F. William Engdahl | Prospects of War with Russia & China | Sept. 17, 2018

Source: tradcatknight.org, williamengdahl.com


Chris Nineham | How the Establishment Lost Control | Sept. 17, 2018

Source: legalise-freedom.com

Chris Nineham discusses his book How the Establishment Lost Control and the political, economic, and social turmoil of our time.

From the Scottish independence referendum to the Brexit debacle, and the shock election of Jeremy Corbyn as UK Labour leader and Donald Trump as US President, the post-war consensus is breaking up. This turmoil testifies to an insurgent mood amongst great swathes of the population both at home and abroad.

How the Establishment Lost Control attempts to explain these dramatic developments and to show how they question received notions about politics, history, and how change happens. Above all they challenge widespread assumptions about the resilience of elite hegemony, the influence of conventional structures of thought, and the ability of the mass of the population to think autonomously in a post-ideological age.

At the close of the 20th Century, we were told and millions of us believed that the neoliberal new world order was here to stay and that it was simply a matter of time before its now incontrovertible benefits touched all corners of the globe. The polarization, upheaval, and often chaotic events of the early 21st Century, however, portend a very different future teeming with threats and uncertainty. But within this flux and deep doubt there also exists the potential for positive change, should we choose to seize the moment. -legalise-freedom.com

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Richard Dolan | The Death of James Forrestal | Sept. 18, 2018

Source: richarddolanpress.com

Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end, but of the all-important question: what happens next?

The Corbett Report | Why Is Assad An Insane Suicidal Monster? – #PropagandaWatch | Sept. 17, 2018

Source: corbettreport.com

As we know from the political puppets and their mouthpieces in the controlled corporate media, Syrian President Basher al-Assad is a bloodthirsty monster responsible for the wanton slaughter of (fill in the number) of his own citizens, and he particularly enjoys dropping chemical weapons on women and children despite knowing that this is the one thing that will bring him universal condemnation and ensure a full-scale assault on his country. . . But why? Why is he such a monster? That is the question, and the New York Times offers its own helpful explainer with predictably comic results. Don’t miss this edition of #PropagandaWatch from The Corbett Report.

Show Notes: 
Assad Preparing to Use Chemical Weapons in Idlib, U.S. Warns
False Flags Over Syria
American and British Reporters Reach Douma, Syria: Discover There Was NO Chemical Weapons Attack
UN Commission Investigator: It Was The Syrian Rebels Who Used Sarin
Possible Implications of Faulty US Technical Intelligence in the Damascus Nerve Agent Attack of August 21, 2013
Syria – Rebel Trained Children Perform “Chemical Attack” (Video)
Syria Rebels testing Tekkim chemicals to use as chem weapons
Syria – U.S. Reveals Underpants Plan For Indefinite Occupation
The Grim Logic Behind Syria’s Chemical Weapons Attack
To Thwart Iran, Save Idlib

Black Ops Whistleblower | Cody Snogres, Ole Dammegard | World Wide False Flags Increasing | Part 1 & 2 | Sept. 15, 2018

Source: Sarah Westall youtube, LightOnConspiracies.com

Part 2

Black Ops Whistleblower, Cody Snogres, joins the program with his and my friend Ole Dammegard. We discuss the increasing games being played world wide and how the media is complicit. We also discuss why this is occurring and how people can use discernment. -Sarah Westall

Sean Gautreaux | Total Weather Command and Control | OffPlanet Radio with Randy Maugans | Sept. 15, 2018

Source: radio.offplanetmedia.net, whatisinourskies.com

Sean Gautreaux joins Randy Maugans and Emily Moyer for an analysis of the ongoing weather warfare and the NEXRAD system. In the Patreon only second hour: deep speculation and analysis.

John Lenard Walson | Moon and the Southern Highlands | Part 1 | Sept. 14, 2018

Source: John Lenard Walson youtube

Dark Journalist | X Series XXVI | CERN & The Eight Sphere - Ahriman Rudolf Steiner Secret | Sept. 14, 2018

Source: DarkJournalist.com

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion.

Sister Keri Burnor | Clergy Victim: From Targeted to Free from the Vatican and the C.I.A. | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: Veritasradio.com, clergyvictim.com

Tonight's story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind's environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.

Sister Keri Burnor spent many years as a nun serving peacefully within the Catholic Church; that is, until she was sexually assaulted by Church Clergy. After that experience, her search for justice and truth put her face to face with some of the highest powers in the world today, but not necessarily in a good way. Her intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Roman Church, and the evils that are hidden and covered up therein on a regular basis, have become the very thing that has caused Burnor's life to be in jeopardy.

Between 2011 and December 2016, she survived more than 10 attempts on her life because of the knowledge she carries with her: knowledge of the Catholic Church's rampant sexual abuse that continues unabated today, knowledge of the U.S. Government's desire to control the population by introducing destructive nanotechnology into the food distribution system and other products, and knowledge about certain activities within the US Government that are so highly secretive and classified that even Congress isn't aware or in control of them. -veritasradio.com

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 13, 2018

Source: gizadeathstar.com

Remember the Swedish elections last Sunday that I didn't comment on? Well, there was a reason for that...

Articles: Sweden election 2018: 'DEATH THREATS and ATTACKS' reported at Swedish polling stations
Head of Sweden’s Electoral Authority: “No Control Mechanism to Prevent Voter Fraud”

AlienScientist | The Ongoing Quest for Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Technology... | Sept. 13, 2018

Source: AlienScientist.com

Join us as we talk about the best ideas to date on anti-gravity and free energy, followed by the worst ideas. The ideas that have been debunked time and time again, yet continue to be an ongoing business for hoaxers to defraud people out of money in exchange for blue prints on how to build these free energy machines that defy physics and don't actually work under experiments. -AlienScientist.com

New World Next Week | Trump Cabal Threatens Syria With A Chemical False Flag | Sept. 13, 2018

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com

Story #1: Russia Claims Filming of Staged Chemical Attack In Syria Has Begun
Haley Warns Russia, Iran Of “Dire Consequences” Over Syria Military Assault
Mattis Says Assad Has Been Warned Against Chemical Weapons Use In Idlib
UN Report Claims Syrian Gov Have Used Chemical Weapons Three Times In 2018
17 Years After 9/11, US Counts Al Qaeda Among Allies in Syria, Yemen
Trump Renews National Emergency Declared in Response to 9/11 Attacks

Story #2: Motorola Patents Robocop Autonomous Car That Breathalyzes, Mirandizes You, Calls Your Lawyer And Collects Your Bail
Amazon Patented System That Would Put Workers In Cages, On Top Of Robots
“Anatomy Of An AI System: The Amazon Echo As Anatomical Map Of Human Labor, Data And Planetary Resources”
OxyContin Maker Gets Patent for Drug to Treat Opioid Addiction

Story #3: Top Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Corporate Financial Ties in Major Research Journals
How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World
Stand Up To Cancer Causes
9/11: War Games
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
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