a close associate both to Oswald and a covert group called DISC (Defense Industry Security Command) and although his files were burned when he died, a copy of the file list was donated by his wife to library archives in New Orleans. One of the file names next to JFK was strangely titled "Space War Craft." Finally Dr. Farrell relates the long game from 1963 to 2019 as the Deep State Assault on the White House which continues under the present administration as the power struggle for hidden technology heats up in 2020.

Max Igan | Rise Up | Nov. 22, 2019

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 22nd, 2019.

Brien Foerster | Ancient Megalithic Fertility Temple Near Lake Titicaca In Peru; Older Than The Inca | Nov. 23, 2019

Source: hiddenincatours.com

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