Jack Cary | Paranormal Investigation Agency | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Apr. 4, 2017

Source: jimmychurchradio.com, paranormal-intelligence-agency.com

Jack Cary was in Naval Intelligence by way of a top secret SCI security clearance. This highest any enlisted person can get.

With life long paranormal experiences, one day a New York reporter picked up on his life story and wrote an article: “Inside the Mind of a Paranormal Intelligence Agent”.

Shortly after Jack came into contact with Jc Johnson: the Indiana Jones of Cryptozoology… who took him on as his protégé.

Cary specializes in running the organization like a real intelligence agency: they infiltrate, run undercover operations in an attempt to discover the truth and present it to the public in a pristine manner.

They are self funded so that no one can tell them where to direct their assets. All the pertinent photos that are declassified are on the site… they have many which haven’t been declassified because of various reasons with current investigations. -jimmychurchradio.com

All images and video discussed in this program can be viewed on their site: paranormal-intelligence-agency.com

Brien Foerster | Abydos Temple: Evidence Of Helicopters And Other Ancient Machines In Egypt? | Apr. 5, 2017

Source: hiddenincatours.com

There are famous glyphs at the Abydos Temple in Egypt that some say depict ancient machines like a helicopter for example. -hiddenincatours.com

Dr. Robert Schoch | Forgotten Civilization & Origins of the Sphinx | Apr. 3, 2017

Source: latenightinthemidlands.com, robertschoch.com, oraculonline.org

Robert Schoch has a Ph.D. in Geology and Geophysics from Yale and has been working in Egypt focusing on the Great Sphinx and Great Pyramid, since 1990. He is a tenured full-time faculty member at the College of General Studies of Boston University where he has taught a variety of science courses since 1984.

Based on his geological studies, Robert has determined that the Sphinx’s origins go back to pre-dynastic times, thousands of years older than previously thought. In recent years, Dr. Schoch has expanded his research to encompass pyramids and associated structures around the world.

Joining host Michael Vara, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. shared updates on pyramids and the Great Sphinx, geomagnetic effects, and his latest travels in Indonesia, where he visited the megalithic site of Gunung Padang.

He believes the step pyramid-like site dates back to the last Ice Age– 12,000 years ago, and its builders, an advanced civilization, could have inhabited the area as far back as 20,000 years. They built the structure out of basaltic stone blocks, which have electrical/acoustical properties, he detailed.

Schoch has concluded there were major cataclysms at the end of the last Ice Age, and that some of the megalithic structures may have been built to serve some type of protective function.

Interview start: 56:15 min.

Newsbud | The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup | Apr. 4, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

Say hello to America’s shadow government: a corporatized, militarized, entrenched bureaucracy that is fully operational and staffed by unelected officials who are, in essence, running the country.

This shadow government represents the hidden face of a government that has no respect for the freedom of American citizens. No matter who sits in the White House or who allegedly represents us in Congress, this shadow government is here to stay.

Indeed, as leaked documents by the FBI reveal, this shadow government—also referred to as “The 7th Floor Group”—essentially runs the government out of Washington DC. And as the Wikileaks data concerning the CIA’s tapping into all of our electronic devices reveals, everything we’re doing is being watched by government eyes. -Newsbud.com

Show Notes:
New FBI release on Clinton email probe refers to 'Shadow Government'
Shadow Government Is at Work in Secret
Anatomy of the Deep State
A hidden world, growing beyond control
Lawmakers Raise Questions About International Spy Network
'Black budget' summary details U.S. spy network's successes, failures
Lawmakers Raise Questions About International Spy Network
Echelon: America’s Secret Global Surveillance Network
Report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system)
How A Government Shutdown Will Impact Travel
DOJ Report Reveals Details Of Domestic Drone Usage
$3 million spent on domestic use of drones by FBI
Battlefield America: The War on the American People
Rutherford Institute

Newsbud | The Geopolitical Report with Kurt Nimmo | Mosul & the War on Civilians: Terrorizing & Reducing Countries to Failed States | Apr. 3, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine the recent killing of civilians in Mosul, Iraq. The strategy to murder innocent men, women, and children in the course of war dates back centuries, but was perfected during the Second World War and subsequent conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East.

The establishment media has either ignored war crimes against civilians, or when it does it routinely blames al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, or other officially designated enemies, many acting as proxies for the Pentagon and the United States.

While the technology has changed and become far more effective and deadly, the original philosophy remains the same — terrorizing target populations and reducing countries to failed states.

Show Notes:
Allegation of civilian casualties in West Mosul
Western media appear blind to atrocities in Mosul
Tokyo WWII firebombing, the single most deadly bombing raid in history, remembered 70 years on Targeting Civilians
The US War Crime North Korea Won't Forget
During the Korea War, America Considered Attacking North Korea with Nuclear Weapons
Bomb After Bomb: US Air Power and Crimes of War From World War II to the Present
U.S. Secret Bombing of Cambodia
Secret War in Laos
US War Crimes During the Gulf War
Clinton Is The WorId's Leading Active War Criminal
"The Al-Shifa factory was not making chemical weapons" - Interview with technical manager of bombed pharmaceutical factory in Sudan
Bill Clinton’s Act of Terrorism
President Bill Clinton and Yugoslavia
President George W Bush and the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq (2003)
Obama’s covert drone war in numbers: ten times more strikes than Bush
The Drone Papers

The Corbett Report | Your Children Are Being Programmed | Apr. 3, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

Swat team Lego. Cashless monopoly. Barbie's new credit card. If I didn't know better, I'd say that the social engineers figured out long ago that the best time to condition the public is when they're young and impressionable. But nahhhhh, that's probably just a load of rich, creamery butter. (And knowing is half the battle!) -corbettreport.com

Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film | Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | Apr. 2, 2017

Source: legalise-freedom.com, jaysanalysis.com

Delving into the deep, dark and mysterious undertones hidden in blockbusters and cult classics alike, Esoteric Hollywood explores philosophy, religion, symbolism and geopolitics, and their connections to film. We probe the prevalence of cinematic propaganda and predictive programming in promoting an ignorant, apathetic, dumbed-down generation of compliant consumers concerned only with instant gratification, unable and unwilling to challenge authority or subvert the status quo.

