UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied Trailer 2

Source: TBLNFilms.net

Trailer 2 of "UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied". A film by Jose Escamilla

Nick Pope | Winston Churchill & UFOs

Source: coasttocoastam.com

August 10, 2010–UFO expert Nick Pope reacted to the news that Winston Churchill covered up a UFO event because he feared mass panic in the UK. The incident, said to occur during WWII, was revealed as part of Britain's continuing release of formerly classified UFO files. However, Pope pointed out that this report was more of an allegation, and there was little documentation to back it up. For more, see Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles article.

David Icke | Alex Jones Interview August 10, 2010

Source: prismplanet.tv

August 10, 2010–David Icke on The Alex Jones Show.

Robert Bauval | Tutankhamun's DNA, Zahi Hawass Chasing Mummies & Robert's Egypt Tour

Source: redicecreations.com

August 10, 2010–Robert Bauval is back with us on the program to talk about the latest shenanigans of Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr. Zahi Hawass, with his absolutely ridiculous and pointless "Chasing Mummies" series on the History Channel. We begin to talk about the new DNA findings that might prove that Tutankhamun was of Western European descent. We also talk about Robert's upcoming Egypt tour and some of his favorite spots in Egypt. Robert is the author of "The Egypt Code", "The Orion Mystery"," Keeper of Genesis", "The Message of the Sphinx", "Secret Chamber", "Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith" and his new upcoming book is called "Black Genesis".~Red Ice Creations

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Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Nazi UFO Tech

Source: openminds.tv

August 9, 2010–Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza Death Star in 2002 was his first venture into “alternative history and science”. He has since published two sequels, The Giza Death Star Deployed and The Giza Death Star Destroyed. Additionally, he has published three books on Nazi secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell and its sequel, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory. His book is, The Cosmic War: Interplanateray Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts.

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Joseph Apollo | Native American UFO Secrets

Source: openminds.tv

August 2, 2010–Joseph Apollo has been researching UFOs and possible Extraterrestrial contact for 30 years. He is from the Cherokee Nation (as well as some Italian thrown in there) and has been looking into the matter from a Native American perspective. He will talk to us about some of the legends of the Native Americans including information on tribal elders who have been recently coming out talking about their tribal secrets regarding ETs.

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Starchild Skull 2010 DNA Result

Source: StarchildProject.com

Preliminary new DNA results from the 900 year old Starchild Skull, providing proof that a percentage of the DNA in the bone is not from Earth.

Jim Marrs | Rule By Secrecy August 8, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

August 8, 2010–Jim Marrs, acclaimed journalist and best-selling author of “Rule By Secrecy”, discussed the Annunaki/Nibiru/UFO connection.

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David Icke | Hillary Raimo Interview August 5, 2010

Source: hillaryraimo.com

August 5, 2010–David Icke discussed his new book and current events.

Robert Hieronimus | The United Symbolism of America, All Seeing Eye Origins, Freemasons & The Enlightenment

Source: redicecreations.comsecretdestiny.orgunitedsymbolismofamerica.com

August 8, 2010–We discuss all things related to the Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and focus specifically on the Eye in the Triangle above the Pyramid with author Robert Hieronimus who we first came across while doing research for our third episode of Red Ice TV. We've invited Robert to discuss his views in terms of the Symbolism of the United States, the influence of freemasonry in the process of coming up with the Pyramid and Eye design and the placement of it on the American one Dollar bill. ~Red Ice Creations

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Michael Schratt | That's Classified: Military Secrets Revealed

Source: veritasshow.com

Michael Schratt discussed a number of military aircraft that have been classified as top secret until recently.  Michael has literally unearthed projects that were hidden from the  public and had cost billions of dollars of taxpayer money.  As a military aerospace historian, Michael's goal is to document these projects, but most importantly, he brings to light the fact that while our bridges, schools, and roads are in major disrepair, the military industrial complex continues to obtain the necessary funding that fuels conflict around the world, including the B2 bomber, which cost $2.2 billion to produce and is worth more than its weight in gold.  There is a major disconnect between the people and our government, which is supposed to represent us.

Michael Schratt is a private pilot and military aerospace historian. Michael currently works as an aerospace draftsman in Tempe AZ. Michael has lectured across the country on the unique subject of "Mystery Aircraft", and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. A recent guest speaker at the “OSHKOSH” AirVenture 2006/2007 event, (world’s largest air show), Michael has developed a number of contacts which have had first hand experience dealing classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel, and aerospace engineers that have maintained a TOP SECRET Q “MAJIC” clearance. Michael has been studying top secret military planes and has developed first hand contacts with people who have worked on “black projects”. He has also studied hundreds of UFO cases reports from the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) files and others. Schratt has lectured around the world regarding mysterious and secret aircraft. He is currently a private pilot and aerospace draftsman.

In Michael’s own words “I’m all about pushing the envelope. I’m all about rocking the boat, pushing buttons, causing controversy. It doesn’t do any good to be conservative, I’m going for broke and I’m fully prepared to go down with the ship with this research. Absolutely!”

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Michael Dunning | The Sacred Yew Tree: The Embryonic Tree of Life

Source: redicecreations.com

August 5, 2010
Michal Dunning is with us to discuss the Sacred Yew Tree and Yew Shamanism, Norse Mythology, the Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life and the relationship to humanity. We talk about Michael's own experience and how he got drawn to shamanic-healing following a near - death encounter with an elemental spirit in the far north of Scotland. A second near-death experience occurred several years later which entirely destroyed his health. Michael began to experience regular visions, prolonged out - of - body states and intense physical pain. He was finally rescued by a friend who lived in a small cottage close to a 2000 year -old, female yew tree. This marked the beginning of a ten-year period of healing and a shamanic initiation through nature, which took place under the vast enclosure of the tree. Michael believes that the yew tree was once regarded by the indigenous shaman-healers as a great source of occult knowledge holding an ancient and embryonic language of healing and rejuvenation. Topics Discussed: Yew Shamanism, Alan Meredith, Embryological Studies, Rudolph Steiner, Phenomological Embryology, Womb, Anthropomorphized Yew Trees, Norse Mythology, Idún, Ullur, Apple of Life in Death, Red Yew Berries, Hallucinogenic Properties, Bark, Rune 13 Eihwaz, Serpent Boat, Matter, Roos Carr Figures, Roots are Exposed, Tor, Rot, Craniosacral Therapy, Breath of Life, Epigenetics, Metabolic Seed, Seed of a Tree, Cell Division, Yew Tree, Water, Water of Life, Mímisbrunnr, Knowledge, Offerings & Sacrifice, Sit in Nature, Stillness, Connect with Nature, grounding, Sit Still in Nature, Christmas Tree, Yule Log, New Age Book and more. We discuss Yew Shamanism, Embryological Studies, Rudolph Steiner, Phenomenological Embryology and the Womb in the second hour with Michael Dunning. We also get into Norse Mythology and talk about characters as Idún, Odin, Ullur, the 13th Rune: Eihwaz and anthropomorphized Yew trees as Norse deities. We talk about the apple of life and death, the red Yew berries, hallucinogenic properties of the Bark and the Roos Carr Figures and the serpent boat that was discovered to be carved in Yew tree. Michael is also into Craniosacral Therapy, we discuss what this is. We also talk about the breath of Life, epigenetics, metabolic seeds, cell division and the water of life, Mimers brunn, offerings, sacrifices and reconnection with Nature. Don't miss our second hour with Michael Dunning.

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