Hillary Raimo | State of Control, Spiritual Health & Freedom

Source: redicecreations.com

November 7, 2010–Hillary Raimo is a healer, psychic and clairvoyant. In this program, we discuss the importance of health, physical and spiritual wellbeing. No one with their eyes and ears open can deny the current state of control that most people on the planet are suffering from and how the establishment with their occult manipulation are trying to subvert an already subservient population. We discuss how one can live free of this control and how to follow your own heart and dreams. Topics discussed: past life regression, bio feedback techniques, ego as container, psychic abilities, hereditary clairvoyance, dimensions, system on the planet, constructed matrix, healing, manipulation, positive & negative outlook, anger, the occult game, staying grounded and centered, sun cycle, CME's, Alexei Dmitriev, remote viewing, depth, roots, superficial survivor, unlearning, Un-training, working with energy, following your own dreams, fear of death and more.~Red Ice Creations

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Kerry Cassidy interviews Graham Hancock

Source: projectcamelotproductions.com

I had the great pleasure to interview Graham Hancock, well known author of Fingerprints of the Gods and many other highly regarded books. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. He is an author, lecturer, explorer and journalist and has appeared on hundreds of radio and numerous television shows reaching millions with his work. Recently he released a new and fascinating book called Entangled, a novel that involves the story of two strong women, time travel and the battle between good and evil. I was fortunate to be able to catch up with him when he came by Los Angeles on his book tour across the U.S.

Graham is a pre-eminent researcher and investigator with an uncompromising vision into our real history and the powers behind the secrecy that keep humanity blind to its true potential. We spoke of his early dives of discovery into the mystery of Atlantis, Egypt, his new book Entangled and his experience with Ayahuasca that led him on a fascinating journey into the deepest recesses of his own mind. Ultimately, after years of writing superb nonfiction he now turns to fiction as the place to bring to light the mysteries of consciousness.

Graham is frank, open and a dynamic conversationalist. While he is erudite and highly educated he is not an arm-chair investigator. Instead, he has boldly lived the spirit of his passion whether diving in the seas in search of ruins or climbing through jungles in the Amazon. In his new work he follows in the footsteps of the late Terrence McKenna, a brilliant writer and shaman, investigating the nature of consciousness and pushing the boundaries of what is known and accepted in search of the true nature of what it means to be human. ~Kerry Cassidy

Jacques Vallée on Open Minds Radio, November 8, 2010

Source: openminds.tv

Jacques Vallée is a French-born venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, UFO researcher and former astronomer. He was a major proponent for the idea that UFOs were the result of highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations; however he eventually began to expand his views and now believes the explanation may be inter-dimensional in nature. Having been a prominent figure in UFO research he was the inspiration for the main character in Stephen Spielberg's movie, Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Claude Lacombe. He has recently released his latest book, Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times.

Trailer - Two Elders Talk Of Star Beings

Source: azaliens.com

Releasing in November 2010, "Two Elders Talk of Star Beings," co-produced by Cosmic Chronicles and Under-Appreciated Science Productions, is a sixty-minute documentary filmed entirely on location in New Mexico on the Zuni reservation. This promo clip offers a glimpse of this UFO documentary, which breaks new ground as two well-respected researchers of the extra-terrestrial contact phenomena, the late Wendelle C. Stevens, a world-famous UFO contact researcher of seven decades, and Zuni elder, Galaxy Medicine Society and Kachina Society member Clifford Mahooty discuss the reality and ramifications of these ongoing contacts between human beings and ET species.

This may be the most open and frank discussion yet recorded between a native-American elder and and an outside researcher. Mahooty and Stevens share a lively conversation as video journalist Rick Keefe interviews the two men on their views and understandings of contact between ETs and human beings, filmed in the land of enchantment.

Jim Nichols | Government Secrecy, Societies, Cover-ups and Alien History

Source: ohioxopoliticsradio

Jim Nichols was born a Post-War baby-boomer in 1948 in the flatlands of northwestern Ohio. By the time he had reached his senior year of high school, Jim’s restless creativity fueled in him an abiding ambition to become an artist. Even while serving two years of Army service, he managed to complete a correspondence course in commercial art. Following his discharge, Jim resettled in Tucson, Arizona in 1972.

