Ingunn Sigursdatter | Norway: Happiest Country on Earth Myth & Awakening the Norsemen | Hour 1 | April 14, 2014


April 14, 2014–Ingunn Sigurdsdatter, was born into a religious and politically active family. Her grandfather was a prominent Norwegian politician for 20 years and head of the Leftist Party. She has degrees in languages & social sciences. She has founded and co-founded three companies, taught at university, high school and alternative school. Ingunn also co-authored a book for children about Thor Heyerdahls crossing of the Pacific Ocean in a balsa fleet.

She’ll discuss her profound change in direction that resulted in the decision to turn in her passport to the city mayor and relinquish her citizenship, causing much commotion in the national media. We’ll discuss the nefarious side of the praised Scandinavian social democracy. She’ll explain how Scandinavian society is engineered to create a citizen that loves their servitude and defends the state at all costs because they cannot see life without it. She points how Norway is The Brave New World.

We’ll also discuss the government pension fund of Norway and the corporatization of the state turning human resource into a range of products to be sold on the market. In the second hour, Ingunn shares what happened when the Norwegian police showed up at her door because she was making and selling food without a permit. Later, we talk about unplugging from the system, anarchy, the Vikings and pre-Christian society in the Scandinavian countries. We’ll talk about why the Nordic countries have been so fiercely opposed and sought to be controlled.

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Pentagon Secret Plane Has Been In Space For Almost 500 Days - And They Still Won’t Say What It’s Doing There...


The X-37B, the U.S. Air Force’s secret robotic space plane, has now been in orbit for almost 500 days, a record-breaking time period for space endurance. The latest version of the relatively tiny spacecraft, which is just one quarter of the size of the space shuttles, was launched in December 2012 on a top-secret mission.

The X-37B has a payload bay approximately the size of a pickup truck bed, and it is thought to be carrying highly sensitive cargo. It began its life as a NASA project to build a small, unmanned space plane, then the project was passed over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in 2004. A lack of funds prompted a further handover to the U.S. Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, which is continuing to manage the X-37B program.

The unmanned spacecraft can remain in orbit for much longer than the original Space Shuttles, which were limited by the requirements of the crew on board to short missions of up to 17 days. 

The first X-37B launched, OTV-1, was able to orbit for 225 days; its sister plane OTV-2 doubled that time by staying in space for 469 days. Now the latest X-37B has already exceeded its predecessors and there is no indication that its mission is at an end.

So what is it doing up there?

Despite its record stay in space, no details have been released about its mission, or when it might return. The U.S. Air Force is happy to comment on the space drone as a technological achievement, but refuses to elaborate on its purpose.Consequently, rumors are rife, but the official line is that the X-37B is merely an experimental platform for "operating experiments which can be returned to, and examined, on Earth."

Brian Weeden, a former Air Force officer with the Space Command’s Joint Space Operations Center and now at the Secure World Foundation, believes that the X-37B is primarily a test bed for new technologies. [...] Read the full article at:

Astronaut Chris Hadfield: We must stop people from weaponizing space, April 13, 2014


Space has been militarised ever since humanity could reach it, but with treaties only banning nuclear weapons in space, and tensions simmering on the ground, a second Space Race seems inevitable. Is cooperation between Russia and the West a good enough driver of progress, or do we need competition to stop space exploration from stagnating? Oksana is joined by former International Space Station commander and Twitter sensation, Chris Hadfield, to discuss the gravity of these issues.

Max Igan | The Power of You, April 13, 2014


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 2 - Episode 1.

"New" Cold War, Same Old Tricks | BFP Roundtable #05, April 12, 2014


The BFP Roundtable convenes once again, as Peter B. Collins, Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett, and Sibel Edmonds unite to discuss the Russia-NATO conflict over Ukraine, the false choice of the "new cold war," the Turkish connection to last year's Syrian false flag, and the fact that Seymour Hersh needs to retire. For more information on these and other topics, please stay tuned to

Pulsating Beam Hits the Sun/NASA removes the images, April 11, 2014

Source: BPEarthWatch youtube

Catherine Austin Fitts | Secret Space Program & The Black Budget | Hour 1 | April 11, 2014


April 11, 2014–Catherine Austin Fitts is the Founder and President of Solari. She served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. She also served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration and was the President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

We’ll discuss if financial fraud and market manipulations are actually mechanisms for financing the black budget and if centralized governance is necessitated by high-tech secrecy. There may be as much as $100 trillion dollars worth of hardware flying the skies powered by anti-gravity and field-propulsion technologies. This has significant implications for the ownership and design of manufacturing and energy infrastructure on planet earth. It also has connections to trillions of dollars which are “missing” from defense and domestic agency accounts (as reported by official financial reports of the US government).

To the extent that the US taxpayer has financed this technology (or its reverse-engineering) why should private corporations own it on a secret basis? The financial fortunes and geopolitical power involved are significant. If you control these technologies, you possess weaponry sufficient to engineer a financial coup d’Etat and to centralize control of the entire global financial system.

