Marty Leeds | Pi, Gematria and Numerology | Modern Knowledge


Marty's lecture will be focused on walking step by step through the deconstruction of the mathematical foundation of the English Alphabet, decoding the cipher used to create the alphabet by exploring the ancient science known as gematria. Using mystical, religious, and secret society symbols, methodologies and concepts, as well as the transcendental and infinite number of pi, Marty will unravel the occult and esoteric application of the English Alphabet in myriad ways.

Was the King James Holy Bible written mathematically? Can the Holy Name of God, known as the Tetragrammaton, used by occultists, kabbalists and religions worldwide be found within the English language? What do the concepts of Heaven and Earth refer to and what do they have to do with geometry and man's place in the cosmos? What have the Freemasonic brotherhood been trying to conceal and reveal to humanity throughout the ages in their symbols and lodges? All of these questions will be answered and more in Marty's hour and a half lecture.

Marty Leeds is the author of three books, Pi & The English Alphabet Volume 1, Volume 2 and The Peacock's Tales - The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis. His third book in the series, Pi & The English Alphabet Volume 3, is slated for release in 2015. He has an ongoing lecture series available for free on youtube. He is the host of the podcast The Marty Leeds' Mathemagical Radio Hour discussing everything from myth, math, spirituality, philosophy, sacred geometry, lost civilizations and the holy sciences.

Marty has been a guest on many popular podcasts, has been featured on Graham Handcok's website, and was a featured speaker at the Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia in 2013, and the River of Stars Astrology Conference in 2015. Marty is also a musician and released his first full-length solo record, Opus Medico Musica in 2013, available on iTunes. Marty currently resides in Eugene, Oregon.

David Icke Puts events in Tunisia, France and Greece into Context | The Richie Allen Show | June 30, 2015


Douglas Caddy | CIA Insider Exposes: JFK Killed over the Alien Presence! | Dark Journalist


In this historic and powerful Dark Journalist episode, Host, Daniel Liszt welcomes Watergate Lawyer and Author Douglas Caddy. Caddy is well-known for being the Attorney of the Watergate burglars who mysteriously broke into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) looking for secrets that have never been revealed, and he also represented Texas businessman Billy Sol Estes in his bid to expose the lurid details of LBJ’s participation in the JFK Assassination.

Caddy was close personal friends with ultra CIA insider and agent E. Howard Hunt, who used Caddy to represent his many non-intel projects, but later lured him in to represent the Watergate burglars while keeping his own role hidden. In their final meeting Hunt shared never before heard details of the JFK Assassination with Caddy, including the fact that the Watergate burglary was instigated as a mission to obtain vital documents regarding hidden evidence in the DNC that revealed details of a massive conspiracy to assassinate JFK. In a bombshell twist, Hunt then revealed that JFK was killed for his attempts to expose the reality of the Alien Presence and share it with our Russian Cold War adversaries.

Since the original UFO flap of 1947, the US had created a secret group sometimes referred to as 'Majestic Twelve' or ‘MJ12' to study the phenomena and to reverse-engineer technology that was recovered. This secret MJ12 group began to grow beyond it’s mandate and eventually slipped away from presidential supervision and formed a Breakaway group operating inside the National Security State via elements in the CIA. When Kennedy discovered this covert group operating outside the purview of the President he instituted a number of initiatives to regain control over the advanced research and technology achieved with knowledge of the Alien Presence. One of these initiatives was to share our knowledge of the UFO Phenomena with our Russian Cold War enemies in the Soviet Union, and institute a joint Space Program/Moon Mission to avert a new arms race in space.

Documented official memos from JFK, including National Security Action Memorandum 271, direct NASA to institute a new policy of cooperation in space exploration with the Russians, another memo, recently released under the Freedom of Information Act, shows JFK told the CIA to hand over all data concerning UFOs with an emphasis on “High Threat” cases. These memos were dated November 12th, 1963, only ten days before JFK was killed in Dallas, Texas and are further evidence that he was assassinated because of his exposing of the UFO secret. The UFO cabal were not going to let him show the world what the National Security State decided was their own private discovery. They were willing to remove a sitting President to maintain their UFO Technology Secrecy!

