Jon Rappoport | The Magic Virus | Sept. 7, 2020


Recorded for the Darkness in the Age of Light conference, Basel, August 29-30, 2020.

Whitney Webb | The CTI League, The Maxwell Sisters, & Israeli Intelligence | Sept. 6, 2020

Source: The Higherside Chats,,

Returning guest, Whitney Webb, is an independent journalist investigating some of the deepest, darkest rabbitholes there are. She is currently a staff writer for the Last American Vagabond, and previously wrote for MintPress News and Ben Swann's Truth In Media.

Whitney is also the very deserving 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. And has launched a great new website recently @

Dark Journalist X-Series 96 | UFOs And Continuity of Government (COG) Secret Revealed! | Sept. 5, 2020

Source: Dark Journalist

Is a Massive Deep State Command Infrastructure Underground Operating as a De facto Ruling Power based on UFO X-Technology? The strange correlation between the secrecy around the UFO File and and the Continuity of Government (COG) programs sometimes called the "Doomsday Network" is revealed along with the curious fact that the new COG Commander General VanHerck has a connection to the Roswell UFO incident.

Noam Chomsky on Trump vs Biden, Threat of Nuclear War, Green New Deal & Julian Assange | Sept. 5, 2020

Source: Going Underground youtube

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to world-renowned American dissident and co-author of ‘Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal’ Noam Chomsky.

He discusses why a Green New Deal is the most important project in human history amid the climate emergency and Coronavirus pandemic, how a Green New Deal would help to radically restructure the economy to benefit the majority after the Coronavirus economic collapse, the role of corporations and
big banks in the climate crisis.

The state of capitalism and the American population through the Donald Trump and Obama years, the 2020 Presidential election (Donald Trump vs Joe Biden), the choice between Joe Biden’s neoliberalism and Donald Trump’s White House which he says poses an existential threat to us all, the threat of nuclear war, Julian Assange’s US extradition hearing which will start on September 7th and more!

Dr. Carrie Madej | "Human 2.0" ? A Wake-Up Call To The World

Source: Dr. Carrie Madej youtube

Doctor Carrie Madej Speaks out regarding the coming COVID Vaccine...

Max Igan | Have You Realised the Lockdown is Here to Stay Yet? | Sept. 6, 2020


Kingsley Dennis | Freedom From Fear #2 | Legalise Freedom Radio | Sept 4, 2020


Beginning in August 2020, 'Freedom From Fear' is a free-form discussion series taking the title as its starting point. In this episode, Kingsley Dennis and Greg Moffitt explore fear as a response to an increasingly chaotic world.

As mainstream explanations for global events increasingly ring hollow, millions of people are struggling to comprehend what's happening to their lives. The resulting confusion and distress can cause us to close up and shut down, mentally and emotionally.

Cognitive dissonance can narrow our perceptions and trigger feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Stepping back from the chaos and taking a wider view, however, can help us break out of destructive cycles of reacting and over-reacting, and place our fears in perspective.

S0 News | Recurrent Miniature Nova, Triple System, Lightning | Sept. 4, 2020


Ben Davidson (Suspicious Observers) | Space Weather News, The Carrington Event & The Coming Ice Age | Hour 1 | Veritas Radio


Founder of The Mobile Observatory Project, creator of the Suspiciosu0bservers YouTube channel providing daily solar/space weather updates since 2011 with over 113m views. Runs, creator of The Disaster Prediction App.

Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 3, 2020


Russia says it has a covid vaccine, so what's that all about?Joseph shares a short take on it from an article from Zero Hedge. But the main story of the day is: you may have heard Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has resigned, but what does that portend?

Putin Gives the Middle Finger to Gates and the Marxist UN Agenda
Japan PM Abe resigns due to illness with many issues unresolved

New World Next Week | COVID Robocops Arrive in Michigan | Sept. 3, 2020


Story #1: Robocop Is Here - New Police Helmet Scans For COVID-19, Biometrics

Police Use Facial Recognition Smart Helmets To Conduct Indiscriminate Surveillance At Airports

WNEM TV5 Video: Flint Bishop Becomes First US Airport To Deploy New Technology to Fight Spread of COVID-19

Remember the Plot of ‘Robocop’: Tech Corp Takes Over Detroit’s Police Department

Story #2: Full Membership List of the CNP - The Christian Right’s Secretive, Powerful Council for National Policy - Published For the First Time

PDF: “Council for National Policy Member List”
‘Urgent’ Request Sent to States In Push for Coronavirus Vaccine Delivery By Nov. 1

Story #3: Lawsuit Targets BofA, Credit Suisse, Bayer Over Disastrous Monsanto Acquisition

The Hidden History of Bayer

Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell

Media Monarchy Search Results: Bayer + Monsanto

S0 News | Galactic Sheet, Ocean Mystery, Carrington in the South | Sept. 2, 2020


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