The Engineered Euro Crash | William Engdahl on GRTV, December 9, 2011


The leaders of the EU prepare for a summit this week as the Eurozone continues to spin out of control. But how did the collapse begin, and who will profit from it? Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview with F. William Engdahl.

Mack Maloney | Wartime UFOs, December 6, 2011


December 6, 2011–In the course of researching his novels, military fiction writer Mack Maloney discovered startling historical records of an increase of UFO sightings near pivotal military events. He discussed a variety of incidents from World Wars I & II, as well as Viet Nam and other battle zones. One of the earliest cases he found dated back to the time of Alexander the Great, when his army was planning a siege on the city of Tyre, and "flying shields" let out a lightning bolt that destroyed one of the city's walls, which allowed Alexander's army to get in. Proceeding WWI, "scareships" were reported by British newspapers in 1909. They were described as dirigible-like craft that emitted huge searchlights and could travel as fast 200 mph.

In World War II, there were reports that crews of allied bombers would see fantastic aircraft flying just 100-200 ft. off their wing. These strange craft, which became known as "foo fighters," would not take action or interfere with the bombings. One of the foo fighters was described as an enormous cigar-shaped, brightly lit craft that flew in formation with the bombers. Incidents such as these led Maloney to theorize that rather than ETs, the UFO occupants were time travelers who came back to observe significant time periods, such as during wars-- to see history as it was being made.

In the "ghost rocket" sightings of 1946, which took place in a remote area of Sweden, hundreds of long tubular objects flying in formation were seen. While they resembled cruise missiles, this was years before that technology was developed, he noted. Maloney also detailed bizarre incidents that took place in Viet Nam, such as when a bright object came down on top of an American base, illuminating the entire area, while all electricity was knocked out; and a UFO that hung over Hanoi for a period of two hours, while the North Vietnamese shot at it to no effect.

New World Next Week | Penn State, FEMA Cramps, Newt Stamps, December 8, 2011


The video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most
important developments in alternative news and open source intelligence. This week:

Story #1: Sandusky Cuffed on New Sex Abuse Charges
Related: Former Colorado Sheriff Trades Blue Uniform for Orange Jumpsuit
Unlike Penn State, Syracuse Scandal Just Unfolding
Phoenix Sheriff Apologizes for 'Mishandled' Sex-Crimes Cases
Background Video: 'Conspiracy of Silence' Documentary on the 'Franklin Scandal'

Story #2: Detention Camp Order Follows S. 1867
Related: Government Activating FEMA Camps Across US
Background Video: US Army Prepares to Invade US

Story #3: Gingrich Renews Food Stamp Attack on Obama

Related: New York Times Screen Grab Implies Ron Paul a 'Has Been'
EU Summit on Debt Crisis Faces Uncertain Prospects

Visit to get previous episodes in various formats to download, burn & share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy Thank you.

John Lamb Lash | Truth Frequency Radio, December 7, 2011


John Lamb Lash - Truth Frequency Radio - December 7, 2011.
Gnosticism, Nag Hammadi, Arcons, Sophia myth, Planetary Tantra.

Crystal Clark | Perception Management, Planned Chaos, & The New Future, December 2, 2011


The following YouTube video accompanies the program:

Courtesy of James Horak

Crystal Clark envisions a world ahead of "no more disease, abundance, the ability to explore our own planet, (the Vatican vaults, undersea cities), technology that will blow your mind, and traveling out to the stars." But we cannot do any of this unless certain things happen first. The corruption, the police state, lies, manipulation, poisons in our food and water, vaccinations that cause sterility…"We can't put it off any more. We have to do what is right."

Clark calls upon the whistleblowers to tell us what they know, and upon individuals to contribute in ways unique to each. The Occupy Wall Street Movement gives her hope.

"It's fantastic. We have been waiting for it. We have a group who do terrible things to the rest of us on the planet. We deal with it by not dealing with it. But when all these people show up, they have to face what they've done. They see faces, not charts and graphs." Non-violent demonstrations work, she says.

Clark's mission on the planet is to wake people up, to educate. She is the author of two books, Who Are We Really 101, 102, and 103 is due out this spring.

At the center of Clark's teachings is her understanding of Natural Law, ancient knowledge long camouflaged by dogmatic religious orders, and to which we must return. Natural Law explains how the world works on every level. From her website:

"There is a force at work in the Universe that creates, and it does so for only one reason: the experience a soul can gain from it. Whether you want to call this force God, Creator, Allah, or any other term, is irrelevant. It does what it does for only one reason: Love.

Nothing this Master Builder has ever created moves outside of that one purpose - it has but one idea that manifests itself in endless ways. From this One Law of Love, all of creation manifests through two equal but opposite forces that continue creation through balanced (equal) interchange between opposite energies."

Today's world is not in balance. It can not thrive. We are being utterly manipulated. "Nothing is as it seems."

"The matrix is breaking down and people are seeing it for what it is," says Clark in this interview. She talks about planned obsolescence, manufactured lack, trauma-based mind control and perception management. We are being systematically psychologically broken, she says. "We are all being suicided at a slow rate."

