Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic | Nov. 26, 2019


Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh has been tinkering with the world from an early age. Born in 1964 in Amsterdam, he was repairing all things electronic by his teens, and built his first computer when he was 18. He went off to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then he moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby, decided to take a deep dive into the work of Nikola Tesla and it’s really been off to the races ever since.

He has since collected all of Tesla’s works that aren’t sealed away in classified files, has been replicated Tesla’s experiments- and has written 4 books along the way:

Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy (annotated): The Tesla Code
The Battle for Wardenclyffe: A Story In Letters
and his most recent release, the topic of the day: The Science of Tesla’s Magic.

He is running a creative experiment to crowdfund his work by allowing donors to denote the category they’d like their donation to go to using this system for the last digit of their donation amount:

.01 Rebuilding the Colorado Springs experimental station.
.02 Research worldwide wireless transmission.
.03 Research single-wire transmission.
.04 Rebuild a full sized Magnifying Transmitter.
.05 Research downscaling Tesla’s energy source.
.06 Anti-gravity.
.07 Fundamental research into the nature of things.

S0 News | Electroquakes, Largest Extinction, Plasma, Storms | Nov. 25, 2019


The Corbett Report | How to Predict the Future - #PropagandaWatch | Nov. 25, 2019


I predict that "foreign interference" will replace "the devil made me do it" as the new excuse for everything. But how did I divine this vision? From a crystal ball? Not quite. Find out the secret of how to predict the future in this week's edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Show Notes:
FBI Protected Voices Initiative
Larken Rose on the Immorality of Voting
The Last Word on Voting

Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | X-Series 74: Permindex Assassination INC. JFK UFO Nazis! | Nov. 23, 2019


In this powerful X-Series 74, Part 1 of a Special Interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell to mark the 56th anniversary of the JFK Assassination, Dr. Farrell reveals remarkable new information on a black projects assassination group called PERMINDEX related to NASA Paperclip Nazis and; the Secret Space Program.

DISC AND UFOS 1963-2019
DJ and Farrell also go deep on the strange presence of Chicago FBI Chief Guy Bannister who created the first X Files investigating cases of UFOS. Bannister emerges as a close associate both to Oswald and a covert group called DISC (Defense Industry Security Command) and although his files were burned when he died, a copy of the file list was donated by his wife to library archives in New Orleans. One of the file names next to JFK was strangely titled "Space War Craft." Finally Dr. Farrell relates the long game from 1963 to 2019 as the Deep State Assault on the White House which continues under the present administration as the power struggle for hidden technology heats up in 2020.

Max Igan | Rise Up | Nov. 22, 2019


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - November 22nd, 2019.

Brien Foerster | Ancient Megalithic Fertility Temple Near Lake Titicaca In Peru; Older Than The Inca | Nov. 23, 2019


Clif High | Critical Thinking - Field Effect Energy #1 | Nov. 24, 2019


Start at 8:40 min.

S0 News | Storm Watch, Space Mystery, Plasma Cosmo | Nov. 22, 2019


Ben Reynolds | The Coming Revolution: The Death of Capitalism? | Legalise Freedom Radio | Nov. 21, 2019

Source:, Ben Reynolds Twitter

Ben Reynolds discusses his book 'The Coming Revolution: Capitalism in the 21st Century'.

Radical advances in automation, robotics, and computer technology have thrown millions out of work and will only continue to do so in the years to come. At the same time, cheap, individually-accessible machines will wrestle for primacy with both advanced, highly-automated factories and sweatshops alike, ultimately eroding the dominance of industrial production. Economic growth is slowing down, and it is not going to speed up again.

The pressures fueling today's global unrest will not go away and are only going to get worse as wages stagnate, solid employment becomes harder to find, and cuts to social benefits continue. Competing radical and reactionary ideologies will clash as political consensus crumbles and the world searches for answers to these challenges.

In its opening decades, the 21st will be a century of war and revolution. By the end of the 21st century, capitalism may be consigned to the history books. Despite the seeming darkness of our era, our future is filled with incredible possibilities. A world of freedom, beauty, and abundance, where poverty and tyranny are merely distant memories for our grandchildren, is possible.

download mp3

Crrow777 | Belief versus Knowing: A Full Spectrum Parapolitical Discussion | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


This is a full spectrum parapolitical discussion touching a plethora of topics of interest, ranging from space, free speech, censorship, and much more. Two radio hosts and their synergy in action.

