Sean - SGT Report | The Corporate Propaganda Antidote | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


It is not that frequent that I get the opportunity and the privilege to interview those with their finger on the pulse of what is truly happening around us worldwide. By popular demand, tonight, we open a window into the world of the well-known and respected platform SGT Report. SGT Report is the corporate propaganda antidote.

Providing exclusive original content and interviews with some of the best known voices in the world of economics and precious metals. It is your daily source for truth in a time of universal deceit. And as the global economic outlook continues to deteriorate. SGT Report urges its readers to prepare for seismic shifts in the global financial system - and to prepare for the end of the US Dollar's reign as the world's reserve currency.

Linda Moulton Howe | Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, and Viewer Q&A | Nov. 6, 2019


S0 News | Crossing Stars, Atmosphere Cycle, Weather Watch | Nov. 6, 2019


The Corbett Report | The Meme Wars Have Begun! - #PropagandaWatch | Nov. 5, 2019


In case you haven't noticed, no one is watching TV anymore. Or, if they are, they're watching snippets of it on viral videos because of trolls inserting memes into TV broadcasts. What does this mean for the nature of the propaganda that is being fed, and does this represent another point at which we could insert propaganda with a purpose to help wake up others to the big truths of our age? Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their feedback below.

John Greenewald, Jr. on the October Updates | The Black Vault Radio | Nov. 5, 2019


Press For Truth | The ABC EPSTEIN EXPOSÉ Shines A Light on The Royal Family’s DARK Pedophile Activity! | Nov. 5, 2019


Project Veritas shines more light on Epstein and his ties to the Royal family! ABC News anchor Amy Robach was caught in a hot mic moment slamming her own network for allegedly sitting on the Jeffrey Epstein story that she had put together over three years ago.

The video now going viral shows Robach saying “It was unbelievable what we had. Clinton—we had everything. I tried for three years to get it on to no avail and now it’s all coming out and it’s like these new revelations.”

 In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth looks at the ties between Epstein, Prince Andrew, Prince Charles and Jimmy Saville proving that the worlds most prolific sex offenders and pedophiles are best friends with Royalty to his very day! -Press For Truth

S0 News | Earthquakes, Hail, Climate, Gamma Rays, Perseus | Nov. 5, 2019


The Corbett Report | The Bigger Truths Behind the News Headlines | Nov. 5, 2019


James joins Luke of WeAreChange for a discussion about some of the bigger truths behind the news headlines. Why does the establishment media (and the so-called alternatives who merely chase the MSM's tail) focus on hate, fear and paralysis? Can we model solutions and cooperation? Is there a way to overcome our natural human tendencies to defend our team regardless of the truth? Find out in this far-reaching conversation.

Show Notes:
The Coming Anastrophe
Episode 366 – Something Big Has Happened!

Clif High | Beyond the Gates of Death: Transmigration, Reincarnation, & Metempsychosis | Oct. 31, 2019


Like spiritual anarchists we smash in the doors to the other side letting out some of its light. Come hear all about nekrosis, like: How does Clif define the metaphysical anatomy of man? Which ancient traditions preserved death insight & what did they relate? What has science found? What is heaven & hell?

Which parts of us, if any, survive? Will some perish? Do animals have souls? Can souls split & fuse? How long between incarnations? Do we return in different gender? Do we incarnate linear in time? In our own blood line? On different planets? Do we look the same throughout lives? + learn how the crude elite try to rig the existential order...

Dark Journalist X-Series 72 | UFO File Coup! TTSA CIA Fake Disclosure Revealed! | Nov. 2, 2019


Max Igan | Your Right to Know How Corrupt Government Really Is | Nov. 1, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 1st, 2019.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 31, 2019


Maybe it's appropriate that we're talking again about the BREXIT on Halloween, and briefly about the strange Israeli embassy shut down. But it's been a whirlwind week in Britain as the House of Commons has made it official, calling for a general election on Dec. 12. But is Prime Minister Boris Johnson's new BREXIT deal really a BREXIT?
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