New World Next Week | Pesticide Pimps Bet on Brexit Bonanza | Dec. 13, 2018


Story #1: Tokyo Convenience Store Chain Lawson Tests Fried Chicken-Dispensing Robot
Video:「からあげクン」ロボ ローソン、できたてを販売へ (“‘Karaage Kun’ Robo Lawson, Selling Fresh Finished Items”)
Ohio State’s Ag School Gets New Bacon Vending Machine Funded By Big Pork

Story #2: Consumer Advocates Say UK “Unprepared” To Regulate Pesticides After Brexit
PDF: Brexit And Pesticides - UK Food And Agriculture At A Crossroads
Scotland Issues GM Crop Ban (#Winning!) (Aug. 12, 2015)
Japan May Boost Gene-Edited Foods Development

Story #3: Anti-Vaccine Italian Government Sacks Entire Health Expert Board
#GoodNewsNextWeek: Small Bookstores Booming, Despite the FAANG

Catherine Austin Fitts & Jeff Rense | Massive Missing Money And The Great Game | Nov. 28, 2018


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 11-28-18 with Guest Catherine Austin Fitts.

Linda Moulton Howe & John Greenwald | Phenomenon Radio ] Dec. 11, 2018


Our guest is John Greenewald, creator of, “the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world.” John has been in FOIA battles with the CIA for a long time over the release of their still-sensitive MKULTRA / Mind Control / Behavioral Modification documents, a project officially sanctioned in 1953!

Brien Foerster | Ancient Elongated Skulls Of Peru And Bolivia Full Lecture | Dec. 11, 2018


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The Corbett Report | Freedom Fries and Liberty Cabbage - #PropagandaWatch | Dec. 9, 2018


Remember "freedom fries" and "freedom toast"? Well, it turns out that the Iraq War wasn't the first time such propaganda nonsense was forced down the throat of the American public.

Join James Corbett for this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch where we learn all about "liberty cabbage" and the other war hysteria that swept the world during WWI...and how it's still with us today.

Show Notes:
Freedom Fries: And Other Stupidity We’ll Have to Explain to Our Grandchildren
The United States at War by Ralph Raico: World War I
Wilson’s War Message to Congress

Max Igan | Stolen History, Hidden Technology | Dec. 7, 2018


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - December 7th, 2018.

Richard Dolan | Project Blue Book, J. Allen Hynek, and UFOs. UFOs the Big Picture | Dec. 8, 2018


Ryan Sprague and John Greenewald | The Black Vault, AATIP, and Behavioral Modification | Dec. 9, 2018


The Black Vault is the largest privately run online repository of declassified government documents anywhere in the world. With more than 2 Million pages of documents to read, on nearly every government secret imaginable, The Black Vault is known worldwide for getting down to the truth... and nothing but.

Every document in its archive was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act Begun in 1996, at the age of 15, John Greenewald, Jr., began hammering the U.S. Government with FOIA requests to obtain information. The Black Vault is the result of that near two-decade effort. And today, we talk about how it all began, the most important documents he came across pertaining to UFOs, and then we do a deep dive into AATIP, the supposed Secret Pentagon UFO Program, and the critical observations John has come across in relation to the head of the program, Luis Elizondo.

We wrap things up talking about a stunning amount of never-before-seen documents pertaining to the CIA's involvement in a Behavioral Modification program that involved mind control and other MK ULTRA-like experiments.

Guest Bio: In 1996, John Greenewald, Jr. began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the young age of fifteen. He targeted such groups as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others. Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to thousands of records. He accumulated an astonishing number of documents on topics related to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft.

Over two million pages later, and the Black Vault website was created.Greenewald has been featured on television networks such as The History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, A&E, FOX, NBC, along with international networks such as the BBC (UK) and NTV (Russia) and many others. At the age of twenty-one, Greenewald published his first book Beyond UFO Secrecy in 2002. His book has recently been put into a second expanded edition, and was re-published by Galde Press in January, 2008.

Michael Wann | Conspiracy Magic, Cycle Management, & Crafting Culture | Dec. 8, 2018


Michael Wann is the man behind Susquehanna Alchemy and he made quite a splash with his first THC appearance back in May, where he outlined all the esoteric elements of the river and its surrounding area.