Shocking, controversial, eye-opening, stunning and full of never-before heard details of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. We are witnessing history unfold in this special, powerful and extended Dark Journalist episode and we will walk through this impossible, multifaceted labyrinth with a man at the heart of history, Douglas Caddy!

Questions For Corbett | Why Are You Against Globalism? | June 29. 2015


James takes some time out of packing for his summer vacation to answer your queries in this month's edition of Questions For Corbett. This month he tackles: the CIA and the Iranian nuclear program; the problems of the debt-money paradigm; globalism as an ideology; the predictive programming problem, and much more.

Show Notes:
‘Operation Merlin': Another self-serving CIA project
Nuclear Secrets: How America Helped Pakistan Get the Bomb
Porter Goss
Money As Debt
Foreign holders of US treasury securities
Comcast-Time Warner Deal Tops A Year Of Corporate Mergers
Announced Mergers & Acquisitions in North America 1985-2015
Bank Of England’s Haldane: “We’ve Intentionally Blown The Biggest Bond Bubble In History” Defeating the Globalists
Princes of the Yen

Curt Doolittle | Propertarianism & Philosophy of Truth Telling | Hour 1 | June 29, 2015


June 29, 2015–Curt Doolittle is an American entrepreneur and author living in Kiev, Ukraine. He is an independent theorist of political economy in the conservative libertarian tradition, and founder of the Propertarian Institute. Curt is with us to share his work surrounding Propertarianism, which can be defined as the philosophy of truth telling and a response to conservatives’ lack of a rational and scientific language for discussing the evolutionary strategy of ancient Western civilization.

Curt begins with an overview of the framework of Propertarianism and reasons why truth telling has historically given European society a competitive edge. He explains the differences between high-trust and deceit oriented cultures, distinguishing the costs of truth telling vs. lying. Then, we discuss the various reactionary movements that emerged from the failed Enlightenment project, each riddled with a desperate attempt to hold onto the past while utilizing inoperational sciences, resulting in over a century of costly pseudoscience.

Curt emphasizes that Anglo Europeans operated for thousands of years in extremely high-trust societies, and this gave rise to a lack of healthy skepticism when confronted with a new age of mass media, propaganda, and deceit. He adds how franchising women into politics paired with an influx of immigrants from low-trust societies topped off with the idealism of political correctness all changed the moral landscape of the west.

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The Corbett Report | Nuclear Warfare in the 21st Century | June 28, 2015


As NATO and Russia revive the old nuclear Cold War, the public is being prepared to accept the first-strike use of tactical nuclear weapons on targets in the Middle East and elsewhere. And as the world inches closer to a World War III scenario, we find the old MAD doctrine being revived in a new round of madness.

Brien Foerster | Egypt's Secret Underground Temple Of Energy | June 27, 2015


Below the floor of the Temple of Dendara in Egypt there are secret chambers that the general public never saw during dynastic times. -Brien Foerster

New World Next Week | Pentagon Moving to Weaponize Space | June 26, 2015


Story #1: The Pentagon’s New ‘Law Of War Manual’ Is Chilling
Update to US War Manual Makes it Easier to Defend Killing Journalists
PDF: Department of Defense - Law of War Manual
Defense Dept. Employees Used Government Charge Cards at “Adult Entertainment Establishments” 900 Times in One Year
PDF: DoD Cardholders Used Their Government Travel Cards for Personal Use at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments

Story #2: Star Cold Wars - Pentagon Rushing to Open Space-War Center To Counter China, Russia; Says Space Now “Considered a Contested Operational Domain"
Pentagon Girds for Space War with Russia, China
How DOD’s $1.5 Trillion F-35 Broke the Air Force
NSA Chief Says Don’t Assume China Hacked OPM

Story #3: #GoodNewsNextWeek: Japan to Lift Its 67-Year-Old Ban on Dancing
Flashback: Wrath of Dancing Grandmothers Forces Chinese Government to Backtrack
Flashback: Jefferson Memorial Dancing Arrests Under Investigation

