Linda Moulton Howe | What Caused Triangular Pattern Of Altered Soil Around Kansas Mutilated Cow? | Jan. 18, 2023


TOPICS: What Caused Triangular Pattern Of Altered Soil Around Kansas Mutilated Cow?

Series of animal mutilations in Kansas
- Mark Laas, from Laas Farms, INC.
- Brookville, Kansas
- Multiple instances of animal mutilations near Brookville and Caldwell, Kansas
- 5 mutilations since December 2021
- Rectangular excision of the hide and watery blood on jawbones
- Three strange patches, where grass was lifter, soil disturbed
- Mike Jensen took drone footage, Nov 21, 2021
- Interview with Brandon L. Plattner, veterinary Pathology Professor
- “looked like she’s been dead for a day or two or three”
- “she had not been dead 24 hours”
- “out of the cow fell gallons of watery blood”
- “potential exposure of a toxin.. anaplasma marginale”
- “she was pregnant”
- “GCMS.. a test to look into a tissue..and detect peak amounts… of chemicals in the liver”
- “environmental contaminants…none of them were found here”
- “edges appear to be cut, but no knife marks seen”
- “tongue was removed at the larynx”
- Mark Laas - “3 in Saline county…pretty much mirror-like”

Max Igan | The Three Fates | Jan. 18, 2023


Should You Trust Elon Musk? Feat. Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Jason Bermas, Ryan Cristián & Derrick Broze | Jan. 13, 2023


Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance hosts journalists/researchers Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Jason Bermas, and Ryan Cristián to discuss why the public should be extremely skeptical of Elon Musk.

S0 News | So Many Sunspots, Record Wave, Pro-Tip | Jan. 17, 2023


The Corbett Report | ContentSafe - #SolutionsWatch | Jan. 17, 2023


If the last few years of online censorship insanity have taught us anything, it is that storing all your content on a single social media platform and hoping that it will be there forever is a bad strategy. Today we talk to Matthew Raymer, the founder of ContentSafe, a company that helps content creators back up their content and automatically post it to multiple platforms.

Show Notes:
Truth Finds A Way - #SolutionsWatch
The Mae Brussell Project
The Mae Brussell Project Fundraiser
(*Forgive my brain fart! I was thinking of my interview with Victor Koman about the Samuel Konkin archive!) Anomalist Design

James Corbett | WHO Sneak Attack on CHD TV | Jan. 15, 2023


via CHD.TV: "This is the big one. They're going for broke... I think we may only have potentially until May before one or both of these documents gets voted on" — Meryl Nass, M.D. and James Corbett continue their discussion on the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ currently being drawn up in secret meetings behind closed doors.

As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.

Show Notes:

Dark Journalist | The HotZone UFO File! | Jan. 13, 2023


Please join us for the Special LiveStream as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into the connection between the UFO File and the Mystery Schools. DJ takes us into the enigmatic HotZone where Government contractors and Aerospace employees are sworn to secrecy from revealing Atlantis ruins being seen beneath the waves between Bimini and Cuba.

Max Igan | Zero Trust Access | Jan. 12, 2023


Redice TV | Miss Universe, GOP Fakes, Black Only Mortgages, Gwen Stefani Is Japanese | Jan. 13, 2023


Henrik and Lana cover the latest in Flashback Friday the 13th, 2023.

New World Next Week | Swiss Army Deploys to Protect Fat Cats at Davos | Jan. 13, 2022


Story #1: Swiss Army Starts Security Deployment Ahead of World Economic Forum
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” 16–20 January 2023

Story #2: ‘Robot Lawyer’ Powered By AI Will Help Fight Speeding Ticket As It Takes First Case In Court
Paywalled: AI Legal Assistant Will Help Defendant Fight Speeding Case In Court
New World Next Year 2018 with James Evan Pilato
Things That Will Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt Happen in 2023
China Uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Run Courts, Supreme Justices; Cutting Judges' Typical Workload By More Than a Third and Saving Billion Work Hours

Story #3: FAA Lifts Airline Ground Stop As Delays, Cancellations Pile Up 

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 12, 2023


Censored on Youtube.


Now in Australia they're allegedly giving mRNA injections to cattle... and now many of these cattle are dying of medical coincidence (our thanks to TM for these very important stories):

Derrick Broze | The Active Suppression Of The Damning #FluorideTrial Report | Jan. 11, 2023


Joining me today is founder and editor of The Conscious Resistance and writer for The Last American Vagabond, Derrick Broze, here to discuss the ongoing #FluorideTrial and the recent report that was supposed to conclude the over four year process, yet this report was suppressed indefinitely with no explanation by the combined efforts of the CDC, NIH & HHS, including the personal actions of the controversial Rachel Levine himself.
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