Mitch Horowitz | How Thoughts Become Reality | Legalise Freedom Radio | Sept. 28, 2019


Mitch Horowitz discusses his book The Miracle Club – How Thoughts Become Reality.

Following in the footsteps of a little-known group of esoteric seekers from the late 19th Century who called themselves ‘the Miracle Club’, Mitch Horowitz shows that the spiritual wish fulfilment practices known as the Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking, ‘The Secret’, and the Science of Getting Rich actually work. Weaving these ideas together into a concise, clear formula, with real-life examples of success, he reveals how your thoughts can impact reality and make things happen.

Horowitz explains how we each possess a creative agency to determine and reshape our lives. He shows how thinking in a directed, highly focused, and emotionally charged manner expands our capacity to perceive and transform events, and allows us to surpass ordinary boundaries of time and space. He explains what works and what doesn’t, illuminating why and how events bend to our thoughts.

Along the way we also consider synchronicity and psychic powers, and the possible mechanics behind such phenomena. If time and space are not what they appear to be but are in fact non-linear and malleable, then the creative power of mind and thought in shaping reality increasingly seems not only possible but inevitable. The inescapable conclusion is that there is a non-material realm which interacts with and affects the material world. Consciously or unconsciously, in each and every moment we are steering the course of our lives with our intentions, our desires, our emotions. Individually and collectively, the implications of this are vast. From the personal to the planetary, what we think matters.

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S0 News | Solar Watch, Earthquakes, Top Science News | Sept. 27, 2019


Ian Wilson | Vox Populi: Close Encounter of T3K, Consciousness, and Dreams | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Tonight's witness had a first encounter when he was a 14-years old. It involved three other people, and a group of non-human entities which, to this day, was his first and only experience of this nature. The event occurred during the 1986 Perseid meteor shower. But even though we will discuss his initial experience, we'll also discuss his post-encounter experience.

Tonight's Vox Populi's witness is Ian Wilson. Following his encounter, Ian started to explore a state known as lucid dreaming in 1987 and has explored consciousness during sleep for over 32 years. Ian is the author of 4 books entitled, "You Are Dreaming", "The Theory of Precognitive Dreams", "A Course on Consciousness" and "Living a Dream that Lasts a Lifetime". Usually, Vox Populi is reserved for people who are not known or haven't written books yet, but I believe his books were written as a result of the experience.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 26, 2019


I only just today blogged about the strange refit on US aircraft carriers, when I opened my email inbox today, I found two crucial articles sent by G.B., to whom we owe a big thank you. You'll want to listen to this News and Views from the Nefarium "update" version on the blog. Here's the articles. It's important to note the dates here: the first is from 2019, and the second from 2018:

Shadowy New Electronic Warfare System Has Been Installed On U.S. Navy 7th Fleet Ships
The US Navy wants electronic weapons that “go to 11”

New World Next Week | Schools Ditch Fondleslabs for Paper Books | Sept. 26, 2019


Story #1: Kids Preferred Books to Screens, So School Brings Back Textbooks
eBay Data Reveals Resurgence of Physical Media (Dec. 26, 2017)

Story #2: GM Mosquitoes Breeding in Brazil, Despite Biotech Firm's Assurances to Contrary
“Transgenic Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes Transfer Genes Into a Natural Population”
“Zika” Search

Story #3: A Half-Decade Late, NY Post Admits ISIS Is Run By NATO Member Turkey
“Why Isn’t the Media Covering Turkish President Erdogan’s Ties to ISIS?”
Pakistan Army Trained Al-Qaeda, But Back When “Jihadis Were Heroes”, PM Khan Admits
Episode 295 – Who Is Really Behind ISIS?

S0 News | Micronova Science, Earthquakes, Climate Oops | Sept. 24, 2019


Jeff Rense | Conscious AI Supercomputers For Nanotech Wireless Mind Control | Sept. 23, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 09-23-19.

Truthstream Media | Midsommar: Initiation into the Ancient Religion of the Future | Sept. 22, 2019


Description: SPOILER ALERT: Our analysis & review of the film contains spoilers – as in, completely spoiling the plot of the movie for those who've not seen it yet. On the other hand, it also contains hidden meanings and buried messages which we personally feel are more interesting when discussed and brought to the surface (for us, even if it is ahead of seeing the film). Fair warning.

Irena Scott, Ph.D. | Secret Corridors | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Dr. Irena Scott has actually walked down the sacred corridors and hidden passageways where UFO studies took place, when she worked in several crucial UFO investigatory agencies. Her exposure to these investigations allowed her to obtain real documents, not the usual "informants" stories and legends. Including hidden studies showing that UFOs really exist, interviews with researchers, taking photographs, obtaining documents, leaked information, informants, and much else.

Her smoking gun revelations have already attracted much attention including a possible new Roswell witness, accounts about possible Memory Metal and Elroy John Center, the Cordell Hull report, and many others. She has found many additional smoking guns that are reported here, some with even higher credibility, such as evidence that an alloy company had received a debris sample to analyze and its composition. Her exploration of Wright-Patterson AFB includes interviews of top researchers, photographs showing hidden views and possible tunnels and vaults, bodies in crypts, and a visit to its famous "Blue Room."

She obtained actual documents from Project Blue Book studies, showing what took place, interviews with those involved with the studies, opinions of those at the top about UFOs including Battelle Memorial Institute presidents, and other top researchers. She has handwritten documents of scientist and ufologist Dr. J. Allen Hynek that are spontaneous and let the reader get to know the actual person behind his outside veneer shown in his published works.

These tell about his many investigations, his opinions, and even contain information about such people as Neil Armstrong and his possible interest in UFO phenomenon. Scott has delved deeply into the legendary roots of UFO study and often found confirmation. She has worked for the Defense Intelligence Agency, Battelle Memorial Institute, and attended conferences at Wright-Patterson AFB.

Dark Journalist | X-Series 67: Salem Witch Trails Hotzone Occult System! | Sept. 21, 2019


New World Next Week | RFK Jr. Names RFK's Killer | Sept. 19, 2019


Story #1: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Claims to Know Who Really Killed His Father and is Out to Prove It
FLNWO #40 - James Ellroy’s ‘American Tabloid’
Episode 220 – The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan

Story #2: The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments
The Mad Scientist Behind America’s Mind-Control Quest With LSD
#NewWorldNextWeek Flashback: House to Pentagon - Did You Weaponize Ticks?
Mind Control and Understanding ‘Shutter Island’

Story #3: Court Says FBI Must Destroy Memos Calling a Threat
The FBI vs. Secret Documents Reveal Government Spy-And-Smear Campaign

Whitney Webb | Cabal Control Tactics, The Trust Project, & The Epstein Network | Sept. 18, 2019


Brace yourself! Today Whitney Webb from MintPress News joins THC all the way from Chile to talk about her work on recent U.S. meddling in Venezuela, the false sense of security offered up by The Trust Project, and the very deep and methodical research she has done on the Jeffery Epstein saga and all the ties that bind. She can be found on Twitter under @_WhitneyWebb
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