Nassim Haramein on Radio Serenidad, July 2011


We talked about the structure of the vacuum and how he found the gap between science and spirituality. It is a very, very interesting dialogue and also, for lay people that don't understand any physics, somehow it makes all sense. Nassim has a way to reach people even with his technical scientific terms and we hope to have more of him. Hope you enjoy it. ~Radio Serenidad

Adrian Salbuchi | ‘High-class terrorists running US, UK and France’, October 21, 2011


RT News Interview: As some European leaders demonstrate a celebratory mood over the violent death of Colonel Gaddafi, they are no less terrorists themselves, claims international consultant and author Adrian Salbuchi.

Salbuchi said Gaddafi's death was undoubtedly a message for the whole world, as it is not just about Libya. Read more

Fukushima Update, October 24, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we go over a new video on food safety, a round-up of the latest headlines from around the web, and a profile of Aileen Mioko Smith who is on an American tour to bring awareness to the plight of the children at Fukushima. ~James Corbett

Dr. Leonard Horowitz | Gardasil & Vaccine Dangers, October 20, 2011


First hour guest, Dr. Len Horowitz reacted to news that the Gardasil vaccine had some contaminated doses. There's been 21,000 adverse reactions to the vaccine, and close to 100 people have died from it, he reported. Vaccinations are part of the plan by Big Pharma and global industrialists to reduce the world's population, he warned.

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken, Greg Hunter, Jim Berkland

Fukushima Update, October 23, 2011


In today's Fukushima Update we go over a spate of weekend editorials on the Fukushima crisis and cover all of the news stories on the topic from around the web.
~James Corbett

John D Riley on The Hundredth Monkey Radio, October 23, 2011


John Riley is a researcher in Alternative Energy/Science with a diverse background from Top Secret projects at Lockheed’s Skunkworks division to advanced special effects. His mission to see new perspectives on technologies and human awareness takes him traveling the globe to unlock the secrets once known by the ancients.

Paul C Muir on TMRN, October 14, 2011

Source:, Paul C Muir

Time Monk Radio Network Interviews Presents: Paul C Muir on TMRN Radio Orbs/Orb Fulgurite Theory ~ Initiation/Shamanism ~ Energy Healing/Remote Healing-Viewing ~ Pre-history/Ancient Cultures & Other Mysteries

Beyond Compartmentalization | James Horak, October 21, 2011

Source:, Information Machine

Beyond Compartmentalization
by James Horak, October 21, 2011

I was asked to write a review on Mr. Dan Sherman's interview with Mel Fabragas on Veritas. As with many such interviews it didn't take me long to fathom Mr. Sherman's truthfulness...just as it did not take long for me to grasp his use to the Air Force in their protracted enterprise that has come about more from obsession than science, more from desperation than calculation.

When these people speak of “aliens” they are speaking exclusively of EBEs, not sentient beings but extra-biological automatons with a computer terminal. Sentient beings don't “refine” by evolution into atrophied mouth slits, losing means of reproduction by natural means and, above all, losing a genetic number. But they may, after losing any purpose, obtain some computer virus relegated to a closer association with a culture that has given them refuge from ET. Enough so that, in coping with their threat from ET, they implanted some similar virus in those they trade with, earth-bound humans, that they show an increasingly militarized society how best to develop their own extra-biologicals through extending forward these electromagnetic impulses into neural synapsis.

A process, no longer meant to simply produce mercifully non-sentients for deep space exploration, but to alter sentients into regressed and ultra-specialized military units.
The purpose of compartmentalization has only one objective, to keep the defined ultimate intention of a project secret. To do so, as in Mr. Sherman's case, he is told short term tasks with any application beyond what he needs to know for his job description only. In fact he is misinformed and misdirected away from anything beyond his “job”.

In this way, he is not privy to what the Air Force knew and they themselves defined about the EBEs, discerning them from ET, as early as 1972 in their own manuals on UFO recovery protocols. So to him, all “aliens” are sentient. And genetic experiments have a direct relevance to the EBEs when they do not. And that ET would have nothing to do with this aberrant practice. Just as Miss Isley was told that the EBEs that piloted the UFO taking her to the moon was reptilian when he was not. But that was what her superiors told her.

Listen closely to the sound bytes Mr. Fabragas plays at the start of each of his interviews. The design indicated by them collectively points to the importance of secret motives and the preoccupation to interpret ET into an alien threat for unifying a New World Order.

As we become more and more aware of the use of false flag operations used by the powers that be to socially engineer a world to their liking, we should be able to project that their would be no more ultimate false flag than that of an hostile alien thesis. Evidence of this projection was present as early as the late fifties and has been played upon by media in fiction and in think tank discussions many times since.

Never view the vile motives of what these social engineers do in singles. They prefer you do since they can lay false motives that can be easily debunked in your way. Those easily diverted (for whatever reason) can easily be misled if their focus is kept so narrow.  JCH

Ref:Examine Better the Anomaly of Earth to Learn Of What's Elsewhere ...
(Copyright 2007, James Horak - All Rights Reserved). The team consisted of anthropologists, two brain surgeons, reporters and camera crew, about 15 people ...

Ref:The Challenge Today of The Perception
Dec 15, 2007 ... The Challenge Today of The Perception of. A "Field Theory of Mind" by James C. Horak (Copyright 2008, James Horak - All Rights Reserved) ...

