2MIN News, November 1, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Drone Suit
E ~mc2 is incomplete

Leon Pittard | Truth Down Under, November 1, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, FairdinkumRadio.com

Tonight we talk to Leon Pittard of FairdinkumRadio.com in Australia about the political situation in Australia, including the carbon tax, internet regulations, the security of the food supply, the corporate takeover of the economy, and the crackdown on health freedom. We also discuss the truth movement in Australia and the growing awareness of the New World Order. ~James Corbett
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Christopher Everard | Skulls, Bones, and Necromancy, Truth Frequency Radio, October 27, 2012

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, enigmatv.com

Our good friend, Chris Everard, joins us after a long absence from the show to give us an update on his latest film, SpiritWorld III. This has got to be one of the creepiest, most disturbing broadcasts we have done in quite some time, so it’s only appropriate that this is our Halloween show! Enjoy!
~Truth Frequency Radio

2MIN News, October 31, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Video on Elite War

The Healing Path with White Wolf von Atzingen | Series 2 - Session 1: Releasing

Source: offplanetradio.com, waysofthewildinstitute.com

This begins a new “season”, and a second series of the Healing Path. White Wolf unfolds the basics of what is called “releasing” (or letting go).

To release past hurts, traumas, blockages, and personal bariers is a critical part of the healng path. Beyond forgiveness (see Session 4), comes the need to release the energetics of any negative experiences—and to do so properly. Many healing modalities teach releasing methods that can either fail, or that release energies in a way that can be harmful to the Earth and other people. Find out WHY and HOW to perform this important step, and the lineration that comes in this step on the path back to wholeness.
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A Message from White Wolf: "Perspective", October 29, 2012

White Wolf von Atzingen discusses the recent "astral" (mentalist) attack by his former handlers on the 7th anniversary of his near-lethal poisoning by assassins; his own healing path, and a perspective on attitudes and strategies to survive in dangerous times.

I was contacted a few days ago by one of White Wolf's students, who informed me of his status, that he had been attacked on the 7th anniversary of his poisoning (that story is recounted in the book, "Shadow Scorpion", as well as my original 2-hour interview, and the first show of this series). This message has just a brief introduction, and White Wolf's own words---words that everyone who can "hear" needs to grasp. I have titled it "Perspective" (my word), as it is an eagle-eye view of dealing with attacks, physical suffering, or any adverse situation. as you listen, trust your greater being to guide you.

We look forward to White Wolf's healing, and his victorious strike against the dark forces. And to more journeys on the Healing Path. -Randy Maugans, October 29, 2012

Sibel Edmonds on the US Police State, Corbett Report Radio, October 30, 2012

Source: corbettreport.com, boilingfrogspost.com

Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com joins us for a discussion on the police state in the US, the broken political system and the independent voices that are shining a light on it all. We also talk about the forthcoming Boiling Frogs Post DVD Vol. 2 and Sibel’s memoir, Classified Woman.
~James Corbett
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Financial 9/11 | Following the Money Trail, October 30, 2012

Source: alienscientist.com

The motivation for this video came from reading Mark H. Gaffney's newest book "Black 911", here is an overview:
Was 9/11 an Inside Job?
A guide to 9/11 Whistleblowers
Project Hammer
SEC Act Section 12(k)2
Richard Grove's testimony (complete transcript)
"Collateral Damage" by E.P. Heidner
The CIA's forty-year complicity in the narcotics trade by Alfred W. McCOY
Executive Order 12333 created an agreement between the CIA and Justice Department (DEA) to look the other way on Government Drug Trafficking
AIG and Drug Money
Maurice Greenberg's report for the CFR
Richard Armitage, Frank Carlucci, Herbert Winokur, and company
Post 9/11 Promotions
9/11 Gold Theft and other smoking guns:
911review.org killtown.911review.org

2MIN News, October 30, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

1997 Sandy Simulation
S.China Cyclone Damage

Max Igan | Lifting The Veil with Cari-Lee, October 20, 2012

Source: liftingtheveil.ca, thecrowhouse.com

Saturday October 20th, 2012 Lifting the Veil with Cari-Lee welcomes author, filmmaker, musician, artist and radio show host Max Igan. The first interview back from his world tour, Max discusses everything from his Ayahuasca ceremonies in Peru to his time in Palestine and more! ~Cari-Lee

Sandy UPDATE: Nuclear Plants on Alert, 6.5 Million without Power, October 29, 2012

6.5 million people in the Northeast US are without power, including all of Manhattan below 39th Street. Nuclear power plants in the region are on alert because of the danger that they may lose outside power supplies, or their water exchange systems may be flooded. The power plants rely on diesel generators for backup power. Outside power is essential to the continued functioning of their cooling pumps.

There are 10 power plants in the region that are being affected by the storm. Exelon's Oyster Creek 30 miles north of Atlantic City declared an alert because its water intake facility was experiencing high water levels. The plant is presently offline for refueling, so even if its cooling system fails, it will not melt down. There was also a disruption in the plant's power system, but diesel generators turned on automatically. Exelon has four power plants in the region including Oyster Creek. They are Peach Bottom, Limerick and Three Mile Island.

Other regional plants include the Indian Point plant in New York, the Calvert Cliffs plant in Maryland, the Susquehanna Plant in Pennsylvania.

As of 1.00 AM Eastern time, 7 subway tunnels under New York's East River were flooded, the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel was reportedly flooded, and the West Side Highway south of 10th Street was flooded.

A snow emergency is being declared for western North Carolina, and blizzard conditions are developing in West Virginia and western Maryland.

Hurricane hammers NY: Houses destroyed by fire, freak floods in subway

 Weather Channel Live:

Clif High on VERITAS Radio (2012) | Looking Over the Clif: The Return of Clif High

Source: veritasradio.com

Topics discussed: TPTB Entity and the Elections, US Markets Dataset, The Manipulated Market of Diamonds, Metals Markets, Russia / Putin, TPTB & Minions, Global Coastal Event, Free Energy Talk, ET's on Earth, Temporal Markers Met, Data Gap, Time Travelers, Crystal Amalgam

2MIN News, October 29, 2012

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Vietnam Storm Damage
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