Lori Williams | Science of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), September 28, 2012

Source: timemonkradio.com, intuitivespecialists.com

Lori Williams, CHt, LMT, has been researching, practicing and studying the science of Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) for over fourteen years. After a lifetime of unbidden, vivid precognitive and unexplained paranormal experiences, she became interested in Controlled Remote Viewing as a scientific method for controlling those experiences as well as gaining a better understanding of them. 

Her search for answers led her to Lyn Buchanan, an ex-military controlled remote viewer and trainer. Ms. Williams met Mr. Buchanan in 1996. His company, Problems>Solutions>Innovations(P>S>I), was one of the first CRV instruction companies to be established after the military de-classified the Remote Viewing program in 1995.

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2MIN News | NASA Fakes Mars Photos!, September 28, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

NASA JPL Mars | Copy & Pasted Images at Gale Crater | Curiosity Landing Site

SunsFlare Exposes NASA Lie
Wyoming Fracking Study
Congressional Weather Commission
Drought Worsens for Some
Australia/NZ Cyclones
Australia Rain Forecast
Australia Temperature Forecast

Max Igan & Ken O'Keefe | False Flags & the American Interest, September 28, 2012

Source: 1tjp.net, thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan and Ken O'Keefe's breakdown on Israel lobbyist Patrick Clawson's suggestion of using a false flag event as a means of initiating conflict with Iran. Gaza rooftop.

Barbara Oakley | Pathological Altruism, September 27, 2012

Source: redicecreations.com, barbaraoakley.com


September 27, 2012–Barbara is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers. Although, she is currently an Associate Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Michigan, she has written five books. Underlying the work is Oakley's scientific training and research related to medical imaging and genetics, precisely the areas where important breakthroughs in brain research are being made.

In the first hour we’ll discuss what she calls pathological altruism. She’ll explain how altruism and empathy, so highly regarded and embedded in society, can actually cause harm. Barbara says some people are predisposed to kindness to the point of being destructive to themselves and others. In the second hour, we’ll discuss "Evil Genes" and "Cold Blooded Kindness." Barbara provides support for the idea that 'evil' people act the way they do mainly as the result of a dysfunction. We talk about the Soviet Union, Obama, the welfare state, centralized systems and group think. Is kindness always the right answer? Should altruistic ideals be foisted upon everyone? We end the hour on Ayn Rand.
~Red Ice Creations
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David Icke | Quantitative Easing Depression, September 27, 2012

Source: infowars.com, davidicke.com

British Author and renowned New World Order investigator David Icke exposes the large strides towards bringing about total financial collapse and public enslavement.

Kristinn Hrafnsson on RT | US declares Assange an enemy of the state, September 27, 2012

Source: RT.com

On Wednesday night, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange spoke the United Nations General Assembly during a "Strengthening Human Rights" event. In his speech, Assange implored President Obama to do the right thing when it came to whistleblower Bradley Manning and criticized the administration for not practicing what it preaches when it comes to free speech.

Shortly before Assange's address, it has been learned through a Freedom of Information Act request that the US has declared the Wikileaks founder an enemy of the state and Kristinn Hrafnsson, Wikileaks spokesperson, joins us with the latest developments. ~RT.com

Israeli leaders meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC, September 26, 2012

Source: youtube

This video is banned for broadcast on News Networks in USA, Israel and Europe. Doesn't look to me that these people want to engage in war. Jews have lived in Iran for thousands of years. Over 50,000 Jews live in Teheran. Only Zionists want war, not Jewish people.

3MIN News, September 27, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Global Aftershocks
The Ripping Fault Lines
[Old Article] Croatian Scientist says Earth Ripping Apart
ISS Debris Threat
Russia Suspends Monsanto
100M Dead in 18 Years

Assange to UN: US is trying to build a 'regime of secrecy', September 26, 2012

Source: RT.com

On Wednesday night, Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, addressed the United Nations General Assembly in an event called "Strengthening Human Rights" from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he has been trapped for several months. The event that was hosted by the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino and gave Assange a platform to draw attention to his case and he emphasized the importance of revealing the truth. Here is that speech. ~RT.com

Former CIA Asset Susan Lindauer on 9/11 | "Everything you were told was a lie", Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast, September 26, 2012

Source: smellslikehumanspirit.com, extremeprejudiceusa.wordpress.com

It's eleven years after 9/11, and for many people, the events leading up to that fateful day are still shrouded in mystery. Pleas from the families of the victims for a new investigation have been ignored. Calls to help, financially, and otherwise, the heroic rescue workers that risked their lives that day have been determined by those in power to be unimportant. Questions that have been raised by the general public concerning the sheer absurdity of say, how a hi-jackers passport could be found on the ground in mint condition or how building 7 could collapse on its own have been discarded by the uninformed as being irrelevant.

Thankfully, there are people out there that can help us as a society piece together how this terrible event happened, and one of those people is Susan Lindauer. A former CIA asset at the highest level, Susan's story and testimony counteracts any notion that the 9/11 attacks came out of nowhere, and that they simply could not be predicted.

What follows is Part 1 of our interview with Susan; Part 2 will be released this coming Monday 1st October. Enjoy. ~Smells Like Human Spirit Podcast

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2MIN News, September 26, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

UK Rain
Greek Austerity
Spain Protests

Robert Gleason | Iran, Israel and the End of Days, September 21, 2012

Source: unknowncountry.com, robertgleasonbooks.com

Robert Gleason's brilliant book End of Days warns of just how close we are to nuclear apocalypse. Could it really happen? Listen as he discusses what is happening right now between Israel and Iran, and how unstable our world is becoming. Does he think that Israel could attack Iran on its own? Will it? Robert Gleason is one of the great experts on geopolitical dangers and world instability. Here, he discusses the research behind his brilliant book End of Days, now available in paperback.

Former Secretary of Defense and senator William S. Cohen said of the book, "you'll race wildly through it to find the nearest exit--only to realize that End of Days is not a dream. It's just tomorrow arrive a day early."

Senator Byron Dorgan says, "Gleason's powerful, compelling book is a stark reminder of the peril we face unless we find a way to destroy nuclear weapons before they destroy us." How often do you see support like that from a former Secretary of Defense and a senator? Not often. Listen and learn. ~Whitley Strieber
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