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New World Next Week | Blood Moon Apocalypse!, April 10, 2014


Story #1: Metgasco's Gas Exploration Well Delayed After Protesters Block Entrance to Bentley Site

Video: Will You Show Up? I Showed up! #BentleyBlockade

Introducing "The Spark"

There's Now a Flying Wind Turbine That Doubles As Wi-Fi

Japan, U.S. Fail to Move Closer Over TPP Before Obama Visit

Toyota Becoming More Efficient By Replacing Robots With Humans

Climate Scientist Ridicules U.N. Report as Junk

Soda Sales Rapidly Decline Across the U.S.; Down 20% Since 1998

Do you always agree with the topics newspaper editors choose to cover?

Story #2: US Navy 'game-changer': converting seawater into fuel

BlackLight Power Announces Sustained Production of Electricity Using Photovoltaic Conversion

US Navy to Test Futuristic Super-Fast Gun at Sea in 2016

Story #3: Four Blood Moons: Does Alignment of Mars, Earth and Sun Mean the End of the World is Nigh?

Dateline Israel : Signs in the Heavens of a Four Blood Moon Tetrad in 2014 and 2015

Joel 2:31 (King James Version)

Reagan's astrologer

It's not an alien invasion, it's Operation Blue Beam

Robert Guffey | Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form, Radio 3Fourteen, April 9, 2014

Source: Radio 3Fourteen,

April 9, 2014–Robert Guffey is the author of the nonfiction book Cryptoscatology: Conspiracy Theory as Art Form. He’s published numerous short stories, articles and interviews in a wide range of magazines and anthologies. He’s currently a lecturer in the Department of English at California State University—Long Beach. In the beginning of the interview, Robert tells how he became a Freemason and what led him into the field of conspiracy theory. He’ll explain why he compares the field of conspiracy theory to classical mythology.

We also talk about how conspiracy theory it littered with the carcasses of sincere truth seekers who failed in their search. Then, we discuss the conspiratorial side of the educational system, political correctness and the war on the imagination. Later, Robert talks about intelligence agents involved in the sci-fi genre. The hour ends with a story about a man who experienced the phenomena known as gangstalking. -Radio 3Fourteen

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Chossudovsky: Who Are the Mercenaries Being Used in Ukraine?, April 10, 2014


Kiev has hired foreign mercenaries to take over law enforcement duties as well as most covert operations in eastern Ukraine, as the country struggles to regain control of its security apparatus, economist Michel Chossudovsky told RT.

Snowden to EU: No legal means challenge mass surveillance (FULL VIDEO), April 9, 2014


No legal means exist to challenge mass surveillance, said NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, testifying to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. A former NSA contractor, Snowden was speaking to the PACE session in Strasbourg via a video link-up from Moscow.

Dr. John Apsley | Secrets of The World's Longest-Living Cultures | Segment 1 | Sanitas Radio


Not long ago, the U.S. Public Health Service revealed that only one point five percent (1.5%) of all Americans were healthy. So it is no wonder Americans rank 31st in the world for life expectancy, suffer the 7th highest cancer rate among all countries, and rank behind no less than 40 countries that have lower infant mortality rates. This begs the question: Why? Prior to 1952, the mortality rate from all sources was dramatically declining. After 1952 this dramatic decline lost its steam. In fact, in some years, startling mortality escalations (especially for the 25 to 44 age group) occurred despite unprecedented advances in U.S. healthcare. So, what happened? Well, to be pithy, in 1952 radioactive fallout was unleashed in earnest. We now know that deficiencies and toxins in our food supply and environment are at fault. The National Cancer Institute has determined that 80% of our cancers arise from the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Regardless of the toxin or disease, tiny amounts of absorbed radioactive particles greatly amplify their toll on the human body.

As far back as the 1960's, no less than three Nobel Prize winners warned us as about the consequences of man-made radiation. But we did not listen. The National Research Council's 2006 BEIR VII Report tells us point blank that there is no safe level of radiation exposure. Instead we keep buying into the hype and promise of cheap, clean, limitless electrical nuclear power. But the reality has always been net higher costs well hidden from the public view. The nuclear power conversation rarely includes the lost quality of life and healthcare costs associated with radioactive exposures inherent to running the technology. Radioactive fallout now abounds in the food chain of the Northern Hemisphere. The health threat is greatest to those living near nuclear power plants as well as those exposed to fallout from nuclear accidents. No one who lives in the path of radioactive fallout is spared the direst transgenerational health consequences. In stark contrast to this picture are the typically lower mortality rates in developed countries that decided to forego nuclear power entirely.

In Fukushima Meltdown & Modern Radiation: Protecting Ourselves and Future Generations, Dr. Apsley provides an easy and clear synopsis covering the most critical historical issues arising from man-made radiation crises. In a nut shell, ionizing radiation rapidly melts away our immunity and genetic integrity. Like an insatiable immortal fox forever positioned to pounce toxic radioactive particles linger in the environment for centuries and even millennia. Obviously normal healing mechanisms will not spare the human race from this perennial scourge. Prevention from future exposure is essential, but by itself will not be enough. What we need most are cutting edge techniques that effectively and rapidly regenerate our tissues. From his over 30 years of experience in the field of regenerative medicine, Dr. Apsley lays out precise step-by-step individualized nutritional methods to accomplish regeneration. For example, his method incorporates fast and easy-to-make delicious smoothies. He also includes many other enjoyable menu selections designed to induce regenerative healing.
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