James Corbett | Echoes of WWI | Q & A | Sept. 25, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

James Corbett answers questions from the audience after delivering his presentation, "Echoes of WWI: China, the US and the Next 'Great' War" to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 16, 2017. -corbettreport.com

James Corbett | Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War | Sept. 22, 2017

Show Notes & Documentation

Chris Garetano | Dark Files and the Montauk Project | Sept. 24. 2017

Source: somewhereintheskies.com, mtkchronicles.com

Ryan speaks with Chris Garetano about his lifelong search for answers to the Montauk Project, said to have been carried out at Camp Hero on Long Island, NY.

The government claims that this site is a shuttered military base that once protected Americans, but for decades endless rumors maintain that the United States government engaged in a pattern of covert behavior that saw it experiment on its own citizens in such programs as the Tuskegee Experiments and MK Ultra. Could Montauk’s Camp Hero–with its rumors of mind control experiments, acid tests, child abductions, possible alien contact, and time travel have any truth behind it?

Chris is a filmmaker who released a documentary in 2015 titled, THE MONTAUK CHRONICLES, which covered these very rumors and accusations by those who claimed to have been there. Some admitted having participated in the experiments while some even claimed to have been those experimented on.

The film was then expanded on in a recent History Channel special called THE DARK FILES. With a thorough investigation by Steve Volk, Barry Eisler, and Chris himself, they unravel the mystery one witness at a time and find stunning evidence that the Montauk Project may be shockingly all too real. Chris gives us the inside scoop on both the documentary and the television special and reveals some of the incredible evidence they uncovered in their dark and mysterious investigation.

Guest Bio:
Christopher Paul Garetano is the owner and president of White Phosphorus Pictures LLC. In 2005 He released his first documentary titled, Horror Business; an experimental study regarding the struggles of independent horror movie making.

In 2006 he set out to make Montauk Chronicles, focusing on the alleged secret experiments that are said to have been conducted between 1971 and 1983. The final version of Montauk Chronicles was completed in the winter of 2014 and it premiered at the Philip K. Dick Film Festival, in New York City (in January of 2015) where it won the “Best Documentary Prize.” Christopher is an executive producer, director of re-creations and the co-host of the new History Channel show, The Dark Files.

In addition to several motion picture projects, he is currently developing a new science fiction thriller with another Network, for 2018. To learn more and to order THE MONTAUK CHRONICLES, visit mtkchronicles.com

Max Igan | Mining For Happiness On The People Farm | Sept. 22, 2017

Source: thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - September 22nd, 2017.

James Corbett | Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War | Sept. 22, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

In the early 20th century, the world’s dominant superpower looked warily on the rise of a competitor to its supremacy. The machinations of the British to contain the rise of Germany led inexorably to the First World War.

Once again in the early 21st century, the world’s dominant superpower is looking warily on the rise of a competitor. Will the American Empire’s machinations to contain the rise of China lead to the Third World War?

Or is the American/Chinese conflict another engineered conflict for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many? Join James Corbett as he presents “Echoes of World War I” to the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. -corbettreport.com

CLICK HERE to download the slideshow for this presentation (.odp)

Show Notes & Documentation

New World Next Week | Government Sues Citizens for Requesting Information | Sept. 21, 2017

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Agencies Suing Citizens, Journalists Who Seek Public Records
Entire Volume of CIA Files On Lee Harvey Oswald, Set to Be Released in October, Has ‘Gone Missing’
The CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop

Story #2: PM May Warns Tech Firms Over Terror Content
Facebook, Google Are ‘Surveillance States’ That Risk Regulation
Trump, Netanyahu Ready United Assault Against Iran Nuclear Deal
Netanyahu Hails Trump’s ‘Courageous’ UN Speech Blasting Iran
Netanyahu: Trump Is Changing the World by Supporting Israel

Story #3: Higher Fluoride In Urine Linked to Lower IQ In Children
Search: “Fluoride”
Are you SURE those "fluoride filters" are working?
Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico
A Different Study Shows That Flame-Retardant Chemicals Also Make You Stupid
Dryer Sheets Make You Dumber, As Well

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 21, 2017

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Is Cuba to blame for the "sonic attacks" on American diplomatic personnel in Havana? Joseph doesn't think so:

The damning evidence Cuba's launched a sci-fi sonic weapon at America: How 21 US diplomats were hit by hearing and memory loss - and even mild brain damage - after suspicious attack

(The following timeline of sonic weapons stories was compiled by Giza Death Star web developer Daniel DiGriz for our recent Members' Area dialogues which included a discussion of this topic:

Timeline of Press on Sonic Weapons

Mid-Nov 2016 - Sonic weapons reported in use in ‘health attacks’ against US diplomats in Cuba
2015 - Military testing announced again
2014 - European Space Agency mentions having acoustic technology that could conceivably be lethal
2012 - American LRAD device deployed in London during Olympic
2012 Chicago deploys LRAD against protesters at NATO summit
2011 NYC deploys LRAD against Occupy Wall Street protesters
2009 Pittsburg deploys LRAD against protestors at Crowd of 20 meeting
2009 JNWLD testing PASS with some success (extremely low power needs, very high peak power)
2007 Original scheduled release of JNLWD PEP
2005 Cruise Lines deploying sonic weapons against pirates
2005 Stellar Photonics working on precision sound weapon (PASS system)
2004 JNLWD PEP project vanishes
2004 Navy tests plasma’s capability as missile deflector
2002 JNLWD funds development of Pulsed Energy Projectile (New Scientist)
2000 Sonic weapons used by US Navy after USS Cole attack (and in Iraq after that)

S0 News | Sunspots Coming, Hurricane Connection, Fluoride | Sept. 21, 2017

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

Tom Campbell World Tour 2017: Auckland, New Zealand Day 1 & 2 | Sept. 20, 2017

Source: my-big-toe.com

Day 1

Day 2

This world tour series of videos will include workshops from Auckland, New Zealand, Sydney, Australia, New Delhi, India, Frankfurt, Germany, and New York, New York.

On this world tour, Tom emphasizes the things that connect us to one another by discussing the similarities in our cultural beliefs from ancient to modern times.

Makuini Ruth Tai delivers a powerful message of love from her own Maori language experience through sound!

Day 2 will have a panel of special guests with questions from the participants, in addition to Tom's practical experiential exercises.

The Corbett Report | "The News" is a Social Construct. It is Used to Program You. | Sept. 20, 2017

Source: corbettreport.com

If all the "alternative" media ever does is report on "the news" (as decided by the MSM), then aren't they just unwitting participants in the mockingbird media system? Join James for this heady thought for the day as he dissects the idea of "the news" and talks about the real value of an outlet like The Corbett Report. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
You Are Being Gamed
Interview 1294 – James Corbett on Declare Your Independence
The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed
The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here’s Where Everybody’s Going.
Welcome to the Driverless Future

Jeff Rense & The Mind Of Dr. Richard Alan Miller, PhD | Sept. 20, 2017

Source: rense.com, richardalanmiller.com

Very large Earthquake in Mexico | West Coast USA + Pacific seismic unrest spreading | Sept. 19, 2017

Source: dutchsinse youtube

S0 News | The Incredible Solar Flare Uptick of September 2017

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org

A Sunspot Shattered the Silence of Solar Minimum in September 2017.
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