The Corbett Report | The Assassination of Soleimani: What You Need to Know | Jan. 7, 2020


Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond joins us to discuss his ongoing coverage of the situation surrounding the events that led to the assassination of Soleimani. What is the context of this event, how are we being lied to, and what does it mean for the future of the middle east? Don’t miss this important conversation on the key geopolitical crisis of 2020.

Show Notes:
The Last American Vagabond
Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War
Soleimani Was in Baghdad on Mission for Saudi Peace
Lies, the Bethlehem Doctrine, and the Illegal Murder of Soleimani
Russian foreign minister stresses that Soleimani’s killing violates international law
US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran’s Top General
Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs Chant “Death To America”

Max Igan | An Australian Holocaust | Jan. 7, 2020


Show Notes: 
Drought by Design - The Genociding of Australia
Australia - Water Deprivation - Incendiary Fueled Fires
Australia - The Perfect Firestorm - Created By Design
Chinese Water & Kangaroo Island Fire
Exhausted Nelligan Firefighter Has A Msg For The Prime Minister
As a Drought-Stricken Area in Australia Struggles, a Chinese Company Moves to Bottle Its Water
Queensland Government Was Warned About Risks of Chinese Company's Water Extraction
Scandal Wasting Millions of Litres of Water During Australia's Worst Drought

Christopher Bollyn | Exposing the Ongoing Cover Up of 9/11


Christopher Bollyn’s new book, “Solving 9/11: The Articles Volume II”, includes all of his research since 2012; extended discussion of CIA Executive Director on 9/11, A. B. “Buzzy” Krongard, his ties to 9/11 and the 9/11 wars, his thirty years with Alex Brown, the likely origin of the United Airlines put options and its ties to Israel; Deutsche Bank; Press Secretary to George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, crafts Bush’s message to the nation;

Fleischer’s brother Michael heads privatization of Iraq; International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS); ICTS and the Betar Brigades in China; the Odigo Instant Messaging System; Comverse and Amdocs; control software on US airport computers; FBI put in charge of Pentagon site on 9/11; LVI Services; peculiar similarities between 9/11 and the assassination of RFK and JFK; Henry Crown family; why first responders are dying.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Jan. 4, 2020


Max Igan | Australia - The Perfect Firestorm - Created By Design | Jan 2, 2020


Notes & links:
Australia - Water Deprivation - Incendiary Fueled Fires
Drought by Design - The Genociding of Australia
2020 The Tide is Turning
NSW Rural Fire Service Emergency Information
Australia Teeters on the Brink of a Humanitarian Crisis
Australian Fires Are Generating Their Own Weather
Australia Fires Plume of Smoke Wider Than Europe
Half a Billion Animals Perish in Bushfires (So Far)
Firefighting Aircraft 'in Mothballs' Overseas While Country Burns
Latest Mallacoota Fire Updates Live Blog
Hundreds of Bushfire Victims to Get No Compensation
liabilitymate Youtube channel
Petition Calling on the Governor General to Dissolve the House

Peter Moon | Ancient Secrets, Radu Cinamar, & The Inner Earth Tunnels | Dec. 27, 2019


Peter Moon is the man behind Sky Books USA and a previous THC guest from way back in the day. He’s best known form his work with Preston Nichols and his books on The Montauk Project, but a close second would be the books from Radu Cinamar that he’s translated from Romanian that describe an ancient underground chamber of high technology found in a joint operation between the US and Romanian governments. This chamber is attached to several tunnels leading inside the earth and to places around the globe. Today we talk about the 5th book in the series: Inside The Earth: The Second Tunnel.

Jeff Rense & George Filer With Frank Chille | More On ET Shot Dead At McGuire AFB | Dec. 26, 2019


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 12-26-19 with Guests George Filer and Frank Chille.

Suspicious Observers | Giant Waves | Disaster Series Follow-Up | Dec. 28, 2019


UFO And Probes | Using High Contrast Night Vision Footage | Dec. 26, 2019

Source: UFOs Over Vegas youtube

I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of December 11, 2019. This video is being published at 3840 x 2160 pixels for better clarity and it was also made to bring out the contrast so that you can see the UFO and probes more accurately. This is just about 20% of the full-length video.

They say that "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" so here you go. Trolls can hurl insults my way all they want but I won't lose a minute of sleep over it. Thank you to those of you who are fascinated by the topic and are open-minded to extraordinary things. It's real folks so what next?
-UFOs Over Vegas Youtube

Galactic Sheet Impact | Timing the Arrival | Dec. 26, 2019


“Timing the disaster” is not so simple. Changes have already begun here and the process of triggering likely takes years. The sun reacted the last century just like our magnetic field, and like the other planets in recent years. I am not confident the process is many years away - which is why we watch so diligently.

Richard Johnson, M.D. | The Fat Switch: Flipping the Switch for Weight Loss and Optimal Health | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Even though a full two-thirds of Western cultures suffer from weight issues, most people don’t fully understand the mystery surrounding this… but now you can. This scientifically supported solution allows you to finally take control of your weight with action that’s almost as simple as ‘flipping a switch’…

If you’ve ever struggled with losing weight and keeping it off, I don’t have to tell you it’s a challenge. You already know…

What if losing weight could be as easy as flipping a switch?

I know that sounds incredible… But now there’s an abundance of research telling us that may be possible.

The Fat Switch

In his new book, The Fat Switch, Dr. Richard J. Johnson, presents news-breaking, science-based studies that will reverse current thinking on both the cause and treatment of obesity…

And by looking at why people gain excessive weight, Dr. Johnson has discovered why obesity is so hard to treat, and why so many people lose weight only to rapidly regain it.

Based on his breakthrough research, Dr Johnson provides a detailed plan on how to prevent weight gain and to lose weight. He also lays out how this research will soon result in treatments to end obesity, something that has been the Holy Grail for those suffering from being overweight.

In a nutshell, this is what he’s uncovered from decades of research:

Those of us who are obese eat more because of a faulty "switch" and exercise less because of a low energy state. If you can learn how to control the specific "switch" located in the powerhouse of each of your cells – the mitochondria – you hold the key to fighting obesity.

So, if you’ve noticed you have less energy, tire more easily with exercise, or struggle to burn fat, take heart. We now know the reason why. And in just a few short moments, so will you.

S0 News | Weather Swings, Geomagnetic Jerk Forecast, Climate | Dec. 27, 2019


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