Those who perpetrate the imbalance we are experiencing are "insane," Clark decries. Of course they are. By the end of this Veritas interview you will be asking yourself what you yourself are doing to advance the cause of rectifying a world gone mad. "There is work to be done. Stand up, do something," she implores. "Courage is contagious."

To read her blog, about her books, philosophy, ways to help, guest appearances, and more, check out Clark's website at

Dr. Michio Kaku | Giant Black Holes, December 6, 2011


December 6, 2011–Theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku commented on the discovery of two gigantic black holes, as well as other science and space news. The black holes have a staggering mass that is 20 billion times that of our sun, and are 10 times the size of our solar system. Intriguingly, he suggested that the billions of stars that fell into such a black hole could be shot out the other end through a "white hole" in a process like the Big Bang.

Cal Orey | The Healing Powers of Honey, December 7, 2011


December 7, 2011–Renowned intuitive and author Cal Orey originally appeared on It’s Rainmaking Time!™ following the Fukushima Prefecture (Japan) disasters this past March. She returns to introduce us to The Healing Powers of Honey, the latest in her Healing Powers book series.

Touted by beekeepers and medical experts for their health benefits, antioxidant-rich honey and bee foods (pollen, propolis, and royal jelly) have been shown to lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, to reduce body fat, and to relieve a variety of ailments. As popular sweeteners continue to be proven unhealthy, it is more important than ever to understand the health benefits this incredible superfood offers humanity. Join us as Cal Orey shares recipes, remedies, eco-friendly household applications, and more in this interview. ~Kim Greenhouse

Secret Space | The SOYUZ Conspiracy


Narrated by Elliott Gould. Includes secret film footage never seen until now. After 15 years of research, filmmakers have discovered brand-new evidence that reveals a scandalous conspiracy surrounding the death of one of the old Soviet Union's most famous cosmonauts, Colonel Vladimir Komarov. When Komarov and the new Soyuz rocket was launched into space on the morning of April 23rd, 1967, his spaceship had catastrophic failures that began almost immediately. His ship lost power on re-entry and Komarov was killed instantly on impact.

The Soviet government was not about to admit this failure on the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Union and covered up the entire incident by saying that Komarov's mission had been a big success, but that he later was killed in a bus crash. Only one man in the entire Soviet Union, Komarov's best friend Yuri Gagarin, was strong enough to force the government to tell the truth about what really happened to Komarov during his space flight. This program includes secret archival footage that has never been seen by the public, until now.

Philip Coppens | Ancient Aliens, December 4, 2011


December 4, 2011–Guest host Rob Simone welcomed internationally renowned investigative journalist and author, Philip Coppens, who discussed Earth mysteries such as the Nazca lines and evidence for the existence of ancient visitation of astronauts from outer space. "Our ancestors definitely believed that we were not alone," Coppens declared, citing numerous cultures where their writings and traditions state that the 'gods' lived among them. He speculated that part of the reason why it is not better known that our ancestors were influenced by off-world beings is because their descendants were so poorly treated by Western culture that they became reticent to share this secret knowledge.

He also noted that the ancient astronaut theory faces two roadblocks from academia: the mainstream cannot accept that our ancestors held these beliefs and also refuse to contemplate that we are not alone. However, Coppens was optimistic by recent changes in the scientific community as the concept of panspermia, which suggests life originated elsewhere and naturally arrived on Earth, has begun to gain supporters. Additionally, he noted that there are some mainstream scientists who have suggested that ETs have visited our planet in the past, albeit before the dawn of human history. Coppens vehemently disagreed with this limited perspective, saying "archaeological, anthropological, mythological, and historical evidence from our ancestors clearly shows that this contact happened within the lifespan of human habitation."

Dolores Cannon talking about her new book, The Convoluted Universe 4


Dolores discusses her own past lives and introduces one of the 'mindbending' concepts she has discovered by working with hypnosis subjects who speak at the depest possible level of trance. It is here that Dolores is able to have incerdicle discussions with people's higher selves, or the Super-Conscious which has the answers to everything.

The Tavistock Agenda

Great description of a little known aspect of the NWO/Illuminati. Thanks to Iona Miller for this video.

Dan Nelson | The End of Dehydration, December 1, 2011


December 1, 2011–There was a time when thirty years of advanced research on hydration stated that we must drink half our body weight in liquid ounces of water everyday to stay hydrated. But according to physicist Dan Nelson, dehydration affects all of us equally – whether we drink two glasses or two gallons per day. Picking up where Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (the author of Your Body’s Many Cries For Water) left off, Dan identified chronic dehydration as a central factor in aging and disease and set out to find the solution.

In the process, he had to rethink everything we thought we knew about water. By developing his own proprietary equipment – a one-of-a-kind laser apparatus for engineering water – Dan Nelson discovered the key to maximum absorption of water by compressing the particles to a small enough size to pass through the cell wall. As he guides us through his cutting-edge research, our current understanding of water seems fit for the stone age. Join us as we venture through groundbreaking new knowledge that can end dehydration all across the globe. ~Kim Greenhouse
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