Robert L. Hastings | UFOs and Nukes | FADE to BLACK with Jimmy Church | Dec. 3, 2014


Robert Hastings, one of the only researchers in the world dealing with UFOs and the military's nuclear weapons joins us for an in-depth conversation covering the Malmstrom and Minot base missle shut-down incidents that occured when UFOs were spotted over the installations.

Mark Snider, James Horak & Crystal Clark | Parasites | Nov. 29, 2014

Source: Ohio Exopolitcs,,

James Horak & Crystal Clark discuss the true nature of ebola as a parasitic worm, the elite’s deluded view of the lesser classes as parasitic humans, and dive deeper into the nefarious mechanisms, mind-viruses, disinformation, and knowledge-hoarding practices of globalist fanatics bent on denying mankind access to the beauty, wisdom and power of intelligent design---on both microcosmic and macrocosmic scales---even to the point of driving our civilization to full ruin in the process.

Crystal Clark’s website:
Courtesy for publication permission - Mark Snider, Ohio Exopolitics

Christopher Vasey | Natural Remedies for Inflammation | Dec. 8, 2014

Source:,, Natural Remedies for Inflammation,

December 8, 2014–Christopher Vasey is a naturopath and author specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation living in Switzerland. He studied naturopathy in Paris and started his own practice in 1979. In 1981, he organized his own introductory courses to naturopathy and started teaching in various health-oriented associations.

Christopher has written several books on natural medicine as well as spiritual themes and lectures regularly in Europe, the USA and Canada. Mr. Vasey joins us to speak primarily on the subject of his latest book, Natural Remedies for Inflammation.

He gives us a broad overview of the inflammation syndrome, the differences between natural and chemical treatments, and the main reasons why inflammation occurs. He explains how allergies are on the rise and why people tend to suffer more in modern times. Then, Christopher describes the mechanisms of herbal remedies and gives us many examples of herbs that are most beneficial for treating different organs and tissues in the body.

He goes on to tell us how fasting works to rid the body of toxins and the many reasons why toxins accumulate. We also discuss eating habits, environmental toxins and the various maladies that are caused by lifestyle.

download hour 1 mp3

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Connett Talk About Water Fluoridation


Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), about the health risks of water fluoridation. 

Article: Important Facts You Need to Know About Water Fluoridation

"These Are Crimes": New Calls to Prosecute Bush Admin as Senate Report Reveals Brutal CIA Torture | Dec. 10, 2014


Graphic new details of the post-9/11 U.S. torture program came to light Tuesday when the Senate Intelligence Committee released a 500-page summary of its investigation into the CIA with key parts redacted. The report concludes that the intelligence agency failed to disrupt a single plot despite torturing al-Qaeda and other captives in secret prisons worldwide between 2002 and 2006, and details a list of torture methods used on prisoners, including waterboarding, sexual threats with broomsticks, and medically unnecessary "rectal feeding."

The report also confirms the CIA ran black sites in Afghanistan, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Thailand, and a secret site on the Guantánamo Naval Base known as Strawberry Fields.

So far no one involved in the CIA interrogation program has been charged with a crime except the whistleblower John Kiriakou. In 2007, he became the first person with direct knowledge of the program to publicly reveal its existence. He is now serving a 30-month sentence. We speak with Reed Brody, counsel and spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, who has written several reports on prisoner mistreatment in the war on terror, including a 2011 report which called for a criminal investigation of senior Bush administration officials.

Feinstein: CIA torture techniques far more brutal than approved (FULL SPEECH)

Senator Dianne Feinstein called the practices detailed in the declassified report on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation program a “stain on our values and on our history.”

Brazilian Indigenous Leader: Carbon Trading Scheme "REDD" is a False Solution to Climate Change | Democracy Now! | Dec. 10, 2014


The controversial carbon trading scheme known as REDD, or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, has set off protests not only in Africa, but also in South America, especially in the Amazon region.

We speak to Chief Ninawa Huni Kui, president of the Federation of the Huni Kui, an indigenous group in Brazil. He has traveled to the U.N. Climate Summit in Lima to voice his opposition to REDD.

Watch all reports from the U.N. climate summit in Lima, Peru on:

As U.N. Summit Enters High-Level Talks, Protesters in Lima Prepare for Historic Climate March

As we end today's show, protesters are beginning to gather in downtown Lima for what organizers hope will be the largest climate march in the history of South America. On Tuesday, Democracy Now! visited Casa de Convergencia TierrActiva, a house that has become a key organizing hub ahead of the march. Here are some of the voices from the convergence space.

John Lenard Walson | Close Moon Footage | Dec. 9, 2014

Source: JohnLenardWalson youtube

Watch in HD

Gerald Celente | Freedomain Radio | Dec. 9, 2014


America in Decline. Prepare Yourself Accordingly. Many economists have discussed the impending economic collapse of the United States for years - but why hasn't it happened yet? Were they wrong - or is there something else going on? Stefan Molyneux and Gerald Celente discuss the dangers of the current economic system, who's really running the show, the disastrous military blow-back and the impact of never-ending war on a worldwide stage.

New World Next Week | FBI Report Exposes Police State Paranoia | Dec. 7, 2014


This week on the New World Next Week: A new FBI report gives the lie to police propaganda about the "public threat"; Ukraine rushes citizenship for foreigners appointed to government cabinet; and reports confirm organic farming's ability to feed the world.

James Corbett | Media Fakery and the Distortion of History | Dec. 4, 2014


Lionel of joins us today for an epic discussion on fake stories in the media and the manipulation of the historical record. We discuss the fake Syria sniper boy video, the Corbett/Lionel law, and the importance of self-correction. As an added bonus, James reveals his biggest boner to the audience!

Show Notes & MP3

Clif High | Video Exclusive - Web Bot Trends 2015 | Veritas Radio | Part 1 of 2


To listen to more of this exclusive interview proceed to

This is an exclusive 2.5-hour presentation with Clif High from The first hour is available as a courtesy of Veritas Radio.

Jim Marrs | False Flag Events - 9/11 & The Fourth Reich! | Dark Journalist


Join Dark Journalist and his special guest Best-Selling Author Jim Marrs as they investigate the deep events of the last 75 years, including strange parallels between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, and find a rising, insidious influence of a new Fourth Reich that is dedicated to world domination!

By exposing major inconsistencies in the official story of 9/11 with new evidence and damaging testimony, Jim Marrs carefully tracks the forces behind this historic False Flag event in stunning detail and will bring us face to face with the dangerous reality of the ascent of totalitarian power and a menacing New World Order that is setting up a Globalist Dictatorship.

False Flag events like the Reichstag fire are a sinister means to re-engineer society by covert groups that want to seize more power but need public support to do so. By convincing the masses through the corporate media that they need more security and must give up more personal freedoms to get it, these hidden forces aspire to create an all powerful National Security State.

In this exciting episode, you'll find detailed correlations between the rise of authoritarian policies in the 21st century and the secret influence of a new Fourth Reich that is centralizing military and financial control to install a corporate worldwide puppet regime!
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