#GoodNewsNextWeek Updates:
Amazon Tribe Creates 500-page Traditional Medicine Encyclopedia
Marijuana Goes Legal In Oregon On July 1

#NewWorldNextWeek Updates:
Weapons Manufacturers Can't Call Themselves Christian
U.S. Lawmakers Lay Down 'Red Lines' on Iran Nuclear Deal
Israel Bombs Lebanon to Destroy Own Downed Drone
NYPD to Add 1,300 Officers, Including 300 for ‘Counterterrorism Team’
FOIA Docs Again Prove CIA Undertakes Domestic Operations
Congress Gives Obama Fast-Track Authority for Trade Deals
House Easily Clears Trade Package
Supreme Court Upholds All Obamacare Subsidies In Win For Obama
Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four

Jeff Rense & Frosty Wooldridge | America on the Brink | June 23, 2015


Clip from June 23, 2015 - guest Frosty Wooldridge on the Jeff Rense Program.

William Engdahl | Western sanctions may be extended far longer than the expected six months | June 24, 2015

Source:, Sputnik Radio Soundcloud

William Engdahl - historian, economic researcher and best-selling author

That’s according to Vnesheconombank Deputy Chairman Andrey Klepach speaking at the SPIEF.
Earlier the EU Committee of Permanent Representatives agreed to extend economic sanctions against Russia by six months. The formal decision may be taken on June 22.

However despite the sanctions regime the representatives of the largest Western companies attended the forum in Russia. To discuss this we are now joned live over the phone by our correspondent Andrew Korybko with William Engdahl, historian, economic researcher and best-selling author.

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Jay Dyer | Dylann Roof & The Charleston Church Shooting | Hour 1 | June 24, 2015


June 24, 2015–Jay Dyer is a writer and researcher from the Southern US who obtained his BA in philosophy, while his graduate work focused on the interplay of literary theory, espionage and philosophy. His website, Jay’s Analysis, is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo culture, illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion.

Jay returns to RIR for a special extended segment in which we discuss the June 17, 2015 shooting at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, allegedly carried out by the now infamous Dylann “Storm” Roof. Jay provides his analysis of the patterns surrounding this event, which have curious similarities to those of other mass shooting sprees and false flags that have been highlighted in the mainstream media.

We discuss many elements that point to stage craft, including the ready-made narrative for a “White Terrorist” rolled out into news coverage, a cartoonish manifesto appearing on cue, and gun control legislation waiting in the wings for approval. We also consider the phenomena of active shooter drill running concurrent with the shooting and telltale signs of crisis actors being used for on-camera interviews.

Then, we take a look at the larger context of the “Summer of Rage” being touted by the leftist media and pushed internally by the Obama administration in an effort to ramp up the threat of racial war, switching from that of Islamic terrorism. Jay lays out some of the true history of the Confederacy and the Civil War and we talk about the attack on southern symbolism that is promoting the psychological warfare strategy of mindless collective guilt.

Further, we get into the monopoly of victimhood, the dangers of mob mentality, and the eradication of anything holding a meaning that could be deemed offensive. Jay also points to liberal indictments that are targeting the millennials to rapidly transform traditional values and wholesome living and destroy reason and logic. Later, we discuss the implications of the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) simmering in the background while racially motivated groups profit off of the government’s strategy of tension. At the end, we examine why only certain criminals are lifted up in the media and how the centralized power structure uses dupes and entrapment to carry out a degenerate agenda.

download hour 1 mp3

Martyn Stubbs NASA UFO Archives | NASA UFOs in COLOR (Night to Daylight)

Source: Martyn Stubbs youtube

For 4 minutes, a UFO moves down the left side of the picture, as a NASA color camera shows a satellite in the payload bay of the shuttle Discovery. We see darkness turn to daylight over the EARTH & still the UFO remains visible. Other UFOs also appear & move about. From my (Martyn Stubbs) NASA UFO Archives. -Martyn Stubbs
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