For a time, cactus, sagebrush, mountains and skies dominated his artistry and he made something of a name for himself as a painter of southwestern landscapes. By the late 1970s, however, he discovered he could not be content to limit his art to just desert scenes. Popular films of the day like Star Wars and Close Encounters rekindled a love of science fiction that he knew as a youngster. Soon alien landscapes and space ships captivated his creativity. Beginning in 1980 and throughout the following decade, Jim painted numerous UFO illustrations that have been published internationally. His notoriety in the field of UFO research earned him a co-host seat on a weekly, public access television program in Tucson, produced by Ted Loman, entitled UFOAZ Talks. This popular award-winning program ran from 1991 through 1997 and was aired on public access channels across the country.

Currently, after so many years of painting fine art and illustration, Jim has expanded his creative talents to include sculpting as well, thus bringing an added dimension to his legacy of artistic skill.

Topics discussed: Free Energy Suppression, Historic ET Contact, Secret Societies, Anti-Gravity Tech, Government cover-ups, Time travel, and much much more.

Phillip J. Imbrogno | Files From The Edge and the Interdimensional Universe

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com

November 6, 2010–Interview with Author and paranormal investigator Phillip J. Imbrogno author of Files From The Edge: “A paranormal investigator’s exploration into high strangeness” and The Interdimensional Universe.

For the past twenty five years he has authored countless magazine articles on science and the paranormal and has appeared or done research for a number of major television presentations on UFOs, astronomy and the paranormal.

Philip Imbrogno is a recognized authority in the field of UFO research. He has been interviewed by The New York Times and Coast to Coast AM, has appeared on NBC’s The Today Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and has been featured in documentaries on the History Channel, A&E, Lifetime, and HBO. Imbrogno worked closely with many top UFO investigators, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Bud Hopkins.

He has been a science educator for the past 26 years with a graduate degree in Chemistry and undergraduate degrees in astronomy and Earth science.

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Webster Tarpley | The Next Decade

Source: AlexJonesChanneltarpley.net

Author Webster Tarpley goes into detail on a whole host of historical, financial and geopolitical issues in a bid to outline the major crises, revolutions and wars that will hit the globe over the next decade and shape the future of our world.

Moving on to how these elitists use the financial system to further their aims, Tarpley explains how the move towards a global currency and worldwide financial regulations is being advanced by the IMF, but how nations are now rejecting this "Washington Consensus," and instead adopting the "Beijing Consensus," which allows them to retain control over their own national sovereignty. Tarpley says that the dollar as the world reserve currency is toast and that it is set to be replaced by a synthetic imperialist global currency called the Bancor. Tarpley warns that the IMF dictatorship is now in the final stages of asset stripping the United States.

Tarpley begins by discussing how the Neo-Malthusian ecological extremists in the Obama regime have a shared hatred for science, technology and industry and how they really are contemplating and initiating genocidal measures to thin the human surplus because of their deep-seated ideological impulse, shared by oligarchies throughout the ages, which is to suppress the progress and development of any societal underclass.

Tarpley explains how throughout history elites have always claimed that the planet was overpopulated in a bid to justify their wars and brutality, and that this is no different today, with people like Prince Philip expressing their desire to come back as a virus in order to kill masses of humans.

The Answer to all our energy problems: Cold Fusion

Source: alienscientist.com

Cold Fusion, although virtually ignored by mainstream academic research, has continued underground through the efforts of brave and dedicated scientists. I am now pleased to bring you the technological and theoretical breakthrough we've all been waiting for... Clean, virtually inexhaustible energy in the form of sea water! Let the Cold Fusion Revolution begin! - alienscientist.com

Cold Fusion NOW!

US NAVY Report on Cold Fusion:

Wired Science article on US Navy Cold Fusion:

Some important information about Steven E. Jones' involvement in cold fusion research (Very helpful Information):

The Obama Speech can be found here:

Cold Fusion Links:


The Theory and work of Frank Znidarsic:
1) The duality of Matter and Waves:
2) Reconciling Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics: http://www.scribd.com/doc/34365659
3) Control of the Natural Forces

Znidarsic's Constant on Wolfram Alpha: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i...

