The Corbett Report | Looking Forward to the End of Humanity - #PropagandaWatch | June 27, 2020


Why is the Wall Street Journal looking forward to the end of humanity? And what does that say about the technocratic future that we're being steered into?

Join James for today's edition of #PropagandaWatch where he discusses the transhuman agenda that is being pushed on the back of the new biosecurity paradigm.

Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020
New World Next Week on the World Economic Forum’s Global Reset
Looking Forward to the End of Humanity
Transhumanist Declaration
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
“Technological Resurrection” and the Future of Being
The Things You CANNOT Say About Coronavirus

Dark Journalist X-Series 91 | The Prisoner Of The HotZone Howard Hughes And Gemstone UFO File! June 27, 2020


Join us for this Special LiveStream on Billionaire Howard Hughes in the HotZone with deep dive into the obscure Gemstone File and the Hughes Aerospace UFO Mystery along with breakthrough revelations of his time as a kidnapped, zombified prisoner of the CIA in the Bahamas. Featuring live QA with DJ and Miss Olivia and a preview of DJ's new Documentary on X-Protect UFO File Assassins!

S0 News | Comet, Lightning, Climate, GAIA, Magnetic Cosmos | June 26, 2020


Spiro Skouras | The Glitch In The Code Show with Richard Willett | June 25, 2020

Source:, Spiro Skouras youtube

It was an absolute pleasure to interview one of the best independent journalists of the day Sprio Skouras for Glitch In The Code. In this episode we talk about the revelation of the World Economic Forums "Great Reset" which is completely Orwellian and Totalitarian, with a sprinkle of Nazism.

I think we are both a bit shocked at the sheer gaul of these lunatics and psychopaths that they would think it's appropriate to even consider themselves so above us all that they would get to choose when we require a "reset" . Add to this the Lockstep and Dark Winter war games and we can clearly see how little regard these Black Nobility (Prince Charles) and Banking Elites have for our ability to make our own decisions.

Are we standing on the edge of what Jim Mars called "The 4th Reich"? In my opinion that is clearly what we are seeing. The evidence shouts that the 3rd Reich may have fallen with Germany at the end of WW2 but the Nazi party merely went underground and swapped Jack boots for Medical Gowns, Brief Cases and Trainers and T Shirts in Silicon Valley.

Stack holder Capitalism is a Nazi ideology , Corporations and Government should never be connected.

Brien Foerster | Evidence Of Ancient Cataclysmic Heat Damage At The Rameseum In Egypt | June 25, 2020


SGT Report | Zach McElroy New Whistleblower Exposes Big Tech Censorship! | June 25, 2020


Facebook insider turned whistleblower Zach Mcelroy joins me to discuss big tech bias and overt censorship of conservative and Christian speech across multiple platforms. We discuss what the future holds for these fascist organizations which now face losing Section 230 protections if they don't change their ways.

Here's the Project Veritas expose featuring Zach

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 25, 2020


I've been saying to watch Japan for a long time, particularly with Mr. Abe's commitment to Japanese rearmament. In that respect, there is a very important new article out there:

Article: Japan's strike options assume new urgency

Spiro Skouras | Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why? The Answer May Shock You! | June 25, 2020

Source: Spiro Skouras youtube

Black Lives Matter has been dominating the headlines for weeks and there has been a lot of speculation regarding the funding of this organization with many fingers quick to point at George Soros.

So the million dollar question is… Did George Soros fund Black Lives Matter? Yes, he absolutely did and we share the details in this report.

But George Soros is not the only source of funding for Black Lives Matter, in fact, Soros and his funding, is just another spoke in the wheel of a massive, well financed and politically motivated campaign with the desired goal of transforming the world by destroying the current system of control in, order to roll out a new system of control.

This certainly seems like a reoccurring theme right now, as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Central Banks and Governments around the world are preparing for the ‘Great Reset’ and a global paradigm shift.

So let examine who exactly is funding Black Lives Matter and why? -Spiro Skouras

New World Next Week | Gates Invests in Lab-made "Breastmilk" | June 25, 2020


Story #1: Bayer Settles Roundup Cancer Lawsuits For Up to $10.9 Billion
Alt Breastmilk Company Biomilq Raises $3.5 Million From Gates’ Investment Firm
Artificial Breast Milk Investment Fund Backed By Gates, Bezos and Zuckerberg
Nestlé Boycott
Flashback: Gates Grant to Fund Testicle-Blasting Contraceptive (May 17, 2010)
Many BPA-Free Plastics Are Toxic. Some Are Worse Than BPA
#FluorideTrial: Ruling Delayed As Judge Asks Defense and Plaintiffs to Discuss New Evidence

Story #2: Japan to Bolster Defense After Scrapping Missile System<br /> Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
Arrest of Ex-Justice Minister Could Hasten Abe's Departure

Story #3: Nova Scotia Shooter Case Has Hallmarks of Undercover Operation
Nova Scotia Killer Had Ties to Criminals, Withdrew Huge Sum of Cash Before Shooting
Police Uniform, Mock RCMP Car Were Key Factors in N.S. Shooting
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Transactions Reveal Nova Scotia Shooter May Have Been RCMP INFORMANT OR AGENT!!!

S0 News | Cosmic Ray Maximum, Amazing Space News | June 25, 2020


Linda Moulton Howe | Edward Keith Abbott interview Part 2, New Mars Rover, COVID-19 udpates | June 24, 2020


New Mars Rover to launch July 20, 2020
- First Mars rover to look for organic life.

COVID-19 update
- Heads of CDC, WHO, and Fauci speak about dangers about coming 2nd wave of COVID-19
- Texas, Arizona, and California recording record numbers of new infections
- Next two weeks may reveal surges in new deaths because of re-opening too quickly
- Total US cases at 2,463,212 case and 124,281 deaths
- Wear a mask to protect yourself and others.

Edward Keith Abbott update
- More info on Hawaii UFO sighting
- Near Death Experience in 2018
- Officers talking about “beings from other planets are interested in our souls”…. ”they wanted to know how to capture the soul”
- “I know there’s a God, because I died, and I was on the other side”
- “You have to fulfill your soul contract” — Lady made out of blue light

- Viewer Questions

Jeff Rense & Dr. Eric Karlstrom | The Massive Psycho Emotional Damage Done To America | June 23, 2020


This Jeff Rense Program Hour Is from 06-23-20 with Guest Dr. Eric Karlstrom.
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