Gridkeeper & John Lenard Walson | DJ Mix Close Moon Compilation Film 2013 filmed from Earth, February 22, 2013

Source: Gridkeeper youtube, JohnLenardWalson youtube

Here is some new footage of the moon filmed from the UK by JL Walson in 2013. Some 2012 footage also included. The music was written and produced by myself Gridkeeper and mixed by DJ Shmee. ~Gridkeeper

The Corbett Report | Meet Adam Curtis, Establishment Contrarian, February 22, 2013


The Power of Nightmares. The Century of the Self. Pandora's Box. All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace. If you're familiar with the alternative media, you've doubtless come across references to the documentary work of Adam Curtis. But besides the well-known examples of brilliance within Curtis' work is a deeply doctrinaire strain that seeks to normalize mainstream history and convince us that the driving ideologies of the political elite are exactly what they say they are. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we deconstruct Curtis' documentaries and look for the deeper meaning behind the globalist ideology.
download mp3

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell | Witness Testimony, February 22, 2013


Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.

The Next Ice Age | An Introduction to a Possible Shift Soon, February 22, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Sibel Edmonds on Operation Gladio - Part 1-4, February 22, 2013


In this ground-breaking interview, famed FBI whistleblower and Boiling Frogs Post founder Sibel Edmonds lays out the thread connecting NATO's Gladio operations to Turkish paramilitaries and ultra-nationalists, and how the operation continues through cooperation with terrorists and the Islamization of Central Asia and the Caucasus. From Abdullah Çatlı's remarkable life (and death) to the rise of Fethullah Gulen's $25 billion (CIA-supported) Islamic network to the NATO takeover of the Afghan poppy crop in the wake of 9/11, you won't want to miss a moment of this riveting conversation.

4MIN News, February 21, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

US89 'Buckles'
Page photo [near bottom]
Portugal/Spain "Contrails"
It Aint Gravity
It Aint Gravity II

UFO sighting over Moscow, Russia, Feb. 15 2013, edited & slowed

Source: ufostore1 youtube, Дарья Королёва youtube

New World Next Week | Blemished Banquet, Monsanto Patents, Insider Ketchup, February 21, 2013


Story #1: UN Offers Banquet Of Blemished Food To Highlight Waste
Flashback: California Throws Away Enough Food To Fill 35
Stadiums Per Year

Story #2: Justices Skeptical Of Farmer Who Planted Patented Monsanto Seeds
Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
The Non-GMO Project

Story #3: FBI Probes Suspected Insider Trading In H.J. Heinz Buyout
Flashback: Buffett May Have Been Involved in Congressional
Insider Trading Scandal

3MIN News | Sunspot Update, Quake Watch, February 20, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Kansas City Blast
Kansas City Blast II
QLD Drought
Wayward penguin

A. True Ott | The World Power Structure, February 17, 2013


February 17, 2013–A. True Ott received his degree in the field of Nutrition. He has been counseling and lecturing on prime nutrition for over 15 years, and founded Mother Earth Minerals, Inc. in 1997. Dr. Ott is the author and publisher of dozens of articles and three books on nutrition. From 1996-2001, Dr. Ott co-produced the radio program "The Story Behind the Story" at KSUB Radio in Cedar City, Utah and was awarded the Peabody Award for radio documentary.

In the first hour, we’ll discuss his background as a Mormon and his time on Wall Street where he learned the truth about money. True shares parallels between Mormons, the Jews and Freemasonry. He’ll talk about the political movement, Zionism and the goal of world domination. We’ll also discuss the "Red Symphony" and The Frankfurt School. ~Red Ice Creations
download mp3

3MIN News | Solar Eruptions in Progress, February 19, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Moon Water
Less Snow, More Blizzards

Orbs in Chelyabinsk at the time of meteorite impact, enhanced & detailed, February 15, 2013

Source: ufostore1 youtube, Алексей Локтев youtube

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