Frank Znidarsic's Website with all the info:

Clif High | The Road Ahead

Source: veritasshow.com

S y n o p s i s
When in U.S. History has a sitting president taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships, reportedly 3,000 guests, not including the amount of military personnel traveling as well, at a cost to taxpayers of $200 million dollars per day, or $2 billion dollars in total. All of this, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval. The answer?: never! The U.S. dollar continues to lose value and a number of insiders are predicting a bank holiday as early as November 11. Could this be true? America is bankrupt, and the rest of the world is no longer willing to go along with quantitative easing – or printing money out of thin air. Something big is getting ready to happen. In fact, it is happening now. And Clif High’s Web Bot seems to agree.

B i o
The Web Bot is an internet prophetic computer program that predicts or forecasts future events on a global scale. It is actually the Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Report, commonly known as The Web Bot. The Web Bot is the brainchild of Clif High, a reclusive genius with a strong background on linguistics and human behavioral studies. Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now.

Since June 2001 when the work projected a major 'tipping point', that is a 'life-changing event' with aspects of 'military and accident' that would forever change the way we live to occur inside 90 days, the web bot project has continued to give archetype descriptors of future events such as the anthrax attack in Washington, the crash of American 587, the Columbia disaster, the Northeast Power outage, the Banda Aceh earthquake and most recently the flooding of the Red River. As a continuing project, reports are offered from the extracted archetype information at his web site, www.halfpasthuman.

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James Gilliland | UFO & ET Contact at the ECETI Ranch

Source: redicecreations.com

November 4, 2010–UFO researcher James Gilliland joins us from the ECETI ranch at Trout Lake, close to Mount Adams in Washington State. The ECETI ranch is a UFO hotspot that is regularly visited by UFO enthusiasts and investigators who are curious and interested in having a first hand experience with UFOs, orbs, light trails, spontanous healing and other phenomena. We discuss the ongoing contact experiences that James and many other visitors are having with UFOs, extraterrestrials and intraterrestrials. We also discuss the UFO community and how the establishment seems to be getting ready to use UFO and ET disclosure for their own purposes and agenda. Other Topics Discussed: background on the ECETI ranch, Kenneth Arnold, flying saucers, non-interference, NWO crowd, major shifts, alignment with galactic plane, quantum leap in consciousness, Annunaki, catastrophy, chemtrails, weather modification, HAARP, humanity waking up, genes of the gods, junk DNA, victim mode, UFO community, clean technology, UFO/ET community infiltration, war industry, dependent, fake alien invasion, Wernher von Braun, visiting the ECETI ranch.
~Red Ice Creations

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Richard Sauder | Underground Bases and Tunnels

Source: redicecreations.com, Richard Sauder's Website

November 2, 2010–Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is probably the world's foremost public authority, as well as the first person, to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground and underwater bases and tunnels. He is the author of several books and major reports. During the first hour of this program we discuss themes from his book, "Hidden in Plain Sight - Beyond the X-files," an in-depth book on underground bases, combining archival research, on the scene investigation, and first-hand interviews. Sauder takes us into the underground world. Topics discussed: underground bases, insiderd, Phil Schneider, catacombs of Rome, Paris, London, tunnel boring technology developed in the mid 1950-1960's, official documentation of underground bases, Cheyenne Mountain, compartmentalized projects, funding, black ops programs, Pentagon losing trillions of dollars, hydroponic gardens, military, the Mormon church, the Vatican, Scientology, John Williams, Pentagon pneumatic tube, approaching cataclysm, SRI, currency collapse, genetic engineering, GMO's, global seed vault, Bill Gates, Norwegian and Swedish underground bases, underground bases and tunnels in other parts of the world. ~Red Ice Creations

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Max Igan | Truth Frequency Radio October 31, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com, thecrowhouse.com

Max Igan touching upon the recent UFO sightings, chemtrails, the importance of clean water and how we can move forward as a humanity who understands our reality.
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