Max Igan | Candida and The Quest for Eternal Youth, April 12, 2013


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - April 12th, 2013.

Chemtrailing | Two Guys in Jet Catches them Spraying

Occult Archaeology with Dr. Robert Schoch, Truth Frequency Radio, April 7, 2013


We welcome our main guest, Dr. Robert Schoch to the broadcast to discuss his latest book, Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future.  We also discuss his past work with John Anthony West on the dating of the Sphinx, and ponder the civilizations that built the monument, as well as the other ancient, sophisticated architecture left behind from thousands of years earlier than we ever thought possible just decades ago.

Alan Watt | Lulled by a Symphony which Hides the Infamy, April 12, 2013


All links can be found at:

4MIN News | Radiation Storm, CME on the Way, April 12, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Niara Isley | Ammach in America, International UFO Conference 2013


Niara Isley, an Abductee, and former Radar specialist at the Tonapay test range near Area 51, describes fort in 2010, then 2013, here terroir, and abuse at the hands of the humans at Area 51. Raped by her prison guards in front of an alien, shows the brutality of the MILABs.

New World Next Week | Selling Gold, OpIsrael, Magic Mushrooms, April 11, 2013

Source: ,,

Story #1: Cyprus To Sell €400 Million In Gold To Finance Part Of Its Bailout
Flashback: FDR Issues Executive Order 6102 Banning Gold Ownership
Related: The Bitcoin Bubble Explained - Understanding The Mathematics Of
The Inevitable Bitcoin Crash

Story #2: Israeli Hackers And Anonymous Continue Their Cyber Strife
Related: Electronic Arts Wins Worst Company In America Poll Again

Story #3: First Magic Mushroom Clinical Trial Hits Stumbling Block
Governments Block Research On Using Magic Mushrooms To Treat Depression
Flashback: Study Shows 'Spiritual' Effects Of Magic Mushrooms
Bonus: Portland Fluoride - Politics, Science And Our (Not-So) Liberal Minds

GRTV | Bail-in: The Birth of the New Financial Order, April 10, 2013


The recent bail-in in Cyprus has given the world a glimpse at the future of the banking landscape. Now, as Canada gets set to hardwire the bail-in process into law, analysts like Michel Chossudovsky are warning how the big banks can use this template to further consolidate their monopoly of economic control. -GRTV
Transcript & Sources

Ex-Military Bio-Environmental Engineer | Kristen Meghan | Blows Whistle On Air Force | Chemtrails, April 9, 2013

Firsthand testimony from a seargent in The US Air Force regarding chemtrails.

"Published on Apr 9, 2013 At the 2013 Atlanta Music Liberty Fest, Kristen Meghan, former Air Force Bio-Environmental Engineer gave a ground breaking presentation of what she had discovered about Chemtrails while serving her Country. This BRAVE young lady has put her livelihood / life on the line for U.S. Please take a minute to thank her and help U.S. by redistributing this Video and any other VALID information about Chemtrails to as many people as you can! This is a GLOBAL issue, other countries must get this information as well. "they" are spraying the majority of the population... Why?"

3MIN News | Dozens Killed in Iran Quake, April 10, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

Kevin Barrett | Truth Jihad: 911, World Government & Multiculturalism, April 7, 2013


April 7, 2013–Kevin Barrett is an Arabist-Islamologist scholar and one of America's best-known critics of the War on Terror. From 1991 through 2006 Dr. Barrett taught at colleges and universities but was ultimately fired and blacklisted from teaching in American schools. The Anti-Defamation League names Barrett as one of the leading promoters of anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories.
Kevin ran for congress in Wisconsin in 2008, and currently works as a nonprofit organizer, public speaker, author and talk radio host.

In the first hour we’ll discuss his awakening to the false flag attack on 911. He’ll talk about the bigger agenda at hand, requiring the eradication of the constitution. Kevin explains how America is being led by a Presidential dictatorship, linked to a Freemasonic plot bringing us into the New World Order. Barrett also talks about bankers financing secret societies, who are ultimately about world government. Later in the first hour, we cover the role of Zionists, the State of Israel and the Rothschilds. Kevin ends the hour on the power of brainwashing through shocking the masses into a child like state so that they will listen to authority. -Red Ice Creations
download mp3

3MIN News | Cyclones, Tornados, Sunspot Magnetics, Erupting Filament, April 9, 2013

Source: Suspicious0bservers

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