Max Igan | 6G The New (D)evolution | Jan. 9, 2022


Dark Journalist X-116 | Caroline Group HotZone UFO File | Jan. 7, 2022


The Mysterious Missing Advanced Technology Secret Revealed!
Join us for this special Dark Journalist X-Series Episode that goes deep into a Pre-CIA secret technology intelligence unit called the Caroline Group. This group recruited innovative scientist Thomas Townsend Brown for a series of clandestine projects related to Electrogravitics and Ancient technology. DJ goes deep into Brown's lifelong association with Top Physicist Robert Sarbacher, who was erased from history because of his public comments about how the government had studied the wreckage and occupants of UFO craft.

The Hemingway Connection
DJ also shows that the Atlantean obsession of legendary author Ernest Hemingway is related to the Caroline Group and their mysterious expeditions in the HotZone between Cuba and the Bahamas. He also covers the fascinating work of inventor Marion Stansell who invented the lost Perpetual Motion Motor to save the world with the help of Psychic Edgar Cayce and the spirit communication of Governor DeWitt Clinton who invented the Erie Canal.

Paul Stonehill | Key Center of Russia’s Paranormal Phenomena | Jan. 8, 2022

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube

...Another semi-legendary story is connected with mysterious caves, where there are huge blocks of ice. The carcasses of some prehistoric animals have been well preserved in these blocks: giant birds, bears, moose and generally incomprehensible animals similar to dinosaurs...

German Doctors Discover Foreign Objects in Vaccines and Blood of the Vaccinated!



A group of German physicians joins the chorus of experts who have discovered foreign objects in the coronavirus vaccines and the blood of the vaccinated.

German Pathologists presented an analysis of the coronavirus “vaccine” during a shocking press conference in September. A clip of the conference, which has been translated exclusively for RAIR Foundation USA, reveals foreign objects in the vaccine, as well as in the blood of those who have taken the vaccine.

Some of the foreign objects were described as “accurately constructed” and also – shockingly – worms that were hatched from eggs.

The live-streamed press conference was organized by the Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss, which can be loosely described as Germany’s equivalent of America’s Frontline Doctors. As expected, their remarkable presentation was slammed by the German legacy media.

The event was spearheaded by Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, who served as “head of the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen for 18 years and then worked as a pathologist in private practice”, Prof. Dr. Walter Lang, who “worked as a pathologist at the Hannover Medical School from 1968 to 1985” before founding a private institute for pathology in Hanover and Prof. Dr. Werner Birkholz, a former professor of electrical engineering with a focus on quality and risk management at Jacobs University in Bremen. Introductions and the presentation was made by Dr. Ute Langer, a physician, and a surgeon.

An examination of “leftover vaccines from the company BioNTech-Pfizer,” revealed, for example, what “appears to be an accurately constructed object”.

The foreign object was one of many, which also included literal worms that appear to have been “hatched”. 

As unbelievable as it seems, the German doctors are not the only ones to have discovered foreign objects in the vaccines:

- In August, Japan suspended the Moderna vaccine after foreign materials were found in their coronavirus vaccine. According to Nikkei Asia, the substance was found to react to magnets. As reported at RAIR Foundation USA, Japan has been exceptionally transparent with their handling of the coronavirus vaccine, while respecting the autonomy of their citizens.

- Dr. Carrie Madej, an internist, also discovered foreign objects after studying the injections, including “graphene-like” objects and “a tentacled, moving organism-like creature in the Moderna jab.”

- Further, a Twitter thread from October similarly exposes particles, “particle aggregations” and “Fiber-like structures”- some with “branches” and a “ring like structure”. The findings were based on a “microscopy analysis” of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine sample. According to the anonymous scientist, who claims to have been peer-review published over 100 times in journals such as Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine, the analysis “was performed with bright field and phase contrast microscopy and applying rigorous scientific and hygiene standards.”

It is not surprising that the media ignores or “fact checks” the evidence brought forward by concerned medical experts. It is up to citizens everywhere to hold the gatekeepers of the information – the media and politicians – accountable by demanding transparency.
The German group forwarded their findings to the “authorities” but did not receive a response.

The team has examined four batches of vaccine and passed on the results six weeks ago to government authorities, the EMA [European Medical Agency], the STIKO [Germany’s vaccine committee] and the Paul Ehrlich Institute [German Government Agency], without any known responses.

In December, the German doctors held a second powerful press conference headlined “Are Deaths and Adverse Health Effects After Vaccination Against Covid-19 Related in a Pathologically Detectable Way?”.

Full Article: BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find 'Astonishing' Impurities in Covid 'Vaccine'

Transcript (See full conference transcript here)

Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Jan. 7, 2022


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the importance of Oxygen, Rebecca shares a clients amazing before and after skin condition three month transformation and Doc answers a large number of questions from our interested and engaged audience.

S0 News | NASA Bombshell on the Poles, X5000, Nova Caught | Jan. 7, 2022


Press For Truth | BOMBSHELL: THIS Is What They DON”T WANT YOU TO SEE With Hospitalization Rates IN THE VACCINATED!!! | Jan. 7, 2022


The prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is stoking the flames of hatred and bringing anger to the argument between the vaccinated and the unvaxxed as he continues to pin Canadians against each other and subsequently pinning them into a two tier society.

Meanwhile the numbers in the data suggest the opposite of what Trudeau says because the data proves that it’s overwhelmingly clear that more vaccinated people are filling up the hospitals than the unvaxxed, who are in reality still just as healthy as they were pre Covid-19(84).

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows you the data and also uses words from the horses mouth lord Fauci to show you that the truth is actually out there…they’re just hoping you won’t notice and most certainly won’t connect the dots...

Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Unvaccinated Lose Citizenship, Vaccinated Dying At Unprecedented Levels, Kazakhstan Coup | Jan. 5, 2022


Max Igan | The COVID Plandemic - A Ship to Oblivion | Jan. 6, 2022


Linda Moulton Howe | Within 20 Light-Years of Earth Could 10 Planets Have Intelligent Life? | Jan. 5, 2022


Within 20 Light-Years of Earth Could 10 Planets Have Intelligent Life?

James Webb Space Telescope launches on December 25, 2021

Potential world around Proxima Centauri

Juno probe passing by Moon of Ganymede June 7, 2021
- NASA unveils audio recording of Jupiter’s largest moon

Earth’s interstellar “neighbourhood” listing possible locations for extraterrestrial entities
- Sirius A & B, Procyon A & B, many more within 20 light-years

Montauk Air Force Station in New York a hotspot of EBE activity - the Montauk Project
- Einstein may have been visited the station
- USS Eldridge was involved in experiments

Interview with Stewart Swerdlow, Ph.D., author, Montauk: The Alien Connection
- worked at Montauk Air Force Station
- “Extraterrestrials had their base at the bottom of the ocean”
- “Block Island..has an alien base”

David Icke | The Matrix Control System | Jan. 5, 2022


Red Ice TV | Owen Benjamin - Building Community & When Do Demographics Matter | Jan. 5, 2022


Lana is joined by Owen Benjamin to discuss his local community building in Idaho & the coming collapse of what is left of 'civilization.'
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