Today, he returns to examine some other recent stories and themes in the zeitgeist, give us a broader idea of how he views these esoteric tools being used, and what we can learn about the nature of reality by giving them a closer look.

Carles Tora | Encounters with Beings in Antarctica & Messages for Humanity | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Beyond the stories of Captain Byrd of Antarctica and the hollow earth, Carles Tora brings us a fascinating story of a journey that changed his life.

Being a Spanish pilot of airplanes and helicopters, a presumably Swedish European government hired him for an expedition in Antarctica. Everything seems according to his story that these expeditions to a certain extent usual for Carles Tora , did not mean much in terms of work, but the expedition that he made in 2016 and with strict confidentiality control was very different. They first arrived at the Belgrano II base, and then moved to the base of San Martin Antarctica. If you look for information on these areas, you will not find anything, you will realize that they are apparently dedicated to the salvation of penguins.

The mission was to collect 10 beacons (we assume that these beacons are measuring or monitoring devices of some kind, Carles Tora does not specify what these bags were for his confidentiality contract), when they collected 9 of the 10 suitcases, the colonel of the mission called a meeting and gave them certain indications that left them perplexed, the tenth bag was beyond what they called "the dead zone" an area of another dimension, another space and another time. A fascinating story in which the Catalan pilot in this secret mission to Antarctica establishes contact with beings of the 5th dimension and brings us his messages to help us expand our consciousness.

Carles will tell us about the messages given by Nimroi, a being of the 5th dimension, as well as a first revelation about Atlantis and its inhabitants, the pyramids, solar discs, and portals around the world.

A traveler, a celestial navigator in search of signs, writer of the soul, a nomadic spirit, tolerant and respectful with everything and everyone. Friend of nature and space, living between two worlds, that of being and time, contributing and giving of myself for both.

My training extends like the tentacles of a great cephalopod: a graduate in International Trade and Public Relations, an expert gemologist in the energy of minerals, a specialist in cartography, mystical journeys and spiritual retreats; pilot of airplanes and helicopters and sailboat pattern. Multitude of courses and workshops around the world: Qi Gong, Chi Kung, Shin Shu Yitsu, Global Logic, Archeology applied to Technology, Astronomy and Numerology.

Self-taught in power and seeker of myself and others, promoting a new way of seeing the Everything in the Now. Alchemist by birth, following the signals and conflicts of my internal biology, contributing and creating to unite more and more our unconscious abstract with our conscious concrete.

Born in Catalonia, in the bosom of an average family. A childhood of illusions and fantasies and adolescence preparing me for the magic that had to come and currently living happy and serene, as father and husband of my family.

Carles Tora is a constant traveler after having been preparing the theory for many years, to later apply it in the practice of travel, learning from them, the people and the customs of different races and creeds. All this for the development of oneself, in order to later give it to the world, apply what is known in wisdom.

Always next to his people, his friends, countless friends everywhere.

Passionate about extreme sports, piloting aircraft, sailing on sailboats around the world and snowmobiles. Constant mountaineer, walking the road between the cold snow of the mountains and the hot sand of the deserts.

New World Next Week | Scientist Announces Gene-Edited Babies, Goes Missing | Dec. 6, 2018


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Japan Allows Gene Editing For Research Only
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Story #2: Scientists Say National DNA Registry Will Lead To Greater Privacy
PDF: “Is It Time For a Universal Genetic Forensic Database?”
5 Privacies You Didn’t Know You Lost
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Story #3: Tired Of Cleaning Up Dog Poop, MN Apt. Manager Uses DNA Tests To Fine Pet Owners
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David Adair | The Amazing Life of the "Original Rocket Man" | Dec. 5, 2018


David Adair has led a "charmed" life. But not without its dips and curves and all out adventures!

In this "sneak peak" into the private life and amazing journey that continues to this day, Adair shares some stories about how he became a close confidant to the family of Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong. How dreams influenced the many ideas he'd later bring to fruition and how RIGHT NOW he is working on a plan to find out what's REALLY going on, on the moon!
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