Bob Curran | Dark Fairies, Folklore, Spirits & Creatures


August 26, 2010
We're going to look at a lighter subject from a darker point of view today with author Bob Curran who joins us from Northern Ireland to discuss his book "Dark Fairies". He has been investigating the folkloric roots of the fairy kind, and looking myths and stories from around the world - on all kinds of creatures. This is not a book for those who believe that fairies are friendly, kindly creatures. In ancient times, the concept of fairies was rather different. They were the often-dangerous embodiment of the land, dark and unpredictable spirits that watched humanity with a envious and hostile eye. We talk about Spirits, Superstition, The Origins in the Northern Lands, Elementals, The People of the Mounds, possession and Sickness related to the phenomena of Spirits and Fairies. Topics Discuss: Folklore, Legends in Ireland, Norway, the Ancient Saga, Fairies, Racial Folk Memory, Real or Imaginary, Walt Disney, Oracle of Delphi, Vapours, Fatui, Spirits, Superstition, Christianity and the Church, Elementals, Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Satan, Death, Vampires, The People of the Mounds, Djinn, Possession, Sickness, Physical or Psychological, Changeling, Cottingley Fairies. It gets more and more interesting with Bob Curran in our next hour as we talk about earth lights, plasma phenomena, marsh gas, ball lights, the Brown mountain lights in North Carolina, Cherokee legend and Native American stories about these kinds of energies or spirits. We talk about our modern interpretation of fairies. Today we use words like UFO's and Grey's that come in the night and abduct people. The stories are the same but some of the names and our interpretation might have changed slightly. ~Red Ice Creations

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Chris Thomas | Velon ET Threat to Humanity


Introducing Healer and Visionary, Author Chris Thomas. Please refer to the two long form interviews for further information. We plan a 3rd interview, comprised of questions from viewers of Parts 1 and 2.

Author and Healer Chris Thomas is unique in his data about a VELON ET presence on earth, and has detailed their history in his recent books.

He details the true Human Plan, and Humanity's vital role in the universe, and the involvement with many other ETs over many years.

The latest, Project for Human Extinction, details how the Elite and Illuminiati were taken over by a small number of Annunaki and Hathor Velon ETs about 300 years ago.

He discusses this and other matters, in this the 1st of 2 detailed hour long interviews. His comments are highly controversial, as he slams many Channelors as being specifically "conned" by these Velon ETs.

Highly controversial, and unique data.

He was severely weaked some years ago, when he woke up with a hypodermic injection of lethal poison, which he managed to fight against, so he could write his books, and discuss with us on this very rare interview.

John Perkins | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man


John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United States—and in fact the entire planet—spiraling toward disaster.

Tonight, we will be discussing John’s latest book. Here, Perkins pulls back the curtain on the real cause of the current global financial meltdown. He shows how we've been hoodwinked (which is the title of his new book) by the CEOs who run the corporatocracy—those few corporations that control the vast amounts of capital, land, and resources around the globe—and the politicians they manipulate. These corporate fat cats, Perkins explains, have sold us all on what he calls predatory capitalism, a misguided form of geopolitics and capitalism that encourages a widespread exploitation of the many to benefit a small number of the already very wealthy. Their arrogance, gluttony, and mismanagement have brought us to this perilous edge. The solution is not a "return to normal."

But there is a way out. Perkins makes clear, that we can create a healthy economy that will encourage businesses to act responsibly, not only in the interests of their shareholders and corporate partners (and the lobbyists they have in their pockets), but in the interests of their employees, their customers, the environment, and society at large. Perkins assures that we can create a society that fosters a just, sustainable, and safe world for us and our children. Each one of us makes these choices every day. 

"We hold the power," he says, "if only we recognize it." Tonight, John Perkins will share with us how we all have been Hoodwinked, how we arrived at this precarious point in our history but also what we must do to stop the global tailspin.

As Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm, John Perkins advised the World Bank, United Nations, IMF, U.S. Treasury Department, Fortune 500 corporations, and countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. He worked directly with heads of state and CEOs of major companies. His books on economics and geo-politics have sold more than 1 million copies, spent many months on the New York Times and other bestseller lists, and are published in over 30 languages. John’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list) is a startling exposé of international corruption. His The Secret History of the American Empire, also a New York Times bestseller, details the clandestine operations that created the world’s first truly global empire. His Hoodwinked is a blueprint for a new form of global economics. The solutions are not “return to normal” ones. Instead, John challenges us to soar to new heights, away from predatory capitalism and into an era more transformative than the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. His writings detail specific steps each of us can take to create a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. John is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit, has lectured at more than 50 universities around the world, and is the author of books on indigenous cultures and transformation, including Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, Spirit of the Shuar, and The Stress-Free Habit. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR, A&E, the History Channel, Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many other publications, as well as in numerous documentaries including The End of Poverty?, Zeitgeist Addendum, and Apology of an Economic Hit Man.

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Back In Time Series | Robert Morning Sky, Meeting with Star Elders Part 2


Information Machine "Back In Time Series" brings you a Radio Talkshow with Robert Morning Sky from August 1996, Part 2. Enjoy!

Stephen Bassett Highgate Disclosure Briefing


Stephen Bassett of Paradigm Research gives a intimate briefing on Disclosure of UFO and other issues, to invited guests in Highgate north London. 