Pepe Escobar | Invasion of Libya, Arab Spring & R2P, October 20, 2011

Source:, Pepe Escobar at Asiatimes

October 20, 2011–Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is the roving correspondent for Hong Kong/Thailand-based Asia Times and analyst for Toronto/Washington-based The Real News. Since the mid-1980s he has lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles and Singapore/Bangkok. Since 9/11 he has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. He authored three books and is associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. In the first hour, Pepe will talk about the neo-con agenda of “humanitarian imperialism” and the concept of RtoP, “The Responsibility to Protect.” We’ll discuss the NATO agenda and strategies in Libya. Then, Pepe talks about the Arab Spring, rebels and future guerilla wars. We’ll get into the specifics of why the west is so focused on Libya. ~Red Ice Creations
download mp3

Dan Sherman | Above Black: Project Preserve Destiny Insider Account of Alien Contact & Government Cover-Up, October 21, 2011


Even though Dan Sherman wrote his book some 14 years ago, his account of communicating with advanced extraterrestrial intelligences during three years of secret work in the Air Force has lost nothing since then, and the story comes across as utterly credible.

Currently a businessman living in Arizona with a wife and two children, Sherman had to be coaxed to be a Veritas guest. He says there's a price to be paid as a businessman for telling these kinds of truths. While always proud of his contribution to "keeping the world in balance" through government secrecy, Sherman says some things are so profoundly part of the human story that they need to be shared.

Since 1949, for one thing, we have been in contact with beings far more intelligent than we, beings that interbred with humans at some point in the past, beings that shared and are probably still sharing information and technology. These beings tinkered with his DNA while in utero, back in 1963/64. They built a human, thousands of them, by Sherman's account, who could receive and send communiqués telepathically. This was done with full consent of entities within the U.S. government, which wanted a special force of individuals who could carry messages when electro-magnetic incidents took down all normal Earthly communication.

Sherman's thinking that might be within the next 20 years. "It would have to be, if they expected it to happen within our lifetimes."

Sherman double-crossed his superiors—played the black program against the gray program (gray is more secret than black; he worked for both; and neither knew about the other)—and got out. By then the transmissions he was getting were talking about pain levels relative to abductions. He's still feels special that the ETs chose him to be a conduit, and he's still a patriot. But by that point he felt trapped. Precious little of the big picture would anyone tell him. "No need to know." He was worried he was involved with something nefarious.

Sherman deemed the first entity he communicated with, Spock, and the second one, Bones. The information downloaded into his brain, always while at work, except for one time when he was supposed to be at work, seemed scripted at first – information dumps that started with an identifying number. He would type the gist of what he was getting into a box on his computer screen. Some unknown receiving entity whisked it off.

Once when Sherman spontaneously beamed a question on a different "channel," Spock disconnected, later explaining that no human had come through on that level before. That was the beginning of a more personal exchange between Spock and Sherman. These entities come with emotion and texture and personality, Sherman says.

No longer an authorized tool, Sherman hasn't heard from Spock or Bones since leaving the Air Force. He does have the ability to predict strong earthquakes now, though.

Dan Sherman was an United States Air Force security policeman, who is slowly recruited into Level One "grey" operations with the National Security Agency. Sherman's recruitment begins with the shocking revelation (not by "channeled" information, but from an officer of the NSA), that he was genetically tampered with while still in his mother's womb in order to bring about an "intuitive communicator" , who can communicate with aliens via code. The NSA had been secretly trying to engineer what they deemed as the next human step in communication with aliens into unknowing subjects in the 1960s (of which Dan is but one). The NSA basically let alone these subjects until the age of 25, at which time, by a process of seeming synchronicities, they were brought closer within the fold of secret intelligence. Every move they make proceeds down well-oiled lines of behavioural science and very tight, practical, "need-to-know" scripting. What unravels is that Dan Sherman's life had been engineered, at a distance, by the military, watching him at every step along the way all his life, in order to eventually recruit him into their secret ops.

Dan Sherman spent almost three years as an intuitive communicator while serving in the United States Air Force. Tonight, he will tell us about his training, things he learned from his alien contacts and the events that led him to seek a discharge from the air force. By coming forward, dan hopes his story will encourage other insiders to do likewise. Dan served over 12 years in the United States Air Force and has been recognized for heroism and has been decorated with the Air Force Commendation Medal and the Air Force achievement medal with two oak leaf clusters. He has also received the Air Force outstanding unit award with three oak leaf clusters as well as being honored for service in the Persian Gulf. Dan is married and has two children.

David Icke | Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor, October 20, 2011


David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor. Recorded & Filmed by Chris Williamson & Lucius Borich at Keysoundstudios, Sydney Australia 20/10/2011.

New World Next Week | Fukushima Updates, Hyperlink Libel, Athens Austerity, October 20, 2011


Corbett Report and Media Monarchy covers some of the most important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week:

Story #1: Over 20 Radioactive Hotspots Found in Tokyo ... All Due to
Citizens' Measurements

Video: Top Japanese Official on Tokyo Radiation 'Hot Spots'
Related: Son of Stuxnet? Researchers Warn of Impending Cyber Attack

Story #2: Supreme Court of Canada Rules Internet Links Not Libel
Related: Supreme Court Ruling Big Victory for Internet Freedom

Story #3: Citizens Swarm the Streets of Greece In a Whirl of Violence
Update: Clashes as Greeks Strike Against New Austerity Cuts
Update: Greek Protest Against Budget Cuts Turns Violent

NWNW Flashback: Financial Collapse of Greece - Canary in the Coalmine
for Global Economy?

New World Next Week on
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