Robert Bauval | The Master Game & The New World Order, September 29, 2011


The Master Game begins in a distant golden age when groups of carefully selected men and women, neophytes and adepts, were carefully initiated into a secret religion that has shaped the world. Find out TONIGHT what that is and what it has to do with the NEW WORLD ORDER with international best selling author Robert Bauval as he joins me to discuss his newest release The Master Game.
~Hillary Raimo

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THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (Official Trailer)


THRIVE is an unconventional documentary premiering online on 11.11.11 at

THRIVE lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Engineering the Global Crisis: Financial Destabilization for Profiteering and Power, September 28, 2011


The European sovereign debt crisis which has been gestating for years seems ready to come to a head as the IMF met last weekend in Washington that were dominated by talks about Greece, debt, and the risk of global contagion.

Amidst tense talks about the future of the Eurozone in which the idea of allowing Greece to default on its insurmountable half-trillion dollar debt was floated, even the usually staid US Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, warned that "cascading default, bank runs, and catastrophic risk" was a real possibility. G20 Finance Ministers and central bank governors are now calling for the European Central Bank to double their existing bailout fund to create a trillion Euro emergency stockpile to recapitalize European banks and fund Spain and Italy as their economies teeter on the edge of a Greek-like meltdown...
Transcript & Sources:

David Sereda | Light Speed Communications, September 27, 2011


September 27, 2011–Scientist, filmmaker, and mystic ecologist David Sereda talked about his development of a faster than light speed radio communications device that he used to talk to a distant star system. The recent scientific news that neutrinos can move at faster than light speeds correlates with his device, he noted. In August of 2010, he sent his first transmission to the Pleiades star system some 444 light years away, and claimed he received a loud telepathic voice response that woke him out of bed.

One year later he transmitted a new set of questions to the same coordinates about earth changes, comet Elenin, and a request for the ETs to make an appearance in Arizona. The next day, Sereda said a mysterious timed signal appeared for the first time in the magnetic spectrum and lasted one day in Sedona, AZ, and was then followed by a strange series of earthquakes that rattled from Colorado to Virginia. He also offered to send questions of George's via his device to his Pleiadian contacts. Further, Sereda said he witnessed a 7-8 ft. tall "space age-looking woman" pointing a device at his daughter, and conjectured that his communications might have opened up a portal.

John Coleman | Mass Immigration & The End of Nations, September 27, 2011


September 27, 2011–For nearly 35 years, John Coleman, a political scientist and economist, has been reporting and writing on the subject of political conspiracies and world affairs. Coleman has published 14 books and hundreds of reports analyzing the power structure of the world. He argues that a relatively small group of elite, "The Committee of 300", are pursuing a goal of one-world government.

John is probably best known for his books "The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300" and "The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations", both heavily referenced by other conspiracy researchers. He's also written: "The Rothschild Dynasty", "Diplomacy by Deception", "What You Should Know about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights", "The Club in Rome", "We Fight For Oil" and many others. Since 1970, he has produced "World in Review", a bimonthly news magazine. He returns to the program for a controversial two-hour program, discussing his new upcoming book called "National Suicide: Immigration 1965-2080." ~Red Ice Creations
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Clif High | Why Are Disinformation Levels Skyrocketing?, September 27, 2011


September 28, 2011–Why Are Disinformation Levels Skyrocketing?
Comets have gas tails and dust tails, but it appears that Comet Elenin has a third tail. It is a rather pronounced disinformation tale.  Since the discovery of Comet Elenin in December 2010, it has been the proverbial tail wagging this cosmic dog.  The result is a trickle down of honesty that's running dry.

Independent researchers working in the topics of 2012, Planet X and other space threats, are now seeing unprecedented levels of disinformation. Highly organized, timed like clockwork and obviously well-funded, these disinformation campaigns have muddied the waters so thoroughly, that clarity is beyond the grasp of most.

Case in point is the whole topic of Comet Elenin, and what Clif High's research team recently discovered.  While conducting their usual data collection effort to popular their predictive database models, Clif's research team found unprecedented levels of levels of disinformation on the Internet.

Partly traceable and clearly measurable, it besets us like a perfect storm of lies and deceit and with a singular focus - that being Comet Elenin.  Some may wonder if disinformation is really real.  For Clif High, it darn well is, because it is making his work more difficult.

So no matter how you feel about disinformation, one thing is for certain.  It is an unquestionable part of lives and there is more of it today, than ever before.  So where is this all coming from and to what end?  Tune in for the answers to these and other questions regarding our near future. ~Marshall Masters

Dr. Fred Bell

Dr. Fred Bell passed away sunday september 25th.

Rochelle Sparrow, Cortney Kane | Mind & Energy, September 26, 2011


First hour guests, channelers Rochelle Sparrow and Cortney Kane talked about the nature of the mind and unconscious energy. Through self-awareness and meditation we can claim more of our unconscious energy, as well develop our own ability to heal, they said.

News segment guests: Leo Laporte, Richard C. Hoagland

Stan and Lisa Romanek on Open Minds Radio, September 26, 2011


September 26, 2011–Stan Romanek says he has been abducted by aliens, harassed by the government and has experienced a myriad of various types of paranormal phenomena. I know it sounds far out, but I, Alejandro, have actually been there to experience some of this. We will interview Stan and his wife Lisa, to talk about some of the cases with great evidence, an upcoming documentary on his experiences, and what he thinks it all means. ~Open Minds Radio
Interview start 0:29:40 min.

Joe Rogan & Duncan Trussell interviewed Graham Hancock, September 25, 2011


Jay Weidner on One Radio Network, June 10, 2011

Source: ,

Jay Weidner on One Radio Network with Patrick Timpone. Recorded on June 10th, 2011.

Robert Bauval | The Master Game, September 20, 2011


September 20, 2011–Robert Bauval was born in Alexandria, Egypt to Belgian parents. He is a researcher of ancient Egypt and a bestselling author, probably best known for his Orion Correlation Theory. In this interview Robert will talk about his latest book, co-authored with Graham Hancock called, The Master Game: Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World.

The Master Game is a part-conversion and update of the previous book Talisman (2004) which now takes into account 911 and the so-called 'War on Terror' and exposes its true origins, as well as exposes the clash of civilization that is taking us head on towards a Biblical Armageddon.

Robert will trace an ancient conflict, a master game, from its deepest roots in ancient Egypt to today. We'll explore deeper into the conflict between the Jews and the Arabs and the formation of the State of Israel. Then, we'll discuss the Masonic & Zionist conspiracy theories and political and religious movements, which he'll tie into the master game. He ends the hour talking about the dangers of getting caught up in the game as well as the absurdity of it. Robert urges us to see what is going on, to expose it and to end it. ~Red Ice Creations
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