This briefing is a good start for journalsits who wish to geta brief grip on what is going on in the UFO Disclosoure area, without their boss findinging out. Ideal for politians on how to deal with those UFO questions.

Stephen Bassett Highgate Briefing

The final Question & Answer part of the Highgate Briefing by Stephen Bassett. This section was not formally recorded, and is presented using cellphone video only.

Dolores Cannon | Awakening to Current Shifts in Consciousness, August 17, 2010


This weeks guest is Dolores Cannon, a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who records "Lost" knowledge. In the show Dolores discusses her up and coming lecture in London where she will be talking about the dynamics of global transformation as we continue through the shift in conciousness, in what Dolores describes as the new Earth. In the show she talked about the various aspects of her work which have been chronicled in her many books including "Conversations With Nostradamus" and the "Convoluted Universe" series, taking us through a journey of lost knowledge, uncovered by her many subjects in a deep state of hypnosis. Dolores will be in London and Oxfordshire so if you wish to catch her please check out her website below to find details of her events.

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The Dynamics of Global Transformation Lecture - London
Dolores Cannon Keynote Lecture and Q&A

Waldorf Hilton Hotel, Aldwych, London
United Kingdom
Tuesday, 31 Aug, 2010

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VERITAS Special Report | Jim Humble VS The FDA - MMS


August 25, 2010–This is a Veritas Special Report with Jim Humble entitled The FDA Vs Jim Humble's MMS. Listen what this brave man has been able to accomplish worldwide. The FDA is warning people not to use MMS when over 200,000 people died last year of correctly prescribed medicines approved by the FDA. You decide.

In a sentence, that's what dedicated users seem to achieve with this miracle mineral supplement. Doesn't matter where you've traveled or what parasites float in your blood. That's what activated MMS does -- IT KILLS PATHOGENS whether in the air, on your kitchen cutting board, under your toe nail, or in your blood. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) analysis at is one of many substantiating references.

What are pathogens? ClO2 gas has been used outside the body to:
- Kill anthrax in government offices
- Cleanse cruise ships of stubborn stomach viruses
.........(how do you scrub down 1,200 ocean liner rooms? Pump ClO2 gas throughout the whole ship for 12 hours.)
- Remove fungus from restaurants and homes after the new Orleans Katrina storm
- Purify lake water fed to the city water supply
- Stop the spread of staph infections when they arise
- Kill salmonella and E. coli by passing vegetables/fish through a cloud of ClO2 gas."

Back In Time Series | Robert Morning Sky, Meeting with Star Elders Part 1


Information Machine "Back In Time Series" brings you a Radio Talkshow with Robert Morning Sky from August 1996. It is a 2 part show where both parts are close to three hours. Enjoy!

Jim Humble Responds to FDA Campaign Against MMS

The FDA has backed up a warning (7/30/2010) against the use of MMS with a coordinated misinformation campaign. Jim Humble, who uncovered the potential of using small amounts of chlorine dioxide inside the body (through its effects on malaria), and developed protocols for its human use, comments. Interviewed by Adam Abraham.

The Paranormal Cafe interviews Col. Charles Halt and Mr. John Burroughs


Here are two of the pivotal witnesses in the incident at RAF Bentwaters. Col. Halt was investigating the landing site of the UFO and was using his personal recorder to document the site. While recording him and his team then witnessed their own UFO's and documented them as well. His recording has become legendary in the UFO field and I find him an unwilling participant in all this. John Burroughs was the only witness to be present at BOTH the first nights incident with James Penniston, and the second night with Halt. Rob interviews Col. Halt and Mr. Burroughs about their incidents and delves into the tape itself. This is an interview that is a must hear for anyone interested in the Bentwaters UFO incidents. Host Notes: Listen for Col. Halt discuss the back story of how the story got out. You can hear his distain for some of those involved and his honesty in his thoughts and actions. I was surprised at his candor and his willingness to discuss this case with me. I also liked Mr. Burroughs reactions to all the incident and think I can identify with what was going on in his head and what he was trying to accomplish by voluntarily going out into Rendlesham on the second night. I find the Gentlemen to be stand up individuals that have had to deal with a horrible situation that they had no choice but to deal with. Listen to their story in their own words and then ask yourself, "Would I have acted the same?" Please note that this interview was performed less than 2 weeks prior to the BBC "Hit Piece" by Evan Davis. I thank both of these Gentlemen for coming on and invite them back anytime to discuss whatever they would wish. ~Paranormal Cafe

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Neil Kramer | Cinematic Inception Creating Reality

Neil Kramer is an alternative researcher that has been in the movement attempting to understand reality, existence, consciousness, & the effects of awareness on space, time, & matter. Neil Kramer has a background in studying Gnosticism, Mysticism, Sacred Geometry, Psychedelics (Please note he does not advocate the use of any drugs for recreational purposes, and is very clear in saying that the psychedelics are medicine for a "sick" psyche), mathematics, quantum mechanics, and quantum physics.

Most of his work he has made free available to the public, as his greatest concern is to help other people, knowing full well that in helping them, he helps himself, as he see the oneness of all.

Neil Kramers website

Michael Tellinger on The Unexplained, August 23, 2010


August 23, 2010–This Edition features South African Michael Tellinger, an old friend of The Unexplained.

Have you ever asked where we came from , who we really are and what we're here to do? Michael believes he has the answers - and, as he starts his US Tour in New York (Aug 26th) he tells us his latest findings. ~Howard Hughes

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