Jacob Appelbaum @ Chaos Communication Congress, Hamburg Germany 2013 | To Protect and Infect | NSA Surveillance

Source: Albert Veli youtube

Sterling Allan | 2013 in Review: Free Energy, January 6, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, PESWiki.com, PESN.com

January 6, 2014–For the past 11.5 years, Sterling Allan has been running the best exotic free energy technology news, directory, and networking service worldwide. Sterling is the primary driving force behind PESWiki.com, PESN.com, FreeEnergyNews.com, NewEnergyCongress.org and most recently EnergyNEST.org.

PES (Pure Energy Systems) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. He founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market. PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate.

Sterling returns to give us a review of 2013 in the field of "free energy." What is taking so long and why don't we have free energy yet? He'll take us down the list of recent technological updates. In the second hour, we continue on latest developments. -redicecreations.com
download hour 1 mp3

Massive Solar Coronal Mass Ejection, January 6, 2013

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Solar Update.

Democracy Now! U.S. and World News Headlines for Monday, January 6, 2014

Source: democracynow.org

This is a summary of news headlines from the United States and around the world as reported by Democracy Now! on Monday, January 6, 2014.

Randall Carlson | Cosmic Origins of the Holy Grail & Cycles of Catastrophe, January 3, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, sacredgeometryinternational.com


January 3, 2014–Randall Carlson is a professional designer and builder, student of Sacred Geometry and a long time Freemason. Randall Carlson is uniquely qualified to interpret the hidden meaning of the great masterpieces of mystical architecture. It is his aspiration to affect a revival of lost knowledge towards the goal of creating the new world based upon universal principles of harmony, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Randall emphasizes the cyclical nature of time and the periodic catastrophes responsible for the collective amnesia of our species.

He returns to discuss Sangreal, The Holy Grail: Recovering the Cosmic Science of Antiquity, the connection to cyclical catastrophe and the onset of ice ages and warming periods in Earth's history. We'll discuss comets and panspermia. -redicecreations.com
download hour 1 mp3

Terry Melanson | The Conspiracy behind the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati, January 1, 2014

Source: redicecreations.com, conspiracyarchive.com, bavarian-illuminati.info

January 1, 2014–Terry Melanson is the owner and developer of the website Conspiracy Archive and has been writing about the Illuminati since 2000. His book is called "Perfectibilists: The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati" and he has set up the accompanying website bavarian-illuminati.info.

We'll continue to talk about the history and conspiracy behind the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. We discuss how John Robison viewed the Illuminati and Barruel's work, "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism." Terry talks about the infiltration of Masonic lodges, The Society of the Friends of the Constitution and the connection to the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.
download hour 1 mp3

Largest Sunspot in 12 Years, 30% Chance of X-Flares, January 4, 2014

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Giant Sunspot 1944 is turning earth facing.

Orange Tube Shaped UFO Breaks in Half, releasing Sphere, Triangle Formation, East Los Angeles, California USA, November 2, 2013

Source: Jonathan Castro youtube

Uploader comment:"I summoned and captured this AMAZING Orange Tube Shaped UFO. At the 54 second mark you can observe a UFO behind this initial one moving from left to right. At the 10:54 mark you can see this large UFO break in half into separate pieces. I filmed this in front of my house just as my other videos. Thanks and enjoy. Filmed November 2nd, 2013."

Max Igan | The Power of an Idea, January 3, 2014

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix, January 3, 2014

Dr. Shui Yin Lo | Chi and the Meridian System

Source: itsrainmakingtime.com

Dr. Shui Yin Lo is a particle physicist, inventor, acupuncturist, the maker of Double Helix Water, and the founder of the Quantum Health Research Institute. Dr. Shui Yin Lo's books include Double Helix Water: Has the 200 Year Old Mystery of Homeopathy Been Solved?, The Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health, Meridians and Stable Water Clusters: Physics and Health: A Picture Book, and over 70 research papers. He's a visiting faculty member and lecturer at Cal Tech Institute of Technology and many other institutions.

We invited Dr. Shui Yin Lo to talk about the meridian system - so well-known in the the field of acupuncture - and its place in thermography. Thermograms have been available for the last 25 years, and are used to locate inflammation and determine where tumors or disease conditions are likeliest to develop.

While many people know about the marvel of thermography, very few women actually use it for breast cancer screening. Instead, they use antiquated, unreliable mammography technology which beams radiation into their breasts. Thermography has many useful applications. It is used by the Department of Energy, the construction industry, and is now being used to indicate disease and the health of our meridian system, through which chi flows.

While he was living in Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Shui Yin Lo invented and patented a special laser so powerful that it could get rid of waste. The U.S. Department of Energy, the Office of Technology Development, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory collaborated in this research. The country of Australia required that Dr. Shui Yin Lo give up his patent so that they could classify it.

Dr. Shui Yin Lo is also a qi gong master. He understands the meridian system so well that he can look at a thermogram and know in minutes what is going on with the organ systems and the body's meridian system. If you enjoy learning and want to add new knowledge to your arsenal of disease prevention, this would be a helpful interview to watch.

NSA Leaks: Mail Tampering, Quantum Computing and Clemency?, January 3, 2014

Source: RT.com

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved the Obama administration's application to renew the bulk collection of telephone metadata for another 90 days on Friday afternoon. The approval will give the administration time to review the 46 recommendations on how to reform the National Security Agency a White House-appointed panel made in December.

Two federal judges have handed down conflicting rulings on the constitutionality of the NSA's bulk metadata collection program in recent weeks, and the Justice Department filed an appeal of one of those rulings - the one that said the program is "likely unconstitutional" - on Friday. Meghan Lopez talks about the latest NSA developments with RT web producer Andrew Blake and political commentator Sam Sacks. -RT.com

The People's Voice | Richie Allen Show | David Icke / 2013 Headlines Review

Source: thepeoplesvoice.tv

Richie Allen talks with David Icke. They look back and analyse the most important headlines throughout 2013. -thepeoplesvoice.tv
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