Tonight, we continue with someone who shares our passion for the truth. His motto is one of my favorites: belief is the enemy of knowing. On this program, we don’t want to believe, we want to know, because belief is also the enemy of truth.

Most people think that what they believe about the nature of reality and what they know about reality are one and the same thing, but this is incorrect. There is a fundamental difference between believing something and knowing something. Beliefs, such as religious theology or scientific theories, are invariably arrived at through a process of logical deduction and/or are taught to people by their peers, mentors, and society - whereas knowing something is always arrived at through personal experience.

We know we are physically alive in this realm - not because we believe it based on some theory taught to us by our peers or because we have deduced it - but rather because we are personally experiencing it. The experience of living itself provides us with the ultimate, albeit personal, 'proof' that we are physically alive in this realm and as such transcends the need for either belief or logic.

Crrow777, called "Crow" - is the host of a popular the weekly podcast, a weekly live show on Truth Frequency Radio. He hosts his own website and a YouTube Channel with hundreds of videos featuring both his podcasts and astrophotography work.

Crow is perhaps best known for his intriguing capture in 2012 of what's been popularly called, "The Lunar Wave," - an event he's since recorded several more times, as have many others worldwide as well as captures with Jupiter, its moons and in front of Saturn.

His podcast covers both his incredible range of astrophotography and fascinating - but often difficult to describe - anomalous events - as well as a wide range of intriguing and often controversial topics from social engineering, tracking the disturbing trends of invasive and pervasive use of technology as a means of mass surveillance and control, modern and historic views of health, wellness and our understanding of the natural world - and everything in between.

Benjamin Balderson | The Gods of Chemtrails | Freeman TV

Source:, Benjamin Balderson youtube

Could chemtrails be destroying our ancestral memories, detaching us from understanding nature and leaving us wondering what the future will do to us instead of what we will do to the future? The gods of old had elements and characteristics bringing divine feminine and masculine qualities that showed in the art and architecture of the age. How will we find ourselves?

The tales of Odin and Thor, Osiris and Set, tell of the need for dark and light to combine even mutilate to achieve apotheosis. This history has carried over through secret societies such as the Freemasons who hold dear the works of Solomon and his song of life. Are we in a state of potential that could blossom into a beautiful spectrum of life in harmony? If we know what is human, we can.

Benjamin Balderson grew up on a farm in South Dakota and has worked with plants and animals his whole life. He became interested the in occult and theology at age 12 from mail ordered Time Life books. He joined the army at 17 and went through diesel mechanic school.

In his 20s he started practicing plant alchemy and and earned two mechanics degree from Hennepin Technical College as well as becoming an industrial electrician. After an honorable Army discharge in 1998, he became an industrial electrician and trained under the current head of electrical theory for Colorado university. In his late 20s he developed Wilson’s disease which became pronounced and started having grand maul seizures.

After finding cannabis would relive his symptoms, he started making his own home purified medicine. He realized the things he was doing matched his research, so he started experimenting. In his thirties he became a gemologist and owned a crystal store. He bought land in the mountains of northern California, built a home, installed off grid power and a water system, designed a permaculture farm, and grows his own medicine.

He ran The and Fringe TV before leaving to produce content on his own. He now hosts a YouTube channel in his name, and Odin's Alchemy on BitChute. Ben is part of the Eyes Open Network that can be found on and FaceBook, and he is here today to tell us about the Alchemy of Spagyrics and how it relates to current events, survival, and our spiritual development.

New World Next Week | Streaming Services Dropping Passwords for Thumbprints | Nov. 21, 2019


Story #1: Handing Trump 'Terrifying Authoritarian Surveillance Powers,' House Dems Include Patriot Act Reauthorization in Funding Bill
PDF: “Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, and Further Health Extenders Act of 2019”
House Passes Short-Term Spending Bill to Avert Shutdown

Story #2: Operation Blackout - 2020 US (s)Election Simulation Ends With 32 Dead, 200 Injured
PDF: “Operation Blackout Summary of Events”
Wikipedia: Cybereason
5 Reasons This Will Be The Summer of Rage… (Jul. 9, 2016)
The Purge: Election Year – FLNWO #38 (Sep. 19, 2016)

Story #3: Streaming Services Want Thumbprint Verification for Access 👍
Netflix, HBO and Cable Giants Are Coming for Password Cheats
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