We break down some of our own personal film favourites and ask whether, in an era dominated by gaming and social media, movies are less influential on the youth of today than they were in the past.

We also reveal Hollywood’s covert links to the CIA, how the border between fantasy and reality continues to blur, and the history of profound truths being hidden in plain sight on the silver screen. And from the dystopian sci fi and gritty, hard-boiled thrillers prevalent in the 1970s to the airbrushed, CGI-infested aberrations of today, we examine the extent to which movie makers are, unwittingly or otherwise, laying before our very eyes a real-world future which draws closer frame by frame.

download mp3

Newsbud | Nicholas Wilson | Whistleblower Takes On The Dirtiest Bank In The World (Full Interview) | Apr. 1, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

This video was a newsbud community exclusive only available to our subscribers. But due to popular demand, and the on going campaign against HSBC Newsbud is making an exception and releasing this exclusive video to everyone. Be sure to share it far and wide.

Newsbud's Peter Lee presents whistleblower Nicholas Wilson who takes on the infamous bank HSBC, the British government, and the British media to expose hundreds of millions of dollars of fraud. At Newsbud we are determined to give legitimate whistleblowers a voice and a platform to get the truth out. And in this case, Nicholas Wilson needs your help. -Newsbud.com

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News | Apr. 1, 2017

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org

These are indeed strange days on planet Earth. The human race is spiraling toward the paradigm shift of critical resource depletion, climate disintegration, mass starvation, and global conflict. Not only is there no attempt by global powers to slow down the unraveling, every imaginable effort is being made by the power structure to accelerate the looting, pillaging, and plundering of our dying planet. As our species approach the cliff, we are collectively hitting the accelerator, not the brakes. Could there be any silver lining to the increasingly catastrophic events that are battering populations around the globe? Could the rapid acceleration of such events finally trigger the forced wake-up of the masses before all is lost?

The ongoing fight for the greater good is arduous, and in many ways, never ending, but it is not in vain. The journey is the destination, if each of us resolves ourselves to forging forward on this path with focus and determination, who can say what profound good we may yet accomplish. Face to the wind, we must never give up. -GeoengineeringWatch.org

Richard Cassaro | Remember the Mystery | Freeman TV | Apr. 1, 2017

Source: freemantv.com

Could Freemasonry hold the secret to society's happiness. How has it been distorted to serve an elite cabal? A lost Universal Religion was practiced globally in antiquity. Its remains are memorialized in pyramids and temple architecture worldwide. Its wisdom is still visible in ancient ruins, and has been perpetuated in Western Secret Societies.

The most visible of these is the Masonic Fraternity, an age-old chivalric Order whose members have included the American President George Washington, French Philosopher Voltaire, and the German Composer Mozart. Fearing their secret might one future day be forgotten, the Freemasons of ages past—who were the builders of Europe’s and America’s churches, castles and cathedrals—wisely encoded its wisdom into the architecture of their constructions, where it remains concealed today.

By matching cathedral architecture with ancient temple design, Richard Cassaro shows the universality of the Universal Religion, which is the root wisdom of the Masonic Fraternity and the perpetuation of a life-changing ancient science. -freemantv.com

Newsbud | Countering Police State USA: Launching Battlefield America | Mar. 31, 2017

Source: Newsbud.com, Newsbud on Twitter

Show Notes:
Newsbud Members Exclusive Update: Vietnam Report, New Weekly Productions & More! Battlefield America: The War on the American People
Mind Hack with Jeff DeRiso

Philip Cheuk | UFOs in China | FADE To BLACK with Jimmy Church | Mar. 29, 2017

Source: jimmychurchradio.com, Mj13show.com

Note: All of the images and video discussed during the show are in this video...so, for those who are regulars and know that we NEVER do this...we did it this time. So, pay attention...you can actually watch something for a change...very cool.

Cheuk Fei (Philip F.Cheuk) is an artist, film-maker, lecturer, writer & program host in Hong Kong, China. He had his first UFO sighting when he was 13. Fei has worked as a senior art director & creative director in international advertising agency & marketing companies in China.

In 2008 he began hosting an internet radio program before starting his own internet radio station in 2010 covering UFOs and the unexplained.

He becomes well known when he appeared frequently as the guest on local TV & cable TV stations.

Fei is very devoted to the study of extraterrestrials and UFO phenomenon since his first sighting, and very active in local ufology field.

He hosted the lecture of “Fire in the Sky” with Travis Walton in 2015, he also follows UFO cases and studies alien abduction/contact cases in Hong Kong, Macau, and China.

Fei was considered himself being protected by “Someone from Above” as he survived/escaped a few serious incidents. He studied remote viewing from two former US army instructors (Dr. Dominic Surel & Dr. Angela T. Smith). He also studies spiritual subjects, practiced iaido (Japanese Swordsmanship), meditation and Zen. -jimmychurchradio.com

Interview Start 31:50 min.
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