John Michael Greer | After Progress | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 17, 2015

Source:, The Archdruid Report

John Michael Greer discusses his latest book After Progress: Reason and Religion at the End of the Industrial Age. Progress is not just a goal in the West – it’s a religion. Most people believe in its inherent value as enthusiastically and uncritically as medieval peasants believed in heaven and hell. Our faith in progress drives the popular insistence that peak oil and climate change don’t actually matter. After all, our lab-coated high priests will surely bring forth yet another miracle to save us all. Unfortunately, progress as we’ve known it has been entirely dependent on the breakneck exploitation of half a billion years of stored sunlight in the form of fossil fuels.

As the age of cheap, abundant energy draws to a close, progress is grinding to a halt. Unforgiving planetary limits are teaching us that our blind faith in endless exponential growth is a dangerous myth. After Progress addresses this looming paradigm shift, exploring the shape of history from a perspective on the far side of the coming crisis. Greer’s startling examination of the role our belief systems play in the evolution of our collective consciousness is required reading for anyone concerned about making sense of the future at a time when we must seek new sources of meaning, value, and hope for the era ahead.

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Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies | Part 2 | April 17, 2015


Author, lawyer, historian, theologian, philosopher and 32nd Degree Mason, Robert W. Sullivan IV joined us for a sparkling conversation about his new book, Cinema Symbolism: A Guide To Esoteric Imagery In Popular Movies.

Rob was with us last on March 16, 2015. His book, Cinema Symbolism has so much fun information about popular movie that we had to have him back again.

In this evening’s show we talked about the films: Superman, Star Wars, Black Swan, Monty Python & The Holy Grail, and Back to the Future. Of course we only scratched the surface, but you will get a taste of the depth of the material.

Cinema Symbology connects occult, numerological, astrological, mythological, alchemical, Tarot, and kabbalistic symbolism contained within popular movies.

Part 1:
Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism: A Guide to Esoteric Imagery in Popular Movies | March 16, 2015

Max Igan | Ever Feel Like You Were Sold a Lie?


Max Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Season 4 - Episode 07 (15 Min. Synopsis)

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Noam Chomsky | Neoliberal assault led to significant decline in democracy


Afshin Rattansi goes underground with Noam Chomsky on the crisis engulfing the West. From drone strikes in Yemen to potential conflict with Russia over the Ukraine crisis, he looks at the ‘disaster’ of neoliberalism. With left-wing movements resisting the US hegemony from South America to Europe, could the dominance of the US on the global stage be coming to an end? And with the IMF arguably suppressing democracy in Greece after their election, we take a look at the sway they hold over the UK.

Dr. Rima Laibow & General Bert Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Retired) | An Army General Discusses 911, Military Drills On US Soil, And Geoengineering


The interview below is a dialog addressing the most critical issues we face. The discussion is between myself, former Army Major General Albert Stubblebine, and his wife Dr. Rima Laibow. General Stubblebine is the highest ranking US military official to courageously speak the truth about the 911 false flag event and the US government's role in this unimaginable crime.

Dr. Laibow has long since been a pioneer in the fight to expose countless global issues, especially related to our health. This discussion begins with General Stubblebine's process of awakening to the true criminal nature of the US government, then continues on to cover operation "Jade Helm" and the global geoengineering assault.

Our world and our reality is changing by the day. We are all at a crossroad, at a time of choice. Will we go silently into the night? Or will we struggle against the fading of the light? Getting informed and getting active in the fight for the common good is not just an option, it is an obligation, it is a responsibility. Stand up and make your voice heard, if we do not take action today, we will not have tomorrow.

Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | April 16, 2015


The Asian Investment INfrastructure Bank is up and running, and what a strange list of members it has! And what a strange list of NON-members it has! -Joseph P. Farrell

Stewart Swerdlow | iMonarch | Freeman TV


How much of our history is obscured. When will there be a False Flag Alien Invasion? What would change if we knew the events from our ancient past? Stewart Swerdlow joins us for a discussion of Hyper Space Help for Extraterrestrial Mind Control. Check out the many wonderful things at

My personal story seems to correlate with Stewart's life that I hope to pick the brain of someone that has recall of abductions, UFO encounters, Monarch Mind Control, bloodline and secret society connections. Our experience presents a world colored with varied alien races interacting with Earth now and at the creation of civilization on this planet.

The Dawn of Killer Robots (Full Length)

Source: Motherboard youtube

In INHUMAN KIND, Motherboard gains exclusive access to a small fleet of US Army bomb disposal robots—the same platforms the military has weaponized—and to a pair of DARPA’s six-foot-tall bipedal humanoid robots. We also meet Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams, renowned physicist Max Tegmark, and others who grapple with the specter of artificial intelligence, killer robots, and a technological precedent forged in the atomic age. It’s a story about the evolving relationship between humans and robots, and what AI in machines bodes for the future of war and the human race.

Richard Dolan | UFOs and Citizen Action | Eureka Springs


Ten minute video clip I gave last weekend in Eureka Springs on UFOs and Citizen Action. Thanks to my friend Adnan at UFO Hub. -Richard Dolan

Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars: Part Two | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 15, 2015


Courtney Brown discusses The Farsight Institute’s latest project Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars. The data collected during the project suggests that long ago, a civilization existed on Mars. This civilization built something in a place now known as Cydonia. Many on Earth speculated that it appeared to be a ‘face’ looking upward, but it’s something else. The Farsight project suggests that it was a place where people congregated and lived; a city of Martians who were more like us on Earth than most would imagine.

Combining two of the most skilled remote viewers currently on the planet, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, the Farsight project describes how Martians lived, and how they died. The science of remote viewing has matured to the extent that a project such as this has finally been achievable, but no one could have expected the results to be as shocking as what was actually revealed by the new data. And there are lessons here that our own civilization can learn should we wish to avoid the terrible fate that befell the denizens of Mars.

Download Part Two mp3

Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars: Part One | Legalise Freedom Radio | April 4, 2015

The Corbett Report | Political Pedophilia: An open source investigation | April 16, 2015


As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same establishment that covered up these horrors for decades going to break the dam on this sensitive and paradigm-changing information? Of course not. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore how the alternative media can help shape the open source investigation into the practice of political pedophilia and expose the real perpetrators.

Show Notes & MP3

„Different Origins“ to Mystery Lights on Dwarf Planet Ceres | April 15, 2015

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